Chapter 297 Original suggestion [subscription required]

Daddy heard the original words and said to the original:

“This time the amount of robbery is not trivial, but we don’t have to worry about it. As long as the amount of robbery is silently chanting Huang Ting this time, nothing will happen!”

The original said to daddy:

“Brother, you know what I’m talking about is not this! What I want to ask is, the next time we will set the title of the gods, what are we going to do?”

Daddy knows what primitive means, so daddy said to primitive in silence:

“Second brother, I know what you mean, but are you willing to fill up the Conferred God List?”

Original shook his head:

“No, I won’t let my disciples be on the list, but my disciples are in the midst of the robbery, I will let them accept the disciples and let them be on the list for them!”

Tongtian heard the original words and said:

“Yeah, brother, how did you think that if three generations of disciples are on the list, it will be fine. When I go back this time, I will let my disciples accept disciples. !”

Looking at Tongtian who jumped off, his original brows were all black lines, and he said to Tongtian:

“Tongtian, this method is just a trick. Besides, you have so many apprentices, it is not a good thing, all of them are smoky, and they have lost Sage’s face, let alone accepting disciples, just don’t accept disciples. Can fill the Conferred God List.”

Tongtian looked at Primordial with dissatisfaction. You must know that if Primordial and Tongtian talk about feelings, follow Tongtian and say that with these three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods, Tongtian is easy to handle, and you don’t need Primordial to work hard.

But the original is using this kind of preaching mode that Tongtian dislikes the most, how can it be accepted by Tongtian, Tong Heavenly Dao:

“Yes, my apprentices vary in good and bad, but they are also my disciples. If you say that I am accepting disciples indiscriminately, there are only a few disciples I personally pass on.

Duobao, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, and Our Lady of Wudang are four personal biography, namely Lu Yue, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao. The aptitudes and blessings of these disciples are better than those of your disciples, and these disciples are all Is my Outer Sect disciple.

Even many masters of Taiyi are registered disciples. Even Outer Sect disciples are not counted as disciples. We just undertook a Karma course, not a big Karma. Besides, as Sage, I don’t care about these Karma.

Then there is no problem. Why do you say that they can’t?”

Looking at the excitement of Tongtian, Yuan knew that he had spoken too much, but Yuan was also a good face. Hearing Tongtian stunned him so much, Yuan was very unhappy, and said to Tongtian:

“Yu Qing, I am your second brother, Sanqing is the second, one level higher than you, Yu Li, I am your brother, the teacher’s second personal disciple, your brother is also a little higher than you, you as a Sage That’s how you talked?

I said you can’t do a few words?”

Tongtian was very excited at first, but when he heard Yuan Yuan say this, he said to Yuan Yuan:

“Hmph, anyway, those disciples of mine are also going to recruit apprentices!”

Daddy rounded up aside and said:

“Well, it’s all Sage, and I don’t know the manners so much, it makes people laugh at me!”

Zhunti was very happy in his heart.It seems that these three cleansings are not monolithic, but Zhunti is still facing the three cleansing Dao:

“It’s okay, it’s all trivial things, besides, what we are discussing now is the matter of the Conferred God List. Do primitive fellow daoist and Tongtian fellow daoist mean to fill the Conferred God List?”

The original said to Zhun:

“Don’t even think about it, I won’t be on the list!”

Tongtian also coldly said:

“So did I stop teaching!”

Zhun Ti heard the angry words of the two, Zhun Ti said:

“It’s simple, let Ling Bao’s human race fill your list of gods, anyway, Ling Bao doesn’t matter!”

Hearing Zhunti’s words, Yuan frowned, and then said to several people:

“I have a way, I don’t know if it will work?”

Zhun mentioned next to ask:

“Oh? Come and listen?”

Original Road:

“I think it is necessary to erase the names of all the people on the Fengshen List, and not sign any one, and then each student will have his own ability, and whoever disciple is on the list will be on the list. It is fair and just, and I am not afraid of any accidents by Ling Bao!”

Several people fell silent. Everyone had seen Ling Bao’s methods. Naturally, Ling Bao wouldn’t let Ling Bao fall easily. Not only that, but I don’t know how many people are pressing on him. 850.

In the past, Hongjun had made everyone very helpless. Now because of Ling Bao, both Nuwa and Houtu are on own.

Although everyone didn’t say it, but they didn’t think it very much. The two female generations became the existence of Hongjun sitting on the head of own. Although everyone was respectful on the surface, they were very disdainful in their hearts.

If there is no Ling Bao, what are the two of them, but because of the existence of Ling Bao, Sage is no longer the most noble person, and even Ling Bao can easily seal the originality, which makes all Sages treat Ling Bao. Be wary.

Ling Bao doesn’t know what these people think, but if Ling Bao knew what these people looked like, he would probably laugh!

Because Ling Bao really didn’t have any calculations this time, that is, there was no calculation to make anyone holy.

Therefore, the worries about Sanqing, Zhun mentioning and receiving are completely groundless.

But some of them don’t believe it, so think about it, and then nodded in agreement:

“Okay, that’s not bad!

Yuan looked at Daddy and Tongtian, and wanted to know their attitudes!.

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