Chapter 318 Nezha’s Ling Bao【Subscription】

Seeing Nezha’s appearance, Ling Bao shook his head helplessly, naturally knowing that Nezha went back to show off. Although Ling Bao knew it, he didn’t care about Nezha.

Own apprentice, even if Sage didn’t dare to do the calculations, Ling Bao still had this confidence.

Nezha ran back to Own’s house. At this time, Li Jing and Yin Shiniang were drinking tea in the main hall. Hearing Nezha’s bluffing sound, both of them leaked a faint smile.

Nezha ran into the room, and Li Jing said to Nezha:

“Well, what happened, it’s so violent!”

Nezha excitedly faced Li Jingdao:

“Father, my Master really gave me Ling Bao!”

Li Jing asked curiously:

“What did your Master give you Ling Bao!”

Li Jing knows that Nezha is relatively young, so Ling Bao will not give him too much Ling Bao. Nezha exchanges seven pieces of Ling Bao for his own, and said to his parents braggingly:

“Did you see it, this is the Ling Bao my Master gave me!”

Li Jing saw that Nezha took out seven pieces of Ling Bao at once, and knew that his guess was correct!

Nezha said one by one:

“This is a flaming spear, attacking Ling Bao, it can send out a flame attack, and it is indestructible! But now it can only send out real fire Samādhi!”

Then took out the universe circle and said:

“This is the Universe Circle, Ling Bao is forbidden for space. There are complete laws of space on it, but now it can only trap people from the Cultivation Base at the top of the Golden Immortal Cultivation Base.

Of course, in addition to imprisonment, it can also attack, and physical attacks are also very powerful!”

Then Nezha stepped on the Hot Wheels:

“See? This is flying Ling Bao, Wind and Fire Wheel, but now it can only breathe 100,000 li, and it will be fine when I break through! It contains the origin of Wind and Fire /^!”

Nezha took out Hun Tian Ling and said:

“This is called Hun Tian Ling, it is the magic Treasures of imprisonment, which contains the four origins of Earth Fire Feng Shui, as long as it is a great creature can imprison, of course it also has other functions, so look at it!”

Yin Shiniang nodded with a smile, Nezha continued to show off, and Nezha repeated what Ling Bao had said to him.

“This is a gold brick, and the whole is made of Gengjin. It contains the law of gold, attacking the baby who is sneaking up!”

“This is the Yin & Yang sword, one containing the law of Yin and the law of Yang, and it is also the Magic Treasures of attack!”

Then Nezha said very distressed:

“Master said that I am not strong enough, and sealed these seven Innate treasures, and now they are only top grade Innate Ling Bao!”

Hearing Nezha’s words, Li Jing was very shocked and asked tremblingly:

“He, ah, Nezha, you, you, you just said, these seven, seven, and seven Magic Treasures are all, first, Innate treasure?”

Nezha looked at Li Jing very puzzled, then nodded:

“Yes, Master said it, but it is not now. Now it is sealed. Master said that I am not strong enough to exert the power of Innate’s treasure, and it will hurt me.

Although with the help of the Master, I am completely refined, but the seal is still there. When I break through the Taiyi Realm and reach the Da Luo Realm, I will become the best Innate Ling Bao.

When I’m the quasi-sage, it will be the treasure of Innate!”

Hearing Nezha’s words, Li Jing knew how rich the Ling Bao line is. Just finding an apprentice is a set of Innate treasures.

What Li Jing didn’t know was that Nezha’s lotus skirt was also a treasure of Innate when Nezha became a quasi saint.

After all, Ling Bao’s Cultivation Base, not to mention the Innate treasure, can be refined by Chaos Ling Bao. No matter how barren in the predicament, Ling Bao will never be poor.

Li Jing was very envious of Nezha, even a little jealous of Lu Nezha, this is the advantage of having a good Master.

Although own Master is also one of the great abilities among the predecessors, it is still far behind Sage, but in Ling Bao’s line, it seems that there are not a few people in Sage’s combat power.

Yin Shiniang saw Li Jing’s appearance and naturally knew Li Jing’s thoughts. Yin Shiniang said to Li Jing with relief:

Alright, husband, no matter how great Nezha is, it is our son!”

Li Jing heard what Yin Shiniang said, then nodded and said:

“Yes, this is own son, no matter how powerful it is, it is also own son. I can be jealous, but how can I be jealous of own son!’

Thinking of this, Li Jing smiled at Yin Shiniang:

“Yes, lady, you are right!”

Then Li Jing said to Nezha:

“Nezha, you now have Cultivation Base and Magic Treasures too, don’t go out to bully men and women!”

Nezha is very kind-hearted. Although he is small, Nezha understands what Li Jing said. Nezha said arrogantly:

“I won’t do such a bad thing. I will help the weak and the strong, and then become a great power (of Qian Li’s)!”

Then Nezha said:

“Father, mother, I just learned the Cultivation Technique that the Master gave me, and there are still a lot of things I haven’t learned, the Master knows a lot, and the Master promised me to teach me!”


Li Jing heard Nezha’s words and nodded:

“Well, you can think about it this way, go play, and learn from your Master tomorrow!”

Nezha nodded excitedly, holding a cosmic circle on his neck, gold bricks on his waist, a huntian silk on his shoulders, a fire-tip spear in his hand, a Yin & Yang sword on his back, and the Nine Dragon Tower. It was placed in Nezha’s sea of ​​knowledge.

Nezha child’s xinxing has forgotten the Nine Dragon Tower in the sea of ​​knowledge, Nezha said excitedly:

“Father, mother, I’m out to play!”,

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