Chapter 383 Hem Ha, two generals [seeking subscription]

“Disciple, wait a while, and meet with your father Li Jing. Then Jiang Ziya will know how to do it.” Ling Bao said the matter was a bit vague, but in fact it was already very clear. .

Nezha, nodded, but there was already a smile in his heart. You can go out and take a look at this grand world. Naturally, there is some excitement in his heart.

Ling Bao also saw Nezha’s mind, but there was not too much words. From time to time, it turned into a ray of neon and disappeared above the clouds.

Zhou Wen Wang Jichang, not long after he returned, raised troops to overthrow the rule of Yin and Shang. And secretly assembled, contacted the great princes and kings, planning to unite, and will distort the facts, add oil and jealousy, and pretend to be a pitiful lobby.

King Zhou can be said to be a rare talent in a century. He is a natural emperor. It can be said to be courageous and strategic. It is a pity that he was previously deceived by others, lost his mind, and was swayed by an adulterer before committing cruel torture. However, it was corrected in time, but Ji Chang’s wanton release of the news was unexpectedly distorting the real facts.

But now, King Yue has woken up and Jiang Ziya is trying to protect the Shang Dynasty. However, other fief kings, headed by Ji Chang, have been plotting for a long time, and now they have declared war in the name of Zhou Wang’s Fife.

Go to the hall.

“Okay, Ji Chang, 7 years have passed. You still turned your back. It’s a waste of my original trust.” King Zhou was furious, but the matter has come to this point. No amount of emotional venting is useless. Can be considered in the long term.

“The king, please calm down and take care of the dragon body. Now it is not out of control. It is just a Xibohou. It is not enough to be afraid, let alone the national teacher.

Su Daji’s charming eyes seemed to have an idea, and there was a touch of peach blossom in his eyes, ready to add oil and jealousy again.

“Not to be afraid? Then you can talk about it.” The fox charm technique is no longer useful to King Zhou, but he still pretends to have an unknowing face with blurred eyes.

“The king, for the man chosen by heaven, is naturally sheltered by the gods, and now there is rebellion. That must have caused the anger of the immortals, and now the ministers have found a way /

If you can get help from an expert, it can be said to be easy to destroy Ji Chang. Thinking of this, King Zhou’s nervous expression suddenly turned, looked at Shen Gongbao and said, “If you have something to say, don’t make a mistake.

“In return to the king, the minister has met countless fellow daoist. If they can be invited to help, all the trouble will be solved.”

Shen Gongbao turned his eyes to Su Daji.

“Yeah, the king, the national teacher is a person who has achieved the Tao, and his fellow daoist is naturally able to achieve the Tao. If they come to help, why is it that the only Xiqi is afraid?”

After Su Daji’s words were finished, King Zhou looked slightly, and he also had a certain number in his heart.

“Jiang Ziya, what do you think?”

Jiang Ziya took a step forward and replied, “The king, if you can really invite the immortal house, it is naturally excellent, but the court is not available to anyone. Nezha, the son of Li Jing, has come to Chaoge Road. This son is born. Divine power, superb enlightenment, holding the Divine Armament sharp blade, is enough to cut.

Jiang Ziya recommended one person to the king, but in the name of Nezha, hundreds of civil and military officials, almost no one knows. Mrs. Li Jing was pregnant for three years before giving birth to Nezha. She was lively and active as a child, but she showed amazing abilities. Now that he has grown up, it is indeed time to work for others.

“Well, well, now it’s the time when people are employed. Those who have more ability will be like a tiger with wings. When the arrival of Li Jing and his son, the widow will definitely make another arrangement.

The court recommends each other, but in fact they are fighting over and under. Shen Gongbao’s purpose is very clear. He is going to sow discord everywhere, for fear that the world will not be chaotic, and he himself has no use. But Shen Gongbao, the leopard spirit, can be said to have no definite position, but he also has his destined mission, which is to disrupt the overall situation and target Jiang Ziya everywhere.

Jiang Ziya was just the opposite of him. He tried to protect the Shang Dynasty and destroy the King of Zhou, so as to unify the great princes and the world, and end this era of war and chaos. This is Jiang Ziya’s fate.

“Shen Gongbao, took a step forward, and seemed to have said the solution, but deliberately hung the king’s appetite, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Ziya’s movements.


Afterwards, Shen Gongbao recruited the great immortal houses, but most of them were pretending to be the immortal houses, and for a while, the group of demons gathered to confuse King Zhou.

However, King Zhou continued to implement the plan to the end. After all, in his opinion, whether Su Daji’s charm or Shen Gongbao’s instigation, but in fact, all in the wrong situation, it helped the owner a lot and saved a lot of money. The things that went smoothly, it has always been like a natural fit.

“My lord, all the immortals, knowing that the lord is in trouble, I came here to help.” Su Daji began to introduce them one by one, but the fox’s tail had already been exposed, and King Zhou could only shake his head and cry in his heart, but on the surface it was still You have to pretend, if nothing happened, like a puppet, letting others do it.


Well, it’s a great business for me to have a great talent like a Chinese teacher to help me. ”

Su Daji, the national teacher, the two looked at each other as if they were planning in their hearts, and it seemed that they would continue. Soon, he brought his troops to the border of Xiqi. But unexpectedly, there are capable people behind Ji Chang, and an old man is not unavailable.

The disciples of Jiejiao were instigated by Shen Gongbao and came to help King Zhou. But as soon as he came out of the teacher, he was defeated. But what I care most is not the status of my own national teacher, but whether he can beat Jiang Ziya. But unexpectedly, he slapped own in the face.

Inside the barracks.

“Who is the other party and why they have been defeated after repeated battles?” As a general in the camp, Li Jing has never seen him before. Outside the camp, the sound of humming was deafening, like a landslide. All the soldiers were injured by this sound, dumbfounded, unable to move, and let others slaughter them.

“Returning to my father, the two are the second generals of Heng (the promised) Ha. I don’t know why they came to stop.” “The eldest son, Xiao Jin, looked through ancient records and had heard of these two.

“The second general of Humha is really amazing.” Li Jing can be said to be out of the same school with the second general of Humha, but he did not expect that at this time he actually faced each other.

Nowadays, you are hoping to avoid the battle card and find a way to fight the enemy, but the second general, Huo Ha, is too powerful and can only truce first.

“Sure enough, Yuan Shi couldn’t help it anymore. Two people secretly came to help out.” Ling Bao also did not expect that Yuan Shi would come in at this time in advance.

Someone secretly observes, some secretly have already taken action. But Shen Gongbao said a lot of big words before leaving, and he was undoubtedly beaten in the face at this time.

However, Shen Gongbao was so smart that he had thought of the way to withdraw from the enemy before Jiang Ziya learned about it. bright,

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