Chapter 251 Proposal [Subscribe]

“Tongtian fellow daoist, you don’t need to do this. Actually, there is nothing. These are all trivial matters. Forget it, you can talk to the original fellow daoist. I have no choice but to do the last time!”

Tongtian knows that to prevent others from witnessing, that is the great Karma, and Ling Bao’s understatement is revealed, and it can be regarded as a face for Sanqing.

And daddy was very shocked by the side.Although Ling Bao did not prove the Dao, it was much more powerful than the one who did the Dao. The original strength I knew was that he could only defeat the original by using Taiji Tu and the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. Don’t even think about the seal.

So daddy intends to use the skyrocketing luck to quickly Ascension own Cultivation Base, so daddy didn’t say anything about the original things.

Ling Bao asked Nuwa and Houtu:

“Wajuan, Houtu, we have met and known each other from “August 20” to the present, I have also completed my own promise, that is to give you the most honorable identity.

Now I am done, I am not the master of a sage, I am not a Sage, I am just a simple cultivation person, but I am very greedy, because I love both of you, when I make Houtu the master of the tunnel through a series of operations At that time, I wanted to propose marriage with you.

But seeing Nuwa’s envious eyes, I was thinking at the time, since Heavenly Dao can be equal to the tunnel, why can’t humanity work?

So I planned for tens of millions of years, and finally completed it, and finally let Wowa you become the lord of humanity. Although different, the identities of the two of you are finally equal.

I’m tired after so many years of planning. I don’t know if I can have this luck and become the companion of the two of you.

Nuwa moved two tears, and the meaning of herself and Hou Tu was very clear. Now that there is finally a result, the mother nodded very moved:

“I agree!”

Houtu was also very shocked. He didn’t expect that this man could even see such subtle details and spent such a long time on it.

Hou Tu also knows that if there is no Ling Bao, the Wu Clan, let alone becoming a god, will return to heaven and earth long ago, and he usually goes to the Wu Clan to do it!”

Houtu Road:

“I agree!”

Fu Yi laughed loudly:

“This moment has finally come, and I’m relieved!”

After talking about Fuyi’s Cultivation Base, the Cultivation Base continues to climb, from the middle stage Cultivation Base of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to the late stage peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

As long as you go back to Closed Door Training, you will be able to say that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is perfect, which is the Sage Tenth Stage. You must know that the highest Sanqing is only the Sage Seventh Stage.

Fuxi knew that Little Sister Nuwa was finally able to hold her together with the collar, and completely let go of the obsession in her heart.

When Nuwa saw Fuyi’s Cultivation Base soaring, she naturally knew what Fuyi’s obsession was, it turned out to be own happiness, Nuwa was very happy, and shouted to Fuyi:

“Big Brother!”

Fu Yi smiled and said:

“Nuwa, congratulations, your Big Brother Fuyi finally put down, and only the Human Emperor Fuyi will be the only one!”

Nuwa nodded, knowing that the development of Daoist Emperor Fuyi is better than the future of Heavenly Demon God Fuyi.

Moreover, Nuwa only knew what Ling Bao had done to own Big Brother when he was in control of humanity. Ling Bao even incorporated the essence of Fuyi’s demon god’s body into Dao Fuyi’s current body.

This is also the reason why Fuxi’s cultivation is so fast. The accumulation of all ages plus the essence of Heavenly Demon first made Fuyi have the current qualifications.

Nuwa was very grateful to Ling Bao, and at this time, eleven ancestral witches including Dijiang also came out.

Di Jiang smiled and said:

“Little girl, waited for tens of millions of years and finally waited until now!”

Then joked to Ling Bao:

“Brother-in-law, when you and the younger sister are married, can you let me have a wedding drink!”

Ling Bao said:

“Of course welcome. After three thousand years, I will marry Nuwa and Houtu. Please come by then. This is the location of my Immortal Cave Sanxian Island!

After speaking with a wave, countless jade pieces flew out and fell into the hands of everyone. Ling Bao said to Hongjun:

“Hongjun fellow daoist, please come and have a drink at that time!”

Hongjun naturally knows that Ling Bao’s Cultivation Base is no less than himself. If it’s someone else, Hongjun won’t kill him, but there are also Nuwa and Houtu, both of whom are comparable to him.

Hongjun smiled and said:

“Fellow daoist big wedding, I will definitely attend!”

Ling Bao smiled with cupped hands:

“Then welcome fellow daoist!”

Hongjun smiled and said:

“Since it’s all over, the old way will return to the Purple Cloud Palace!”

Ling Bao said to Hongjun:

“Fellow daoist go well!”

At this time, countless people in the prehistoric land had received invitations, and Ling Bao said loudly:

“I don’t have many hands, so I used magical powers to send invitations. Of course, those who receive the invitation can bring their own relatives and friends to a certain wedding!’

Countless great powers in the primordial land have also received Ling Bao’s invitations. What Ling Bao does not know is that Ling Bao’s invitations have become the most popular thing in the primordial land.

Ling Bao’s major apprentice, Lei Ling, is now also proving Dao Hunyuan, the supreme being in charge of Heavenly Tribulation, two apprentices Fuxi, three apprentices Shennong, four apprentices Xuanyuan, five apprentices Cangjie, and six apprentices Dayu, all of them are Proving Taoism Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the status is equal to Sage.

Although Ling Bao is not an ancestor of Taoism, the Cultivation Base of his apprentices is even more powerful than that of ancestors of Taoism.

And Nuwa sat down without a disciple. The Styx under Houtu was the most holy Cultivation Base. In addition, there was Ling Bao’s clone time ~ Daoist, also known as Emperor Edu.

There are also eleven Big Brother Big sis, which are all similar to the existence of Sage. With such a big power, everyone wants to hold big legs.

Although Ling Bao did not fight for the hegemony of the predecessor, but in the predecessor, it is definitely the existence of the hegemony level, daddy, primitive, Tongtian, Zhunti, catching, Styx, Zhenyuanzi, Kunpeng, Baiyunzi, and the never born Cangtian. , Emperor Tian 5.0, Green Heavenly Dao people.

The candle dragon of the dragon clan, the blue dragon, the reborn phoenix ancestor of the Phoenix clan, the Qilin king of the Qilin clan, etc. god-tier experts all responded to this Ling Bao.

Ling Bao’s magical powers instantly knew who had agreed to attend his wedding, and then said very happily:

“Thank you for supporting fellow daoist!

At this time, Suiren stood up and said:

“Holy Father, Suiren has a request!”

Ling Bao looked at the Suiren clan and said to the Suiren clan:

“What can I say!”

Sui Ren’s Tao:

“The great kindness of the creation of the Holy Father and Mother, the Human Race will never forget, the marriage of the Holy Father and the Mother of God, that is the first event of the Human Race, I want to bring people from the Human Race Sacred Land to the marriage of the Father and Mother!”

Ling Bao thought for a while

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