Chapter 277 Heavenly Emperor humiliated [seeking subscription]

The West teaches pharmacists:

“Since I proposed it, let me come first!”

After speaking, the pharmacist began to explain the Western Avenue, which is the eight hundred side door. When the pharmacist preached, he released the three relics of his own.

With the golden light emitted, countless people are yearning for the Dao heart of the West, and even want to become believers on the Dao Heart of the West.

People from the three religions saw this and their expressions changed drastically. They didn’t expect Western religion to be so despicable. If these people were to become Western religion’s followers, then it would be too slapped.

Xuan Du sang Dao name:

“The Immeasurable Tianzun!”

Then Xuan Du released the three flowers on the top of his head, and Tao Yingluo emitted wisps of light on the top of the three flowers. Then Xuan Du also began to preach, and the voices of the Western religion were eliminated from the outside.

When Maitreya saw this situation, he also released the own relic, and then chanted with the pharmacist. Duobao, who had been taught by the Western teacher, saw two people bullying Xuan Du and one person. Duo Bao also showed own three flowers 10, although Duo Bao supported Xuan Du Both, but both Maitreya and Pharmacist studied Western Dafa.

The strength of the two teaming up is not as simple as one plus one. The Cultivation Base of Xuan Du and Duobao is not much stronger than Maitreya and Pharmacist, so the two of them just look at resisting Maitreya and Pharmacist’s invasion.

Seeing that the senior brother Duobao of Own was in a disadvantage, the people who had been taught by the sect had released own three flowers one after another, which directly crushed the two people of Western teaching.

Other people in the West also released relics one after another and joined the battle group.

At this time, Zhang Bairen smiled and watched the struggle between the Western religions and the people who taught them. Yuding felt very unwilling to see this situation. You, a Westerner, dare to come to the East to go wild.

True person Yuding attacked the Western religious people. The Western people did not expect that someone would dare to take action, and the relics that he released quickly began to defend.

“Huh, I won’t be here next time, please!”

After speaking, I got up and left. Because Styx had Samsara as the backer, he was very dissatisfied with the style of educating others, and said to himself:

“Huh, I haven’t learned much skill, but my temper is not small!”

Cihang looked back and saw that it was Styx, and he also knew Styx’s name. He just gave a cold snort, did not speak, and left with Yuding.

Everyone saw that the people of Chanjiao had left. The Xuantu and Jiejiao people saw Zhang Bairen who had a very ugly face. They didn’t say hello to Zhang Bairen. They cupped hands with Zhang Bairen, and then left Heaven Court.

Western teachers saw Zhang Bairen arguing for himself and others, and the pharmacist said to Zhang Bairen:

“Thank you Heavenly Emperor, I will leave first when I have injuries!”

Zhang Bairen nodded with a dark face, and all the Western religious people also left.

The other people didn’t give Zhang Bairen a face, they said goodbye to Zhang Bairen one after another, and then left.

After everyone left, the silent Yao Chi said to Zhang Bairen:

“Your Majesty, is it worth it? Heaven Court didn’t have much prestige, this time


The meaning of Yao Chi is obvious, Heaven Court is once again ashamed!

Zhang Bairen said:

“Anyway, after what happened last time, this Heaven Court can’t be broken no matter how bad it is, but without this thing, I don’t know how to do it later!”

Yaochi asked curiously:

“What is your Majesty going to do?”

Wu Heavenly Dao:

“Go, let’s go back!”

After the great power among the prehistoric people knew about this, they laughed at Heaven Court. Some people even privately compared it with the ancient Heaven Court and the current Heaven Court.

The prestige of Heaven Court suddenly fell to the bottom, while Ling Bao felt his own body in the chaos, and swallowed Qiankun Ding.

Ling Bao’s body background suddenly became the foundation comparable to the Chaos Demon God, able to cultivate to the level of the most precious treasure.

Ling Bao’s body has also become the Realm of Chaos Ling Bao in the fifty second rank, and he has grown up more quickly than before.

Ling Bao calculated what happened in the prehistoric times, and then said to himself:

“It seems Wu Tian is much smarter

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