Chapter 259 Yin & Yang Qiankun good fortune avenue [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“Look at my two wives!”

Houtu also felt very shy, and asked Ling Bao:

“I’ve watched it for tens of millions of years, so what’s so nice!!

Ling Bao confronted the duo:

“Of course it looks good! I haven’t seen enough for a lifetime!”

After speaking, Ling Bao stepped forward and hugged the two of them, and said to them:

“I have a avenue to study with two ladies!”

Nuwa was very curious and asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, are there any roads you can’t study?”

Ling Bao lightly hit Nuwa, and then said to Nuwa:

“Now call my name!”

Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words and whispered:


Ling Bao smiled at Nuwa and said:

“So quietly, I can’t hear you!”

Nuwa felt very uncomfortable, but knew that she and Ling Bao had become companions, so she mustered up the courage to face Ling Bao:

“Husband 1”

Ling Bao hugged Nuwa hard and said very happily:

“Hahaha, that’s right, I now have 820 of you, so happy!”

Then Hou Tu looked at Nuwa and secretly laughed. Nuwa saw Hou Tu’s appearance and asked Ling Bao unconvinced:

“Husband, why is it only me who yelled, but Houtu Little Sister didn’t yell!”

Ling Bao said to Houtu:

“Second lady, it’s your turn, the eldest lady is right, why don’t you call me!”

Hou Tu was also very shy, and yelled at Nuwa:

“Big sis!

Nuwa rolled her eyes:

“Who made you gloat by the side just now!”

Hou Tu had to say in a low voice:


Without waiting for Ling Bao to speak, Nuwa said next to him:

“No, the voice is too low!

Houtu didn’t notice that Nuwa said it, and then increased his voice:


Ling Bao laughed even more. After Ling Bao was happy, the two girls saw the happy Ling Bao, and all the grievances of these tens of thousands of years disappeared.

Nuwa curiously asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, just now you said Common Insight Avenue, what kind of road!”

Ling Bao knew that there was no one on this Sanxian Island except the three, so Ling Bao faced Nuwa and Houtu:

“Have you heard of Yin & Yang Qiankun good fortune avenue?”

Nuwa Road:

“I know Yin & Yang Avenue, Qiankun Avenue, Good Fortune Avenue, what is Yin & Yang Qiankun Avenue?”

Hou Tu guessed the question:

“Husband, do you want to combine all these three avenues together!”

Ling Bao waved his deduced Tao into the minds of the two Taoists.

Nuwa and Houtu closed their eyes and realized the message Ling Bao had given to Own. Soon the two women’s face turned red. Although the two women have seen this thing in the human race, they have thought about it, but as Sage, they really don’t feel ashamed of this.

But this time Ling Bao brought it up, and the second daughter also knew that this was the road to human relations.

Houtu Road:

“Husband, I have something to do with Samsara. Let’s discuss it with Big sis first!”

After talking about leaving, how could Ling Bao let Houtu run away now? If he let Houtu go this time, his own plan would be lost, so Ling Bao waved his hand to fix Houtu, and then faced Houtu. road:

“Samsara has the Dijiang brothers, as well as Emperor Edu, it’s okay, don’t worry (bafa)!

After talking about hugging Houtu, Houtu thought about the image that Ling Bao had just passed to own, and fell on Ling Bao feebly, and pleaded with Ling Bao:

“Husband, let Big sis study with you, OK?”

Ling Bao refused:

“No, the three of us will study together!”

Nuwa is also very shy, but Houtu recognizes himself as a Big sis. If Ling Bao and Houtu first, Nuwa will definitely feel uncomfortable inside, so Nuwa said to Houtu:

“Houtu, don’t be like this, you’re like this, Big sis won’t study with your husband!”

Houtu murmured:

“But ”

Ling Bao interrupted Houtu and said hard to Houtu:


After speaking, Ling Bao’s heart moved, and brought her two daughters to the pre-prepared room. This room is Ling Bao’s bedroom set up. Everything in it was prepared by Ling Bao.

The room was very luxurious, but the second girl was very shy and didn’t have the intention to look at it.

Ling Bao’s mind moved, and the wedding dress left the two of them immediately, and the two exclaimed.

On the heads of the three of them, a Yin & Yang Tai Chi diagram kept spinning, and 30,000 years passed in a blink of an eye.

Fortunately, Ling Bao’s five internal organs have turned into a big world, otherwise they really can’t bear it. In these 30,000 years, Ling Bao can be said to have enjoyed the blessing of the Qi people.

Ling Bao looked at the two daughters lying there and was very proud. In the past 30,000 years, the three of them have realized the Yin & Yang good fortune avenue to perfection.

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao’s proud eyes and was very dissatisfied with anger:


Hou Tu smiled and said:

“That’s it, it’s so rascal!”

Ling Bao felt that his own Cultivation Base had reached the edge of breakthrough again, especially through the soul cultivation of Nuwa and Houtu.

Ling Bao’s “Golden Soul of Soul” has seen sufficient growth. Ling Bao confronts the two human beings:

“I’ll go to Closed Door Training to sort out the most recent income!

Nuwa lazily said:

“Go ahead, I want to take a good rest!”

Hou Tu also nodded:

“I need to rest too!”

Ling Bao glanced at the two girls, and then moved to her Closed Door Training place to start Closed Door Training. .

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