Chapter 424 Laojun’s calculations [seeking subscription]

Yun Zhongzi has been defeated by the army. At this time, he didn’t want to say more, maybe he still didn’t get out of the defeat. This defeat is of great significance to him, and it is time for him to reflect on himself.

“You don’t have any other places to go now. Just stay here. I still have a spiritual herbs you should use.” Ling Bao finished what he could say, and did not continue to pay attention to him and let him alone. A good silence is a good way.

Rumors flew up outside, and everything was said. In short, the situation was extremely complicated, and it was so complicated that things could not be ended by relying on one’s own power. The Wanfa Buddha Seal is not something that ordinary people can use, and Ling Bao was surprised by the creation of the mirror world.

After explaining the cause, Ling Bao hurriedly left and returned to his body. Ling Bao Tianzun’s closed eyes slowly opened, and he took a look at the current continent again. The face has long been flying, and the original piece of pure land has changed with the admission of Daoist.

The new Chaos Magical Item has not been refined yet. Forty-nine Restrictions are still the last three. However, due to the restrictions of Cultivation Base, it is not easy to refine it according to your own wishes. Insight Heavenly Dao, refining Magical Item, and pill refining medicine are not easy tasks. Every breakthrough is not only based on the basic Cultivation Base, but the most important thing is the opportunity and luck.

None of these can be done by force, Dao Fa Xuan Tian can easily be penetrated. With the refinement of each step, all facing new challenges. But the road to the Jane, Wanfa stays in it. It looks simple but it is complicated. It seems like a mess, but the truth is right before you.

Pulling aside the mist in front of you, it is this thin window paper, but it is difficult to find the root.

“Why are you so tired?” Nuwa saw Ling Bao Tianzun frowning at this time, and could only solve the mystery in front of Ling Bao from the side.

“I can’t help myself, I can’t stay outside.” Ling Bao got up and walked slowly above the clouds.

Thousands of miles are cloudless, and on the thick soil under the sky, it is not too easy to be active in the world. In the mountains and rivers, there are always some cultivators in the Immortal Cave who are controlled by their own minds. To put it bluntly, Heart’s Demon desires to worship, but it is a pity that no one knows it.

“The old man has a good abacus, and the introduction of Zhunti is even more linked. The origin is (bafa).” Nuwa continued.

These days, people who are outside of this layout, Nuwa has already seen it clearly. Now the Conferred God is imminent, but it is more like a task set by Master Hongjun, but the trigger conditions are a bit too harsh, so that the current situation has become a dead end, if there is no sacrifice to complete the mission of the Conferred God , Let everyone see the final result, they

Five people cannot give up.

Too many explanations and reasons make people unbelievable, and even more suspicion. Kindness is regarded as the liver and lungs of a donkey, which makes the heart tired.

“It’s hard to tell, each has its own ideas, each has its own calculations, don’t hit the south wall and don’t give up. It’s still the usual saying, take one step at a time, in short, I must keep the luck of the human race. !”

Then Ling Bao picked up a treasure Magical Item from Nuwa. Ling Bao looked at his own lover and said, “Let me use the Five Spirit Orbs.”

The Five Spirit Orbs are the forces of nature quoted by Nuwa. When repairing the heavens and the earth, by a coincidence, the colorful divine stones act as containers to absorb these five natural forces.

“What’s the use of him?” Nuwa asked puzzledly.

This thing is not a real treasure. Compared with Qiankun map, Taiji map is much weaker, but its function is not as simple as a magic circle or a killer. The current changes in the world are formed by the mutual evolution of the five forces of nature, but the Five Spirit Orbs are an introduction, which can be transformed into the earth’s veins to ensure the luck of the human race.

“The luck of the human race represents my luck. What use do you say is it?” Ling Bao asked rhetorically.

Nuwa smiled without saying a word. It did seem a little dull just now, but the effect of the Five Spirit Orbs was still quite limited. It is almost impossible to truly have a life forever.

Then the Five Spirit Orbs turned into Ling Bao’s universe bag, only to see Ling Bao closed his eyes again, and gradually settled into concentration, continuing to experience himself in this large trial field, and at the same time looking for his own opportunity good fortune.

Effort is a prerequisite for the successful construction of the road, and this foundation is indispensable. But at the same time, there are even more immortals who choose to do this. Although this method is simple, but the simple is very complicated.

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On Kunlun Mountain, Ran Deng and others returned to the nest in embarrassment, but they couldn’t see Master Closed Door Training. The other teachers and brothers in the school all experienced wild travel, and now they don’t know where. Dao Tong was also in twos and threes. Seeing that the master came back, he hurriedly saluted. But when Randan Daoist asked, they saw them shaking their heads repeatedly.

“No, I’m going to find the Master.” The moral behavior is more anxious, and this step on the foot will soar to the sky.

“Junior Brother, are you looking for cursing? Don’t you know what his old man’s temper is?” Randan Daoist stopped him.

The three of them wandered back and forth, and time slowly began to pass. This wait was three days.

The Shen Nine Kowloon Car suddenly appeared on the other side of the sky and came slowly. The few people were taken aback when they saw it, thinking that Master, his old man, is not Closed Door Training, but now it seems that he has just returned from a trip.

“Master, where did you go?” Randeng Daoist stepped forward to salute.

Yuanshi Tianzun strolled and got out of the car. He had already learned about the fact that the disciple had lost the battle, but he did not appear to be reprimanded.

“The day before yesterday, someone invited an invitation, so I went to the meeting.” Yuan Shi Tianzun simply responded, and walked towards the main hall.

Suddenly a pill refining furnace appeared in the main hall, and the purple Gold Core furnace was exactly the same as that of the old man. But the two brothers are not the same in the way of Dao Dao, Yuanshi Tianzun’s refining of Medicine Pill is absolutely inferior to his brother.

Just when a few people didn’t know what to say next, their master suddenly stretched out his palm, and a plant of immortal grass penetrated into the pill furnace, and the furnace began to change as a result.

“Master, what is that?” Ran Deng has seen this thing, and the moral respect and fear of leaving grandchildren are also familiar.

“Could it be that fairy grass?” Fear Liusun added suspiciously.

The master nodded and then slowly said: “This thing is the Chilian Immortal Grass you saw before.”

The Medicine Pill refined by the Taishang Laojun was refined for his own junior, which Ling Bao could not calculate at all. As for why the Laojun can easily exchange it, it is estimated that this is the choice he made. ,

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