Chapter 425 Heart’s Demon(1) 【Subscribe】

“Chilian Immortal Grass, it turned out to be him, but how could this fresh grass, Master, be on your body? Ling Bao and us are the opposite.” Monkey Sun asked puzzledly.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t respond too much to this, but instead put all the focus on the pill refining furnace. Seeing the heat inside, it was time for the last ban to be tempered.

I saw that after Yuanshi Tianzun put the Chilian Immortal Grass into the pill furnace, he began to practice the burning three-flavored real fire, urging it to the extreme, and finally counted the Spiritual Qi flowing from the arm of Yuanshi Tianzun into the pill furnace.

After that, the original Tianzun seemed to have entered concentration, his eyes closed tightly, and he maintained this state all the time. The other disciples didn’t dare to ask more, and hurriedly stepped forward to protect the Fa for the master old man.

For a while, the sweat on his forehead began to slowly dissipate. Soy bean-sized beads of sweat, I recognized their clothes, so I said that the energy and physical strength were not much, but the time was too long, too long, I did not expect to find the master to complain, seek The way to deal with it, but this time it became pill refining.

At the other end, Ling Bao got some respite. Daoist did not dare to show up easily, and if he took the shot himself, Ling Bao Tianzun would not allow him. With his current strength, he was not enough to face each other directly.

Although Daoist has reached the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage, and one foot has entered the ranks of Sage, everything is so close, it’s a tiny bit, it’s a thousand miles away.

Ling Bao recruited Jiang Ziya and others, and planned to infuse the Five Spirit Orbs into the earth veins, and use this to increase the luck of the human race, thereby enhancing the overall strength of the human race.

However, on this piece of land, the Five Spirit Orbs need to be driven into it according to the corresponding direction. It can be said that it is almost a little bit, and it will deviate a lot because of this.

“Uncle Shi’s affairs are covered by us, so I won’t bother Master Uncle is running for us.” Jiang Ziya thinks this is a small matter. -It’s difficult.

But Jiang Ziya didn’t know that there was more than one person peeping at this matter. The Five Spirit Orbs corresponded to the 5 powers of nature. Although it is now wrapped in colorful Spirit Stones, it does not mean that no one can see it.

“For safety, let’s go together. If there is a change in the way, the responsibility will be big or small.

Ling Bao is still an old attitude, usually doing things by himself, because there are some things that are sloppy, not only about the luck of the human race, but also about the future of own. Anyway, the two have long been linked, and it won’t work if there is a problem on either side.

There are 33 heavens above, and there is a higher Realm above. As for the edge of the rising wild, no one dares to touch it, and no one can get there. But this piece of land at the foot also has 18 levels downwards, and the veins are on the edge of the tenth Eighth Stage.

From the sky, the higher the altitude, the cold and the wind is violent, but the exploration down is the opposite. The temperature is getting higher and the air is getting less and less circulated. The hiding place of the demon ghost is only within ten Eighth Stage.

Ling Bao began to practice, forming an absolutely safe Realm legal system. Jiang Ziya and others came out of the body and followed Ling Bao to the edge of the ten Eighth Stage.

The habitat of the first stage snakes, rats, ants and insects is not too difficult to break into the soil, but the second stage touches the water, and the third stage is basically the monster habitat of the underground Immortal Cave, and the further down Six The living beings in Paths of Reincarnation are less and less troublesome.

“The road behind the uncle will be left to us, and I believe it will not be too much trouble in the front.

It is true that the trouble is getting smaller and smaller in the future, but the erosion of the original god is getting bigger and bigger, and the earth veins have a certain attraction, so that the undead souls will all be accompanied by them, immortal, and never as good as Samsara. For them this is catastrophe, for them it is suffering, and all grievances arise.

At the end of this First Stage is full of grievances, and seeing outsiders will definitely attack. If it is some ordinary wandering souls, it is easy to deal with. Solved his pain. But where there is a weak, there is a strong. The spiritual attack is before the Cultivation Base. The original god can be said to be very fragile, and it is a little careless.

Attracted to it and swallowed by others, the consequences would be disastrous.

“The border is about to be reached, everyone keep their minds steady and don’t be fooled by the things around them.”

Ling Bao left this sentence. What is the specific thing? In what state? Ling Bao didn’t dare to talk nonsense, because the complexity of it was even more complicated than that of all creatures mixed together between heaven and earth.

.0 Seeking flowers……0

Those who do not enter Samsara will be abandoned by Samsara, and thus will not belong to these six paths.However, what they have transformed into and what they have done for thousands of years can only touch the bottom and see the inside. the truth.

Everyone started to recite the Heart-Cleaning Mantra according to the instructions beforehand. Everyone closed their eyes and quickly penetrated the deep layers of the earth like a meteor. But unexpected things still happened.

Nezha was originally a spiritual body, pure and flawless, it can be said that it is not invaded by a hundred evils. Yang Zheng has a magical body protector, and the sky eye has been opened. Don’t worry. The difference is Jiang Ziya.

“Brother.” A familiar voice came from behind him.


Jiang Ziya looked back subconsciously, and couldn’t see it. Isn’t this the junior Shen Gongbao who entered the teacher’s school at the same time as him?

“Why are you here?” Jiang Ziya asked back.

“Why can’t I come? We are in the same family, and you and I are all in the same school, and I know you know what you are doing. Can you not help if you have trouble?” Shen Gongbao’s words made Jiang Ziya inexplicable. Normally, it has been stated that he is on the opposite side. Why do you suddenly say With these words.

“You don’t bother me, even if you have already helped a lot.” Jiang Ziya ignored it, but had a reaction in his heart.

Hearing a whistle, a gust of wind blew by his side, Shen Gongbao suddenly came to Jiang Ziya and blocked his way.

“Senior brother, don’t say that. There is evil in the vicinity of the spiritual veins. We are mortals, different from them.”

Listening to Shen Gongbao’s words, Jiang Ziya suddenly stopped for some reason, thinking that it was indeed the case.

“Let’s talk, why are you looking for me?” Jiang Ziya looked at the figures of other practitioners who were going away, and it was not convenient for him to stay longer. After all, he had to protect Ling Bao when the time came.

“Of course I have something to tell you. Our master Yuan Shi Tianzun specially asked me to come and wake you up. Ling Bao is a liar.”

Shen Gongbao’s words shocked Jiang Ziya’s heart, and then the picture in front of him suddenly changed and began to become distorted, like a whirlpool, slowly sucking it away from here. and.

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