Chapter 448 Not leaking [seeking subscription]

The three golden beads slapped towards the huge face transformed by the Master Tongtian. In an instant, three golden lights struck Shattering Void, and three holes appeared in the black dark clouds, and the sun’s rays were transmitted through the holes.

Daoist is considered a bargain, but his current two brushes are still not enough for the Master of Heaven to see.

“The little trick dared to play with me, let me see how you escape from under my nose.

The other huge arm suddenly showed up, tearing the bondage of the Daoist Wanfa inscription.

There was a tearing sound in the sky.

However, Daoist was introduced instead of the general ones, and he still had room to face the Master of Tongtian, and he had already guessed that this was not the main body of Master of Tongtian, otherwise he would not move his hands, showing dullness and sluggishness.

“Is Sage’s body so great? It is really whimsical to use the power of the original god to fight against my body.”

It’s no wonder why the Lord Tongtian walked into the universe map quietly, why no one noticed the reason.

In order to further give the Master Tongtian a disarm, the Daoist was introduced to almost every step left with a Restrictions. Under the footprints, several inscription marks were left, and in a short while, the light of the inscriptions did not sink into the ground and hid them.

The Taoist robe that received Daoist was not enough to stop him, and soon the Master Tongtian tore the shackles away, and then the body of the soul was materialized again.

Between the black mist, a giant walked slowly, but every step was almost dozens of miles apart. It seems slow, but in fact it is very fast. Within a few steps, he had caught up with Daoist, the lead who was hurriedly evading trial.

“I see where you are going to escape.

The black figure reappeared,-a black fist cut through the void and hit the Tianling who had led the person.

“Rumble.” There was another loud noise.

However, after the noise, Daoist was not only unscathed, but stood in front of the giant’s face and pointed to his nose.

“You got it, haha ​​w^ ”

Suddenly, Daoist called the device again, and the Master Tongtian suddenly calmed down and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I only felt a sudden tremor in the soles of my feet, but in Minor World, there were no waves.

At the same time, the lead Daoist suddenly disappeared. He in front of him is just a need, just to deceive him and delay time.

The real body of Daoist is directly under the feet of the giant.

I saw him chanting hand seals, and the earth shook more violently. Taking the Restrictions left by Daoist, slowly agitated at the feet of the giant eye.

With the giant as the center, a magic circle is formed, and it is wrapped in it. In the following 4 weeks of formation, 4 cyan copper pillars burst out of the ground.

On the bronze pillars, countless Taoist Restrictions are depicted. Suddenly, the original freeze frame on the bronze pillar became alive. Slowly a pillar began to swim as the carrier.

I saw a beast with a mouth wide open, took off the giant, tearing the giant’s flesh and blood.

The primordial spirit of the Master Tongtian was suddenly eroded, which made him stunned for a moment, and then used a savage method to tear the beast to pieces.

However, all of this has just begun. The bronze pillars that were buried before were used by Daoist to deal with Ling Bao’s killing array. For this reason, he planned for a long time. In order to refining these 4 bronze pillars, I don’t know how much time and energy was spent, just to one day be able to come in handy.

It’s a pity that it’s useless for people, but it’s the same for Master Tongtian. This is also the source of Daoist’s confidence.

“Sky demon, you really have the ability to seal them inside.”

The Lord Tongtian saw the clues inside. The four bronze pillars are not the point, but just a medium.

The inscriptions engraved inside and the demon spirit contained are the key points.

As early as a hundred years ago, during the battle of the monster clan, Ling Bao spent much effort to relieve the resentment and liberating the monster clan. However, the sea bones of the monster clan buried under the wild land were actually dug by Daoist. Coming out, and refining it, set up this ten thousand monster formation.

“I have more abilities. This is just one of them, but it is more than enough to deal with you now.

Daoist laughed loudly, but he didn’t dare to hesitate for a moment. Because he knows who he is facing, as long as he makes a mistake, he will be forever.

“Okay, let’s see who you are better than me.

What is consumed in the formation is the Cultivation Base and True Qi of the two, but it is easier for the caster to control, and the ability will also get several times the Ascension.

But looking at the Master of Heaven, the giant trapped in it, the situation is not so optimistic. It can be said that it is difficult to walk. In order to fight against the evil demon in the Ten Thousand Demon Array, the True Qi and power consumed are lost at a rate like a flood bursting a bank.

The four bronze pillars stand in the ground and cannot be shaken by it. However, the iron chains are extremely strong, and the giants are firmly bound in them.

Countless sky demons were originally soul bodies, and facing such a great power of the soul, it was simply a feast for them.

Such a big piece of fat is inexhaustible. Without tearing off a piece of flesh and blood, their strength will be increased, and it will increase exponentially.

“. Damn it, break…” The Master Tongtian suddenly shouted, and his body’s ability to emerge doubled.

In order to break the shackles, it was a desperate move.

I saw the giant shaking hands with both hands and hitting the ground hard. Every time it hits, the earth trembles, and the shock formed is enough to disperse the attacking stalks of the sky demon.

The big (promise) land could not withstand the power of the giant, and began to fragment gradually, forming a chasm at the feet of the giant.

“It seems that there are still flaws, and it is not foolproof.”

The Master Tongtian found a way to crack it, but couldn’t beat it in the formation, which is normal. But the method of escape is even more proficient.

Using violent and savage methods, they got rid of the sky demon’s soul attack, but the four cyan iron chains that couldn’t get rid of. Firmly clasping the shoulders of the giants, deeply penetrates the bone marrow, as if they are growing together.

“Hum, if your deity comes and breaks my formation, it will only take a quarter of an hour, but now it is different, your self-confidence is hurting you.”

I don’t know how long Daoist has been preparing for this, and the calculations are not leaking. Any method that can break the formation is tested, and the Ten Thousand Demon Formation has its embryonic form today. .

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