Chapter 278 Purple Heaven Palace gathers together [seeking subscription]

Then Ling Bao stood up from the chaos and continued:

“It seems that I have to go back. Whether the human race can develop depends on the next great calamity of the Conferred God!”

After Ling Bao’s mind moved, a big shifting technique drove towards the land.

At this time, Zhang Bairen put on a coarse linen, with the best Innate Ling Bao on his head, walking towards the chaos.

You must know that although Zhang Bairen has been Samsara countless times, his origin is still the chaotic stone. After so many Samsara, Zhang Bairen has completely refined the origin of the chaotic stone.

Without this Samsara, the future of Wu Tian would be the same, but this time Wu Haotian feels that he is very smooth regardless of cultivation, enlightenment, or management of Heaven Court. This time he entered the chaos, it was also after Zhang Bairen thought again and again. Just decided.

You must know that although Zhang Bairen is now the Cultivation Base of Taiyi Xuanxian, but the memory has been found back, and the Realm of the quasi-sage middle stage is still there.

Therefore, Zhang Bairen had already realized that this disaster should be driven by himself. With his own feelings about the Zixiao Palace, Zhang Bairen soon arrived at the door of the Zixiao Palace. Zhang Bairen knelt at the door of the Purple Thunder Palace and said in a very miserable manner:

“The boy pays homage to the lord!”

Creak! The door of the Purple Heaven Palace opened, and an old voice came out:

“Tong’er, come in!”

Zhang Bairen entered the Zixiao Palace, saw Hongjun on the cloud bed, immediately knelt in front of Hongjun, and cried to Hongjun:

“Master, I’m sorry, Tonger failed to manage the Heaven Court, but now everyone looks down on Heaven Court. Heaven Court has no staff at all. Please take your life back and let Tonger take care of the Lord.”

Hongjun opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Bairen for a while. After a long time, he said:

“No, no, it’s because I acted too hastily. Since there is a shortage of manpower, I just need to add more manpower to you, and I don’t need to be a child.

You stand by the side first, I’ll take care of this!’

Zhang Bairen heard Hongjun’s words and waited on Hongjun’s billions of years of events. Zhang Bairen naturally knew that Hongjun said one thing, and Zhang Bairen was very aggrieved:

“Yes, sir, thank you sir!”

After speaking, Zhang Bairen stood at the place where he usually waited for Hongjun and waited quietly.Although Hongjun fits Heavenly Dao, it does not mean that Hongjun has no feelings.On the contrary, to Hongjun, the Realm, he is very indifferent to everyone, but It’s not cold-blooded to treat people you care about.

Otherwise, Sanqing broke the predecessor, only slightly punished, restricting Sage from entering the predecessor, and Zhang Bairen and Yaochi waiting for Hongjun for so long, even a pet has feelings, let alone a boy!

Hongjun stretched out his hand, took out a small clock, clanged it, and said:

“All Sages are coming to Zixiao Palace!”

Then Hongjun gave Ling Bao, Houtu, Nuwa, and voice transmission:

“Three fellow daoist, can you come to Zixiao Palace?”

Ling Bao heard Hongjun’s transmission as soon as he entered Honghuang, Ling Bao paused:


After speaking, Ling Bao contacted Nuwa and Houtu, got the two daughters in, and flew towards the Zixiao Palace.

Just when Ling Bao received the transmission, daddy put down the fan in his hand, handed it to the boy next to him, and said to the boy:

“Golden horn, silver horn, this Medicine Pill has been shown to me, I have something to go out!”

Golden Horn Road:

“It’s the master, don’t worry!”

Daddy nodded, then went out of the Palace of Dust and flew towards Chaos.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Yuan Yuan was refining the tool, heard Hongjun’s voice transmission, put down his work, and said:

“is teacher!”

In the Biyou Palace on Jin’ao Island, the leader of Tongtian was preaching to everyone, and suddenly received a voice from Hongjun, the leader of Tongtian said to the people:

“This preaching ends here. Go down and digest it. The next preaching will be notified later! Okay, go back!”

Although everyone didn’t understand that this sermon was halfway up, but now that Sage spoke, everyone left.

After the Master Tongtian arranged for the teaching, he flew towards the chaos.

The Western teacher, Sumeru Mountain, Zhun Ti was facing a group of cute new brainwashing. Hearing Hongjun’s voice, Zhun Ti had to put these people away, find the guide, let the guide go with him, and the two of them also stepped on it. On the way to the chaos.

When Ling Bao arrived with Nuwa and Houtu, all the Sages arrived. Looking at the three Ling Bao who had been late, no one said anything about the seedlings.

Because these people know that these three people are now at the same level as Hongjun, and they are not able to pick fresh ones without authorization. Although they are dissatisfied, no one has said (Qian Hao Zhao).

When the three Ling Bao gods arrived, Hong Jun suddenly appeared on the cloud bed and said to Ling Bao, Houtu, and Nuwa:

“The three fellow daoists are polite, and I want to discuss something with the three fellow daoists!”

Ling Bao said:

“It’s okay, fellow daoist, please speak!”

Hongjun approached Sanqing and Zhunti:

“The boy came here to look for me just now, saying that the Heaven Court can’t keep running. People of all sects look down on the boy. The position of the Heavenly Emperor was specified by me.

Since Tong’er has no one to instigate, it just happens that the amount of calamity begins this time, so he will perfect the Heaven Court, and forget about it!”

Hearing Hongjun’s words, everyone except Ling Bao was shocked. Originally asked


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