Chapter 252 The development of human race, welcoming relatives [seeking subscription]

Facing the Suiren Clan:


Then Ling Bao thought about what happened when the people from Human Race Sacred Land came, and couldn’t help but laugh.

Ling Bao returned to Sanxian Island and began to prepare for the wedding three thousand years later, and his seven daughters also returned to help Ling Bao busy.

Both Nuwa and Houtu returned to the own dojo, waiting for Ling Bao to come to welcome their relatives.

Three thousand years have passed quickly. In these three thousand years, the entire primordial land has been very busy, because most of the primordial land has the footprints of the human race, and the human race has truly become the protagonist of the heaven and the earth, and the human race has seen countless arrogances.

Naturally, Ling Bao would not let this feat remain silent. Under Ling Bao’s interference, there were countless schools in the Human Race. These schools not only taught all kinds of knowledge, but also taught cultivation. Of course, history is a compulsory subject for the Human Race.

From Pangu to open the sky, fierce beasts, three races hegemony, dragon and Han, Dao demon fight, the purple palace preaching, Sage preaching, Lich hegemony, the birth of the human race, the three ancestors of the human race 100, the murder of the monster race, the queen Samsara, etc., all prehistoric things have become history.

Terran is not so ignorant, but knows a lot of important things.

In addition, there are countless genius bunkers, Innate Ling Bao, Innate treasures, introductions of various powers, and even introductions of prehistoric geography and so on.

Of course, there are all kinds of cultivation knowledge, Ling Bao didn’t silly to reject anything, but introduced whatever cultivation content, and even the basic Cultivation Technique anyone can learn.

Immortal cultivation of Qi, the law of god cultivation, the merits of Buddhism Cultivator, the various cultivation techniques of body cultivator, the cultivation of gods of Demon Cultivator, the cultivation of souls of ghost cultivation, and other partial cultivation methods.

Terran has developed various avenues, cultural roads, painting roads, music roads, medical roads, agricultural roads, kendo roads, stick roads, gun roads and so on.

After the human race learns various histories, it is natural to know that the Daoist race from birth to the present dominance of the predecessors is Ling Bao’s credit.

So when the human race knew that the Holy Father and Mother Mary was about to get married, countless cities began to prepare. Many human races knew that they could not go, so they contacted other human races to start celebrating in various cities.

And Ling Bao also refines the Nine Dragon Agarwood supports, which are mostly made from hundreds of millions of years old agarwood. After Ling Bao’s refinement, this Nine Dragons Agarwood has become the treasure of Innate.

Moreover, the nine golden dragons are descendants of Nuwa, each of which is the golden dragon of Realm.

Nine golden dragons are looking up to the sky and roaring, and the female cultivator of the 3,000 large Luo Jinxian holds the ultimate Innate Ling Bao ten thousand flower basket, wearing a neon feather coat, very beautiful. At the beginning, countless petals are thrown out of the ten thousand flower basket. The petals are condensed by Magic power.

Falling into the wilderness, countless human races absorb the petals, one by one, ascension, breakthrough bottleneck, mortals can also increase their lifespan and cure illnesses.

In addition to the three thousand years of female cultivators, there are three thousand Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian human races. These three thousand Hunyuan swords are the first human races fabricated by Nuwa himself. Now all these human races have proclaimed.

Under the leadership of the Ransuiren clan, the Chao clan, and the Jinyi clan, these three thousand tribes wore the Ling Bao refined Innate treasure suit as a guard.

While Ling Bao was sitting on the edge of the agarwood in Kowloon, nine golden dragons roared and flew towards the Nuwa sky with the sister.

When everyone saw this, they were shocked. Even Daddy didn’t expect that the human race’s background could be so profound.

Originally, Zhunti wanted to control a part of the human race and occupy the luck of the human race, but when he saw people like the human race, Zhunti immediately persuaded him, so let’s preach well.

If it annoys the Human Race, I am Heavenly Dao Sage, and it is not enough for the Human Race to attack, and in Sanxian Island, there are 129,600 people on the peak of Guangzhunsheng. These are the people made by Nuwa using Calabash vines. .

Of course, the Tianjiao who appeared in the human race for tens of millions of years is also busy inside. Everyone is paying attention to this Ling Bao, and no one has gone to Sanxian Island.

Nine years later, Ling Bao came to Nuwa Heaven, connected Nuwa, and then went to the underground palace, connected Houtu, and then walked mightily towards Sanxian Island.

After twelve years, everyone finally entered Sanxian Island. When Nuwa and Houtu got out of the car, everyone took a deep breath. Everyone has seen the graceful and luxurious clothes, but they have never seen it before. I have never seen such clothes.

As white as snow, it fully reflected the appearance of Nuwa and Houtu, and everyone couldn’t help but let out a cry of exclamation.

You have to know what phoenix crown and xiamen, there are simply too many in the predicament, but the clothes designed by Ling Bao through all the wedding dresses of later generations are simply too beautiful.

The two are also beauties, and the wedding dress makes them even more beautiful.

When Nuwa and Houtu came out, let alone other people, even Sage, who had no relationship between men and women, couldn’t help but lose consciousness.

Ling Bao smiled slightly, knowing that he had integrated the entire avenue of beauty into the wedding dress, and he did give the second girl a long face.The second girl was very happy when she saw the surrounding guests.The second girl gently covered her mouth with her hand and said A crisp laughter.

Everyone realized that they were rude to waiting for others, so they all said to Hou Tu and Nuwa:

“Congratulations Ling Bao and the two Taoists 820 tied the knot 1”

Ling Bao arched cupped hands and said:

“Thank you fellow daoist for coming to the poor house for coming to my wedding with Nuwa and Hou Tu. Please come inside!”

Tongtian joked to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, if you are a humble house, then there is no good place in this predicament. Spit, you are really a capital, this Sanxian Island, Innate treasure is no less than ten thousand pieces!”

Ling Bao said “modestly”:

“Haha, decorations, decorations! Today is a day for me to rejoice, don’t show off my wealth, don’t show off my wealth, hahaha, let’s go, today I must let everyone have a good drink!”

Thousands of people stood behind Tongtian, and then asked Ling Bao:

“I have a lot of apprentices, but they all come with blessings. Ling Bao fellow daoist won’t blame it, right?”

Ling Bao waved his hand:

“Haha, Tongtian fellow daoist Giving face, I naturally welcome, let’s go, I will arrange for others!”

Fuyi and the Eleventh Ancestor Witch all wore a festive red robe and greeted everyone at the gate of Sanxian Island.

Zhu Rong shouted loudly:

“Gu Hai, a scattered man in the East China Sea, presents a pair of trillion-year-old purple corals, the best-quality Hou Tian Ling Bao four sea bottles, the medium-grade Innate Ling Bao covers a sea pearl, blessings

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