Chapter 384 Shen Gongbao stirs up the muddy water [seeking subscription]

However, Jiang Ziya was not in the camp, but he was too far away from his tactics. The news came out overnight, telling Li Jing and his four sons, one step in advance, to catch up with the opportunity.

The second general Humha is not uncontrollable. His weakness is above his mouth and nose, and his sound is also emitted from this, breaking his bones and breaking his nose before he can withdraw from the enemy.

Moreover, Nezha was born to be immune to the sound of Humha, not controlled by it, and not bound by it, that is to say, Nezha is Li Jing’s killer bronze, the core of the enemy-breaking method.

The news broke that the four Li Jing and his sons were overjoyed after the exemption card, and immediately sent troops.

“The miscellaneous soldier crab will come to die again.” The second general, Chen Qi, holding the bronze cauldron, laughed loudly. The battle the day before made him feel confident.

“I’m not ashamed of my death.” Nezha refused to give in, but in fact, he was 100% sure about it.

“Just grab it with your hands.” Humming, without too much nonsense, he took a deep breath and snorted.


Prepared in advance, everyone used magic enchantment to seal the five senses and two orifices, all of them, but the whole body still sent out a sensation of soul-related pain, the body trembled, and the ground shook the mountains.

Nezha, to become the protagonist of this battle, of course, is doing my part, holding an Innate Magical Item, a fire-tip spear, and piercing the mouth and nose of the second general.

However, the second general Humha had been prepared for a long time, facing the direction Nezha rushed over, hum, haha ​​twice.

“Haha.” Nezha didn’t use his full force with the attack, but in fact, it was just to bring the opponent closer to reveal the flaws.

Immediately, a golden light flashed, hitting Chen Qi, the large bronze cauldron, and breaking it.

Having lost the bronze cauldron and its power has been drastically reduced, Nezha found the opportunity, stepped on the Hot Wheels, and then took a roundabout way, bound his body with Hun Tian Aya, and sealed his mouth.

Humming, seeing that the situation is not good, he withdrew again and again, but it was too late, the universe circle, did not continue to give him a chance, and then another golden light flashed across, and attacked the past head-on, cracking his face, causing It was unable to absorb, repelled the second general of Hemha.

Li Jing realized that the time had come, opened the barrier, and all the soldiers rushed over. The opposing group of dragons has no leader, the vanguard general, who has been beaten and cannot fight back, has lost the backbone, and its morale is greatly reduced. Instead, it is Li Jing’s army.

As the saying goes, know yourself and your opponent, bafa will not die, find the flaws and fight hard, never leave your hands, of course Nezha, at this time is the nemesis of the two generals.

Nezha contributed a lot to the victory this time. This was the first small shot and a good start.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao was long overdue and wanted to grab this first job, but what he didn’t expect was that Jiang Ziya would be quick enough.

“Does the national teacher come here to pass on the will of the great king again?” Li Jing was instructing to clean the battlefield.

Shen Gongbao looked ashamed by the time. Seeing that the game had been set, he had nothing to say.

“Yes, the king asked me to supervise the battle and help if necessary.

From the beginning to the end, Shen Gongbao just lost one move, but under this move, the winner has already been divided. Jiang Ziya’s hatred with him was formed invisibly, and the grudge between the two became deeper and deeper. Although Shen Gongbao is the leopard who has opened up his wisdom, according to his practice, he is no less than Jiang Ziya, but Shen Gongbao is eager for quick success and quick profit, and he is very jealous.

As for, it became a grain of sand in this huge fish tank and began to muddy the water.

Shen Gongbao, he couldn’t say a word anymore. After he won the battle, what could he say? Instead, he said a few good things to ease the embarrassment at this time.

“When I go back, I will definitely say a few words to the king. The three sons of the Li family are indeed well-known. They are not as well-known as meeting. They defeated the second general of Huo Ha with their own power. They are very powerful.” Shen Gongbao, arched his hands and began to cry. Get up and pretend to be polite.

But because of this, Shen Gongbao, after seeing this situation, it will not take long before Ji Chang will undoubtedly lose. Shen Gongbao knows that King Zhou is under his control, but this contest has just begun and is about to end. Now, Shen Gongbao secretly planned to instigate other princes and kings.

But if the people below calculate, the above are also calculated. Yuanshi Tianzun is also unwilling, and because of the last big move, he feels that this Tongtian leader is no longer a so-called restriction that he and daddy can hold. The balance seems to be broken. Nowadays, daddy, don’t care about world affairs, focus on Insight, and wait until one day breakthrough

Cultivation Base bottleneck, make plans again, and everything will come naturally. In other words, there are only 4 people who can move the body and bones, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Guru, Zhunti, and Ling Bao, who has been reluctant to say anything.

King Zhou was very happy when he learned that Li Jing had won a big victory. He didn’t expect Nezha to make great achievements when he was a fledgling young man. The king not only praised him, but also gave certain support in practical actions. But Ji Chang, on the other side, made rumors to make right and wrong, and other princes and lords were not all fools.

Just as Ji Chang didn’t just change how to deal with it next, Shen Gongbao suddenly turned into a puff of black smoke and appeared in Ji Chang’s study.


Shen Gongbao’s appearance can be said to be without any signs, but Ji Chang is also extraordinary. After all, there are rumors among the people that Ji Chang is Sage.

Ji Chang, by the candlelight, saw a dark shadow, took advantage of the trend and drew his long sword to face each other.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m here to discuss with you.” Shen Gongbao said, touching the beard on his chin.

The room was dim, but the voice was very familiar. Ji Chang recognized this person in the next second. It was Shen Gongbao, the national teacher next to King Zhou. Ji Chang wondered why he came here, and could not see his conspiracy.

“To discuss the big plan? What can I have to discuss with you, come here.” “Before Ji Chang’s voice, Shen Gongbao cleverly used tricks to seal the house and the outside, with no entry or exit.

When Ji Chang saw this, he had no escape, but his own fate was not today, and Ji Chang had already taken possession of himself.

He calmed down and said, “What’s the conspiracy?”

“Haha.” Shen Gongbao knew exactly who he was, but he was just a duplicity, but he always looked upright.

“There is Jiang Ziya in the dynasty. There are many capable people, but there is no one around you to use. Do you think this battle can really be won?” Shen Gongbao laughed

“King Zhou, I don’t share the same spirit with him. I have already made a noise. As long as the reputation of King Zhou is ruined, how can we lose when the people’s hearts are going?” Ji Chang asked rhetorically.

“Xibohou, it’s really benevolent and righteous, since I’m so confident, then I’m running for nothing.” After that, Shen Gongbao was casting spells and was about to leave.

“Hold on”

Ji Chang, suddenly stopped. .

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