Chapter 270 The beginning of the calamity [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao explained to Nuwa:

“This Wu Tianbing disbanded into Samsara. Normally he should enter Six Paths of Reincarnation and go through the underworld to reincarnate. And this Wu Tian bypassed the underworld and entered Samsara directly. Interesting!”

Hou Tu asked;

“What? ~ Do you want me to do it?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No, it’s a trivial matter, you don’t need to do anything! Since you have formed a Karma with the underworld, you will have to pay back this Karma- sooner or later!”

Hou Tu nodded, Ling Bao said:

“Well, no matter what he is, let’s continue to Insight Avenue!”

The second daughter is also used to it, but she is still very shy. Ling Bao has no such worries and stepped forward to hug the two

Not to mention Ling Bao and Nuwa as well as Houtu Insight Avenue, the others are also very low-key, because this time after the Haotian Soldier was disbanded into Samsara, everyone knew that Sage was not to be humiliated, not even the Daozu boy.

So Hong Huang fell into silence.

Nanhai, Dabab said:

“What’s wrong recently? How can Hong Huang be so peaceful!”

The second baby shook his head:

“I do not know either!”

Three children:

“Doing so much, let’s go and see how big this predicament really is. After a rest, let’s continue on our way!”

The little girls were not afraid of tigers when they were born with calves. They all agreed with the words of Sanwa and began to rest.

At this time, the human race was still ruled by Da Xia.

As more and more human cultivators have grown, countless forces have turned the cultivators into the army, whether it is human forces, Heaven Court, or other forces have begun to cultivate.

With the cultivation of countless people, the Primordial Qi stopped growing, and the countless Spiritual Qi in the Primordial Primordial Qi was rapidly consumed, but the Spiritual Qi released by the Primordial Spiritual Vessel could not keep up with the consumption of the Primordial Qi.

Ling Bao opened his eyes and felt the changes in the prehistoric state!

Ling Bao pinched a magic trick to cut off Sanxian Island from the prey.

You must know that Ling Bao just felt that the Spiritual Qi in own Sanxian Island poured into the wilderness, replenishing the Spiritual Qi consumed by the wilderness.

Except Ling Bao, the owners of other secret realm also did the same. Nuwa also felt it, and asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, what happened!”

Ling Bao explained to Nuwa:

“It’s nothing, you feel the great Spiritual Qi!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nuwa and Houtu felt Honghuang, looked at Ling Bao in shock, and asked Ling Bao:

“How is this going?”

Ling Bao explained to the two:

“Hong Huang is now caught in a frenzied cultivation, I don’t know how to return the world, the next amount of calamity is coming soon!”

When Hou Tu heard this, he asked for unknown reasons:

“Husband, the next time I weighed the robbery? How could it be possible? The last time the Lich weighed the robbery net has just ended!”

Ling Bao said:

“Wu Tian caused the calamity this time!”

Nuwa asked:

“Wu Tian, ​​how could it be possible? Wu Tian was able to dissolve into Samsara. Although he did a trick, he did get into Samsara, and he and Sage’s Karma were dismissed. Even if there is a little Karma, it won’t cause calamity!”

Ling Bao explained:

“You must know that everything has Karma. Although Wu Tian Samsara later dismissed the Karma between him and Sage, other people were very afraid of Sage because of Wu Tian’s solution.

As you know, no one in the predicament wants to hand over their fate to others. Wu Tian repented and humiliated Sage with a word, so he wanted to defuse Samsara.

So other people, either must be better than Sage, or occupy the air, no matter what they need a superb Cultivation Base.

So the prehistoric creatures have entered the era of rapid cultivation, but such rapid cultivation does not give the prehistoric a chance to breathe at all. Besides, these people are just cultivation and have no karma, only the Karma in the prehistoric.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

If you owe Karma to Honghuang, Karma is entangled, it is the calamity, so the trigger of the calamity is Wu Tian, ​​so this catastrophe also takes Wu Tian as the main body!”

Upon hearing Ling Bao’s explanation, Nuwa said:

“Then what to do?”

Ling Bao said:

“What can be done? Watching its changes, this is the general trend of Heavenly Dao, you can only watch its changes!”

While Ling Bao, Nuwa and Hou Tu were talking about this, the original Tianzun at Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace was very angry, and one person roared:


“Tongtian, didn’t I just get sealed once by that damn Ling Bao? You don’t even give me Face! Damn it!

Tongtian! Wait, I am at odds with you!”

Tongtian didn’t know that he was hated by Primordial Sage, and this also laid the root of Primordial colluding with other Sages to deal with Tongtian and conquering the gods.

At this time, Tongtian didn’t know it, but he started to teach his followers wildly, and there was no threshold at all. Nuwa lay on Ling Bao lazily, and asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, look at Tongtian, so majestic, ten thousand immortals are coming, don’t you go out to collect some apprentices for fun?

Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“I don’t need to teach sentient beings, nor do you and Hou Tu. Why should I trouble myself? Besides, you and I are the biological father and mother of the human race.

Terran Sacred Land is in our hands, who can teach three thousand Yuan Yuan Da Luo Jinxian out, I will not go out to blend in!”

Looking at Ling Bao’s proud look, thinking of the strength of the human race, plus that he is still the master of the same, Nuwa said affectionately to Ling Bao:


Ling Bao looked at Nuwa and asked very curiously:

“What’s wrong?” and,

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