Chapter 258 Everyone bid farewell [seeking subscription]

Zhunti thought for a while, and then said:

“Ling Bao Venerable, I want to know, since Empress Nuwa and Empress Houtu are the masters of the same family, then the grand purple energy in the hands of Empress Nuwa and Houtu is useless?”

Ling Bao hasn’t answered yet, Nuwa said:

“Yes, it is really useless for me, I can also build a Heavenly Dao Sage!

Hearing Nuwa’s words, Houtu also nodded and said:

“Nuwa Big sis is right, I have one too!”

Zhunti said shamelessly:

“Can you give me a great purple air!”

Ling Bao asked funny:


Zhun Ti confronted Ling Bao:

“My senior brother has not yet become Sage, although he is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but I want my senior brother to become Sage, and I also ask Ling Bao Venerable and the two empresses to pity me Western teaching sentient beings!

I must be grateful!”

Ling Bao sneered and asked:

“There are countless creatures, why do you want to give it to you? You can’t be grateful enough. I believe that anyone who gets the grandeur and purple spirit from me will be grateful. What can you give me?”

Zhun said:

“Ling Bao Venerable, two empresses, my senior brothers have very good qualifications, and they are now Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As long as they can get the grandeur and purple energy, they can immediately become Sage.

As long as my elder brother and I become Sage, my Western teacher will definitely regard Venerable as the leader!”

Ling Bao naturally mentioned that this is an empty glove white wolf, because Ling Bao knows that this Western religion will definitely change its name to Buddhism in the end, if it can get the grandiose and purple qi.

Zhunti must have killed me, and I can also be resurrected. Even if I have fallen, I will be resurrected in a few Yuanhui’s time. Ling Bao said with disdain:

“Quick mention, don’t think about this grandiose purple qi. If your senior becomes the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo, you can completely set the law under Heavenly Dao, give the law to Heavenly Dao, and then assist Heavenly Dao to control the law, to At that time, your brother can also prove the truth w^!”

As a Sage, you know the disadvantages of becoming a Sage. If you have a grandiose spirit, you don’t have to give Heavenly Dao the laws you have worked so hard to understand, and you can still get the benefits of Heavenly Dao.

If you give Heavenly Dao the law you have understood, and then you want to advance to Realm, it will be very difficult. I should mention:

“Ling Bao Venerable, I am willing to exchange all of my Ling Bao, how do you think?”

Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“Ling Bao? Look at me, all of them are Innate treasures, let alone Innate Ling Bao, I don’t need it!,

Zhun Ti saw that Ling Bao’s oil and salt did not enter, and he also knew that this grand purple qi was in the eyes of others, and it was nothing at all, but Zhun Ti asked Ling Bao:

“Venerable, what do you need, as long as I can get it, I will get it for you, okay?”

Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“Okay, quasi mention, you don’t need to say, this grand and purple qi will not be given to you now, and this grand and purple qi has no fate with your Western religion. You two have a Sage and a Hunyuan Daluojinxian, Heavenly Dao has taken good care of you, just your luck.

It’s impossible, but since you are all enlightened, I won’t say anything, but you don’t want to think about it.

I will send Hongmeng Ziqi out when someone who is destined shows up in the future. Okay, if there is nothing to do, you can go back first!”

Zhunti quickly said:

“Don’t, Venerable, tell me, what do you want, I don’t want more, just one!”

Ling Bao asked very annoyingly and waved:


After speaking, Zhunti was sent out. Of course, countless people here have the same idea as Zhunti, but Ling Bao didn’t give Zhunti a face at all.

Everyone saw that it was useless to mention Sage’s plea, and there were a lot of Ling Bao Innate treasures, there was no need for Innate Ling Bao, and the best Magic Treasures in everyone did not have Innate treasures.

So although everyone had an idea in their minds, they didn’t think of it. After Ling Bao sent Zhun Ti away, he picked up and stood up and said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, I’m sorry, my younger brother is also for me, I am here to give you money!”

After finishing speaking, Ling Bao apologized to Ling Bao, and then left Sanxian Island. When the others saw the guide, they also left. They all bid farewell to Ling Bao and left Sanxian Island.

The rest of the human race also left, and returned to the human race Sacred Land with the third ancestor of the human race to continue cultivation.

Ling Bao faced Ling Baodao:

“Since the strength of the human race has been reflected, then the human race Sacred Land will slowly open to the outside world, and the human race Sacred Land model should also be opened to the human race!”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Well, I will do a good job Human Race, so don’t worry!”

Fu Yi and others also bid farewell to Ling Bao and left.

When Fuyi left, he was not as the Nuwa Big Brother, but the Human Emperor Fuxi. Even when he bowed to Ling Bao and Nuwa, Nuwa looked at Fuyi and looked uncomfortable.

Di Jiang and the others also left. When Di Jiang left, he said to Ling Bao:

Ling Bao, everything about my Little Sister and the Wu Clan is planned by your brothers, we thank you, but my Little Sister is still my Little Sister, although we are not the Wu Clan, but we all like me very much. Sister.

At this moment, I have been waiting for Little Sister for a long time, you must take care of her!

Ling Bao faced Dijiang Road:

“Don’t worry, I know how to do it, and I love Houtu too. I will make Houtu and Nuwa happy!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Di Jiang nodded, then bid farewell to Ling Bao and left.

After watching Dijiang and the others leave, Sanqing also left.

In the end, there were only seven own daughters, Houtu, Nuwa and Ling Bao.

The eldest baby saw that everyone had gone, plus having been traveling outside for so long, the eldest baby said to Ling Bao coquettishly:

“Father, you see that your wedding is also over, and the Little Sisters and I still want to go out and travel!”

Ling Bao looked at the seven Calabash babies, and each of the Cultivation Bases has made great progress. They are all the late stage Cultivation Bases.

And all of them have grown up, so Ling Bao said to the seven Calabash children:

“Okay, I also agree with you to go out and travel, but you have to be careful. If you encounter a disaster that you can’t control, tell me through the communication jade symbol, I will be there as soon as possible, you know?”

The seven little Calabash babies all agreed, cheering, and ran away.

Looking at the leaving Calabash baby, Ling Bao looked at Nuyuwa and Houtu, Nuwa blushed and asked Ling Bao:

“What are you looking at?”,

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