Chapter 245 Dayu’s water treatment [seeking subscription]

Various genres began to appear in the human race, thinking that the reasons for Cangjie’s creation of characters, whether it is elucidating, or intercepting, or even the inheritance left by daddy, are passed down in the form of fragments.

With the different interpretations of the human race, different ways of understanding and cultivation have been formed.

Although there was Xuanyuan’s presence, the struggle did not appear, but the seeds of the struggle were planted.

This is also the reason for the various struggles of the human race in the future, that is, because of the reasons of civilization, the difference in civilization and beliefs.Under this difference, everyone adheres to the truth and thinks that they are the truth. Battle.

Of course, this is something.

Under Xuanyuan’s leadership, whether in terms of music, Xuanyuan invented the five-tone twelve temperament, or his Yuan concubine invented silk by raising silkworms, which allowed people to enter a high-speed development-development.

After Xuanyuan came down from his leisure time, he began to cultivate. Because Xuanyuan always visited the human race privately, he took a total of 3,000 concubines.

In order to improve his own ability, Xuanyuan created the first dual cultivation method of the human race through Yin & Yang’s Tao, absorbed the energy of Four Divinities, and led the Cultivation Base Ascension to the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

Xuanyuan was also the first to cultivate the Dao Zhusheng to the pinnacle of the Cultivation Base during the period of the Emperor. Ling Bao knew that no one in the Five Emperors except Dayu could cultivate and become a sage.

So let Own now Shi Lingbao came forward to accept these apprentices.

During Xuanyuan’s reign, Ling Bao accepted Yingxiang as his disciple, and Zhuanxiang as Xuanyuan’s grandson. Zhuanxiang’s father, Changyi, had insufficient morals, and Xuanyuan did not let Changyi lead the family.

However, under the guidance of Ling Bao, Exiang was very prominent in virtue, force, and culture. After Mount Tai conferred the Zen, Xuanyuan gave the position of co-lord to the title.

Because of Xuanyuan’s good foundation during his reign, in addition to naming Kyushu during his reign, he vigorously developed various medicines, and the rest was cultivation.

And after Xuanyuan’s merits were completed, he also certified Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and went to Huoyun Palace for meditation!

All the three emperors proving the Dao, and their strength is very powerful, which makes countless god-tier experts very envious. Although seeing the appearance of four masters of the human race, the countless great abilities have begun to pay attention to the human race.

But Human Race is not the Lich Race now. The Human Race makes countless people jealous. In addition to the four Hun Yuan, the Human Race also has the strength of Ling Bao, Nv Juan, and Houtu, all of whom are Sage.

Of course, everyone knows this. This is also the reason why Daddy didn’t come out to point fingers at the human race, because Daddy knew how cheap he was as a leader.

But Tongtian taught his own apprentice in Biyou Palace on Jin’ao Island. It felt very refreshing to be a teacher, and the strength of the human race made Zhun Tishse tremble, and he did not dare to come out in the West.

It’s just that when I was traveling, I encountered a few disciples with relatively good aptitudes and accepted them.

In this way, 800,000 years have passed. In these 800,000 years, the human race has experienced four leaders Zhuanxiang, Diyu, Yao, and Shun.

When Shun was reigning, there were countless floods in all parts of the land, and the homes of countless human races were in the ruthless flood. Shun asked Chongbo Gun to take care of the floods.

Gun is Yu’s father. Gun used the water barrier method to control floods, which is to block the floods by strengthening the dams.

However, the floods of the prehistoric land were too severe, and there were countless monster races making waves behind them. They couldn’t stop them at all. They were able to stop them for a while, but after the dam was reopened, the power was even greater.

Gun was reprimanded by Shun for being unfavorable in managing the flood. After returning, he was depressed and died.

Under the guidance of Ling Bao, Dayu was very clever, and then brought Ling Bao to open the mountain axe, Nine Heavens to breathe the earth, four fixed sea god needles, and several pictures of mountains and rivers. Ling Bao found Shun.

Shun saw that the young Yu looked down very much, and turned to Yu Dao:

“Yu, your father Gun has been demoted to a commoner by me because of the unfavorable water control. Are you coming to control the water again?”

Yu was not convinced:

“Conglord, I have two purposes to control the waters. The first is not to see the human race being overwhelmed by the floods, and the second is that I want to seek justice for my father!”

Shun faced Yu Dao:

“Well, since you said that, if you can’t manage the floods well!”

Yu’s decisive answer:

“Then you can take me, the leader of the five suns, at any time!”

When Shun heard that Yu actually used his own life as a guarantee, he agreed to Yu’s request. Yu received Shun’s order and took people from the source of the Tianhe water to open the mountain with a mountain axe, and then use the soil to reinforce it.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

Lead the water out, otherwise the big water will hit, and by the way, some small branches will be opened to irrigate the farmland of the human race.

Countless human races saw that the effect of Yu’s water control was very good, and they also understood Dayu’s thoughts, and joined the ranks of water control one after another.

Dayu followed the smashed river and began to control the river. He used the Dinghai Shenzhen to measure the water level, used a mountain axe to widen the river, and used soil to reinforce the damaged river embankment.

Before going to a place, countless people followed Dayu to control the water. More than ten years later, Dayu passed the house to control the water and saw his wife looking at him on the shore.

Dayu waved his hand to his wife, and then continued to control the water. The humane next to him said:


“Dayu, I’m home now. I haven’t seen my family for many years. Let’s go back and have a look!”

Dayu shook his head:

“The flood is still raging. I can’t stop. If the flood is taken care of earlier, the human race will not be raging by the flood a day earlier. Let’s go, go ahead and take a look!”

After speaking, Dayu stood on the raft and went down the river.

After Dayu opened up a river, a human said:

“Dayu, there are a few rivers that are similar to this one!”

Dayu looked at the remaining floods still raging, but Dayu did not greedy merits, because Dayu knew that own calculations are the depth of a river, so Dayu said:

“Go, go and see the other rivers!

After speaking, he headed for another river course. Because of his previous experience, Dayu took the human race across mountains and ridges, opened mountains and gravel, strengthened dams, measured water levels, and then recorded all this information into the map of mountains and rivers.

A few years later, Dayu cleaned up the river once again. This time Dayu passed by the door again. Dayu’s wife heard that Dayu was coming again, so she ran to the shore and looked at Dayu. Dayu was very apologetic. Looking at his wife, she politely declined the proposal of everyone to let herself go home, and continued to open the river.

In this way, Dayu passed by the house for the third time and didn’t even go back to take a look.When everyone knew about this, they admired Dayu very much. After Dayu saluted all the rivers, he continued to open the rivers to the east.

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