Chapter 269 Reincarnation of Wu Tian【seeking subscription】

Wu Tian took Karma down by himself, and then explained Samsara’s affairs and talked to Yaochi again, of course, he did not say that he used a clone to survive the robbery.

Yaochi has been with Wu Tian since he was a child. Although he was angry, his friendship for hundreds of millions of years was still very deep. Yaochi faced Hao Heavenly Dao worriedly:

“It’s no problem for me to lead you to heaven, but can this really alleviate Sage’s Karma!”

Wu Tian said to Yaochi:

“It’s not relief, it’s the complete elimination of Karma this time!”

Yao Chi asked:

“Is Karma who insulted Sage really so easy to get rid of!”

Wu Heavenly Dao:

“There is no way, it can only be this way!”

Yaochi thought for a while and said:

“As long as we don’t leave Heaven Court and have the face of the master, there shouldn’t be any problems!”

Wu Tian shook his head:

“Even if we don’t leave Heaven Court, we will still be calculated by Sage. Let me try! No more!

Yaochi nodded, Wu Tian’s Cultivation Base itself is the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage middle stage, Wu Tian used Magic power to shout loudly: 820

“Sage is on, my Wutian will attribute all the Karma in Yaochi to myself, and I will bear all the Karma!”

Daddy was thinking about how to prepare a lesson for Yaochi. Hearing what Haotian said, Daddy thought:

“I can’t live with a woman, I really have a good identity! Since Wu Tian said that Karma will bear it, let Wu Tian teach him a lesson!”

So daddy said:


Although the original idea is different from daddy, the original doesn’t want to bully a female generation, the original is the best Face, so:


Tongtian didn’t care about this in the first place, but he was also Sage what he was doing. In order to maintain Sage’s dignity, Tongtian also said:


Zhunti wanted to trouble Yaochi and couldn’t get anything, but Wu Tian is the lord of Heaven Court, and he might get more, so Zhunti also said:


Houtu, Nuwa didn’t think so much, nor did he want to trouble Yaochi. Hearing what Haotian said, they all said:


The other great powers have seen so many Sage have spoken, and they have all agreed!


The other powers also agreed. Of course, these powers are Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and people below Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm are silent.

When Sage had finished expressing the meaning of own, there was a thud in the void. The Sacred Heart was Tianxin, Sage agreed, and Heavenly Dao agreed.

Wu Tian saw Heavenly Dao agree, and excitedly said to Yaochi:

“Yaochi, did you see it? It was a success!”

Yaochi was also relieved, and then smiled and nodded. Suddenly Yaochi thought of something and asked very anxiously:

“Wu Tian, ​​you pick up Karma, what do you do? This is Sage Karma, or let’s go to the Lord, or the Heavenly Emperor and Queen Mother, we will go to the Purple Heaven Palace to wait for the Lord and never come out again, OK? !!

Wu Tian said to Yaochi:

“What nonsense are you talking about! Don’t worry, I must be fine, when you feel that I am full, just pick me up, this is the seal of the Heavenly Emperor, and you can awaken me with this!”

Yaochi took the Heavenly Emperor seal, and then shouted loudly:

“Heavenly Dao is here, Sage Rongzhen, I am Wu Tian, ​​because of misunderstandings and Sage have formed Karma (bafa), I am willing to join Samsara, rebuild morals, and solve Sage Karma!

Please Heavenly Dao Yunzhi, Sage Yongzhi!”

Heavenly Dao thundered and agreed to Haotian’s oath.

Nuwa and Hou Tu heard Wu Tian’s words, sighed slightly, and then said:


Daddy think about it, since Wu Tian is willing to give up this Cultivation Base, then he said:


Although other Sages have small belly chicken intestines, they all say:


Zhunti faces the approach road:

“Brother, don’t agree to it, I’ll do it, and then find Heaven Court to count you and Heaven Court’s Karma!”

After the receiver heard it, he nodded, and Zhun said:


Hearing that all Sage agreed, Wu Tian said to Yaochi:

“Yaochi, have you seen it? But our Heaven Court is also withered. I hope you will be married to me next time!”

Yaochi thought for a while, knowing that this was Immortal Ascension after Wu Heavenly Tribulation was full, then nodded and said:

“Good! Thank you! Wu Tian!”

Wu Tian said:

“Then the operation of Heaven Court is left to you!”

After talking about Wu Tian, ​​he divided his Cultivation Base and Origin into 1,750 parts.

Everyone was silent. Wu Tian was the lord of Heaven Court. It was because he had formed Karma with Sage, he even broke into Samsara.

Several Sages are also very satisfied. You must know that the dignity and face of this Sage are very important.

Seeing Wu Tian and Samsara went, they all gave up Wu Tian’s Karma unintentionally, but there was nothing about Sage in the later Flat Peach Conference.

Of course, this is something later, and Sage will not go to any flat peach conferences for the sake of tongues.

Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, what’s going on?”

Ling Bao said:

“It’s not the shit of Sage’s dignity. Sage’s soul is in Heavenly Dao. Sage’s heart moves. Heavenly Dao naturally has the feeling. For a Wu Tian, ​​Heavenly Dao will naturally stand on Sage’s side. Sage gave up on Wu Tian’s side. Karma, can be considered Wu Tian’s ability!

But this Wu Tian is still very powerful!”

Upon hearing Ling Bao’s words, Nuwa asked:

“Why are you great? Will you be able to join Samsara?”

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