Chapter 296 Fu Yi’s worries [seeking subscription]

When Nuwa and Houtu arrived at the Huoyun Cave, Fu Yi walked out and said to Nuwa:

“The Madonna is here!”

Nuwa hesitated to speak but looked at Fuxi, Fuyi looked at Nuwa now, very satisfied, and said to Nuwa:

“Madonna, although I have the memory and origin of the first Heavenly Demon God Fuyi, but now I am the Human Emperor Fuyi, please don’t blame the Madonna!”

Nuwa looked at Fuyi’s Cultivation Base, and mixed feelings. If Fuyi is still that Fuyi, there must be no current Cultivation Base.

Because when I knew Fuyi and his own transformation, in order to make own better, Fuyi gave own hospital to himself. “Eight Three Seven”

Otherwise, I would not prove the Dao because of the law of good fortune, and Fuyi only comprehended the law of formation and the law of sound after it hurt the origin.

But they didn’t realize Consummation. With the help of Ling Bao, through Innate Eight Trigrams, they comprehend the rules of deduction and consummation, and they were the emperor of the human race and connected with the luck of the human race.

Nuwa is also very satisfied with this result, but the relationship between the two has changed from a sibling to a mother and child, and she has become the Virgin of her own Big Brother.

This makes Nuwa very difficult to accept, but Nuwa also knows that this is Fuyi’s best choice. If it is the own Big Brother, then Fuyi’s luck is not as strong as it is now.

All Nuwa nodded, and then said to Fu Yi:

“I know that you are Emperor Fuyi of the Human Race, but you are also my Big Brother. No matter when, this will not change!”

I thought that before I knew Ling Bao, Fuyi took care of and cared for Own, and gave herself the best of everything. If she hadn’t expressed Fuyi, she might not have been able to preach the Dao until now.

So Nuwa will not deny Fuyi this Big Brother because its own Cultivation Base is too high.

When Fuxi heard this, he smiled, did not speak, but said to Nuwa:

“Manny, it was a bit of a thing when I saw you last time!”

This time Fuyi didn’t call Nuwa Madonna, which made Nuwa very comfortable, and then Nuwa asked curiously:

“whats the matter!

Fu Yi Road:

“Through deduction, I found that Honghuang Karma is entangled, and the next amount of calamity is about to be carried out soon. I don’t know if the empress knows it?”

Nuwa nodded:

“Yes, I know, the reason why I didn’t go to Sanxian Island and Nuwa Heaven was to discuss the robbery in the Purple Heaven Palace!”

Fu Yi frowned and asked:

“Mother, it hasn’t been long since the Lich’s calamity was just finished, how could there be calamity so soon! And I see that the scale of calamity is not small this time!”

Nuwa nodded:

“Yes, the human race has become the eternal protagonist, and the killing is not small, and the rapid development of the human race, under the entanglement of Karma, the amount of calamity has formed. This time the amount of calamity is very serious.

All creatures, as long as they have not become quasi-sages, are in the calamity, that is, those who have not slayed the corpse are in the calamity!’

Hearing what Nuwa said, Fu Yi was shocked and asked Nuwa:

“Hunyuan Celestial Immortals, Hunyuan Xuanxian, and Hunyuan Jinxian whose combat power is similar to or even higher than that of Quasi-Saints are also in the midst of the calamity!”

Nuwa shook his head:

“Then it depends on whether they take the initiative to participate in the looting, if they take the initiative to participate, they will also be robbed!”

Because Ling Bao knows the difficulty of three corpses to prove the Tao, most of the human races are cultivation laws, many people do not cut the corpses, most of them understand the Tao to a certain degree because of the laws and become Realm!

Fu Yi asked worriedly:

“Niang, is that Human Race okay?”

Nuwa confidently said:

“The Terran not only has the fighting power of the Three Sages, Cangjie, Dayu, but also me, Little Sister and Ling Bao. What’s more, there is also the Terran Sacred Land. There is nothing wrong with the Terran this time. Sacred Land will not participate. You will inform you. Going down, the high-end human race will not be allowed to enter the robbery!”

Fu Yi naturally knew that if he didn’t fall into the catastrophe, the catastrophe would be the same and the loss would be even greater, so Fu Yi asked Nuwa:

“In this case, will the loss be too great?”

Nuwa shook his head:

“It’s okay, Ling Bao will take care of these things. You can tell them, but you don’t have to be too restrictive. Let them be robbed!

Anyway, there is nothing wrong. If it really doesn’t get through, then they are unlucky. As long as Human Race Sacred Land is okay, there will be no delay!”

Fuyi nodded, Fuxi, as the emperor of the human race, naturally knows the situation of the Daoist clan Sacred Land, although some of them are in the Huoyundong, but they do not know the situation of the Daoist clan.

Fu Yi said to Nuwa:

“Well, I know, if that’s the case, then Human Race will not participate in this catastrophe!”

Nuwa nodded, while Hou Tu asked next to 5.0:

“Big sis, is your husband okay in the chaos?”

Nuwa is also not sure, because Nuwa’s Cultivation Base cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof in the chaos, and Ling Bao at this time is cultivating in the chaos.

Countless Chaos Qi poured into Dao Ling Bao’s body and became Ling Bao’s magic power. Ling Bao’s body continued to evolve, and the body continued to Ascension.

And when Ling Bao was in the chaos cultivation, Yuan Yuan and others had finished preaching, and after Sanqing, Zhun Ti, and taking all the apprentices away, Yuan Yuan asked daddy:

“Brother, what do you think of this amount of robbery?”.

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