Chapter 317 Nezha’s Ling Bao [seeking subscription]

After speaking, he jumped over the fence and returned to the courtyard of Li Mansion, shouting loudly:

“Mother, mother! I’m back!”

Yin Shiniang heard Nezha’s words and ran out excitedly, then hugged Nezha and cried at Nezha:

“My son, you are finally back and want to die as a mother!”

Nezha wiped Yin Shiniang’s tears:

“Mother, don’t cry, haven’t I come back? I just cultivated with the Master, and returned after the cultivation!”

Yin Shiniang knows the importance of strength in this world. You must know that Yin Shiniang is also a cultivator. Although she has not yet become an immortal, she also has a Cultivation Base.

Yin Shiniang heard Nezha’s words and asked Nezha:

“Son, what Cultivation Base are you now?”

Nezha proudly said:

“I am now the Realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal!”

Li Jing also heard Nezha’s yelling and walked out. Li Jing also happened to hear Nezha’s words, Li Jing was very shocked.

You have to know that own son is only one year old, and Cultivation Base has surpassed 10 of himself. If you know that you have cultivated for so many years, you are now the Cultivation Base of Xuanxian.

And own son has far surpassed himself. Originally, Li Jing wanted to teach Nezha, but when he thought of Nezha’s Master, Li Jing believed that no one in this world could bully Nezha.

So let go, Li Jing asked Nezha:

“Nezha, come back for a few days this time!”

Nezha heard Li Jing’s voice and said to Li Jing:

“Father, go back in two days, Master said to give me Ling Bao in two days!”

Li Jing looked at Nezha very enviously. It is good to have a good apprentice. The own Master only gives him one acquired Ling Bao, and there is no other Ling Bao.

You know that there is only one low-quality Innate Ling Bao from Real Du’e. Really Du’e told himself at the time. Li Jing still remembers that the mansion of the Holy Father Ling Bao is full of Innate treasures, and there are few top-quality Innate Ling Bao.

Although his own son is not a disciple of Father Ling Bao, he is also a clone of Father Ling Bao. It is impossible to have Innate treasure, but Innate Ling Bao certainly does not lack his own son.

Thinking about this, Li Jing wanted to apprentice a teacher, and Li Jing suppressed the messy thoughts in his heart.

Then he said to Nezha:

“Nezha, since I’m back, I will spend time with your mother. Your mother misses you very much this year!”

Nezha nodded:

“Yes, father!

Yin Shiniang put down the things in her hands, played crazy with Nezha for two days, and then returned with Nezha.

Nezha came to Ling Bao and said to Ling Bao:

“Master, Master, the time is up, give me Ling Bao!”

Ling Bao said to Nezha:

“Good job, here you are!”

After speaking, Ling Bao took out several pieces of Ling Bao and said to Nezha:

“These pieces of Ling Bao are all prepared for you. These are the treasures of Innate, but they are sealed by me. They are only top-grade Innate Ling Bao. When you wait for your Realm, they will automatically become the top-grade Innate Ling Bao.

When you wait for Realm, it will be completely unblocked, and it will be the treasure of Innate!”

Nezha asked very unhappy:

“Master, why do you want to seal me?”

Ling Bao explained to Nezha:

“Your Cultivation Base is too low, and you can’t control these Lingbaos. Now I’m giving you Innate Zhibao. If you use it all at once, your Spiritual Qi won’t be much. There is no difference between whether it is used or not!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nezha knew he was doing his own good, and asked Ling Bao:

“Master, what are these Ling Bao and what are they for?”

Ling Bao explained:

“This is a flaming spear, an offensive Ling Bao! Now it can emit true shamisen fire, when it is the best, it can emit true sun fire, and when Innate is the most precious, it can emit chaotic fire! It is very powerful, you should not use it lightly!

When Ling Bao passed to Nezha to practice Cultivation Technique, the basic knowledge in these prehistoric areas was handed over to Nezha, and Nezha also knew how powerful these flames were.

This Samādhi real fire, even Daluo Realm can hurt him, it is very powerful.

As for the real fire of the sun, even the quasi-sages dare not ignore its sharpness.As for the fire of chaos, Sage has to deal with it carefully!

Nezha said very excitedly:

“Thank you Master!”

Ling Baodao:

“Let’s give it to you together, it will refine you!”

Nezha nodded, knowing Ling Bao’s 850 words of not refining, he could not exert his due power at all, Nezha nodded very happily.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Bao gave the remaining Ling Bao, Qiankun Circle, Huntian Ling, Hot Wheels, Yin & Yang Sword, Gold Brick, and Nine Dragon Tower to Nezha.

Except that the Nine-Dragon Tower is different from the original, the rest is the name of the original, because the defense of the Nine-Dragon Tower is much stronger than the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover, and it is also the treasure of Innate.

After introducing these Ling Baos, Ling Bao helped Ne Zha to refine these Ling Baos.

If others know that Ling Bao’s apprentices are all Innate Arcana suits, it is estimated that they are all in love with each other.

We must know that only Daddy and Primordial have the Innate treasure, and everyone else is the best Innate Ling Bao. Tongtian’s four best Innate Ling Bao, Zhu Xianjian can also surpass the Innate treasure.

But the premise is that the Zhuxian Sword Array is deployed, and if it is used alone, Innate’s treasure can’t be exerted.

After Nezha finished refining these sealed Innate treasures, he said goodbye to Ling Bao and ran back happily!

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