Chapter 244 Xuanyuan Zhishi【seeking subscription】

In order to lay out the chess pieces that Fengshen dropped, although Cao Bao and Xiaosheng were not aware yet, Ling Bao still dropped his own chess pieces for the future.

Ling Bao looked at the Luobao money in his hand, then took out his own measuring ruler, thought about it and refined another scale, and then put away the treasure he refined.

But Xuanyuan waited for a few years and no one solved these problems. This made Xuanyuan very distressed, and Cangjie faced Xuanyuan Dao:

“Brother, isn’t there still a Master?”

Xuanyuan nodded and said:

“There is no way, it can only be this way, I’ll go to the Master!”

After talking about Xuanyuan, he handed over the affairs of Chen Capital to Minister Own, and then drove the clouds toward Xuanyuan Hill. Because Xuanyuan moved the capital to China, he was very close to Xuanyuan Hill, and he was there in a short while.

Xuanyuan found Ling Bao, Ling Bao said:

“I know your intentions, I have prepared everything for you. This is Luobao money, this measuring ruler, suitable and fair scale, is prepared for you!

Xuanyuan didn’t know the use of these three Ling Bao, so Xuanyuan asked Ling Bao:

“What is this and how to solve the current situation!”

Ling Bao smiled and said: 803

“Talk about these Magic Treasures after refining it!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Xuanyuan directly began to refine Ling Bao. With the help of Ling Bao, Xuanyuan refined all these Magic Treasures.

Xuanyuan was very excited to face Ling Bao:

“Thank you Master! I will go back now!”

Ling Bao stopped Xuanyuan:

“Wait, you just go back like this?”

Xuanyuan asked very puzzled:

“Master, I am still waiting if I don’t go back to the human race!’

Ling Bao did not answer the conversation, but asked Xuanyuan:

“After getting these pieces of Ling Bao, what do you do when you go back?”

Xuanyuan said without even thinking about it:

“Of course use this as a template, create these things, specify the standards, and then the whole human race will implement it!”

Ling Bao said:

“There is no problem with weights and measures, but you do the same with this money?”

Xuanyuan nodded and said:

“Yeah, Master, don’t you know that Human Race is really difficult now. Some people have too many cattle and sheep and want to change something, but they lack chickens and ducks, but these chickens and ducks are not equivalent, so there are many disputes. , But if there is this money in the middle, it will be much more convenient!”

Ling Bao Room:

“How do you circulate this money and give it to the Human Race for free? That’s a good thing for people who buy things with money, but what do people who sell things say, do you also give money, and what do you use for casting, how do you forge it, if What if someone imitates?”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Xuanyuan was very scared. You must know that Xuanyuan is not a fool, but because this matter has been entangled for too long, a solution has been obtained and Xuanyuan has relaxed his vigilance.

Xuanyuan saluted Ling Bao:

“Thank you, Master, Xuanyuan almost committed a heinous crime, and ask Master to teach me!”

Ling Bao said:

“First, the Luobao Money is not for you to imitate this, but for you to use the Luobao Money as the mother money, and the money made through the Luobao Money as the mother money has the function of trading.

As for if someone imitated it, didn’t you set a penalty? You can be a bit harsher and the punishment a bit more serious.

As for how to let the money flow out, since you have established various cities, then the city construction, the support of the human race elderly, education, and medical care can all be made state-owned. These are all money. You can ask ordinary people to do and work on these things. People who can get wages, and the things the country needs can also use money to buy with the civilians, and then the civilians can

To buy other things with money.

This thing must be popularized quickly, and in order to carry it, coins of different denominations can be made from different materials. Humans need cultivation, so this cultivation needs energy.

So you can find energy crystal (bafa) stones as currency in the wild, and you need to establish a financial system. I explained it to you before.

Moreover, this Luobao money still has to be given magical powers, that is, money can be used for God, this is also a very important thing, as for how to use God, it is up to you to understand it!

I told you the general direction. As for the details, you have to rush all the officials to discuss together, check the gaps and make up for the omissions.

Xuanyuan saluted Ling Bao:

“Thank you Master for teaching!

Ling Bao worship handicraft:

“Okay, you go back, is the Human Race waiting for you? Finally, I will tell you one thing, as the co-master of the Human Race, your every move is related to the future of the Human Race. Give you a piece of advice, think twice, and go!”


“Yes, thank you Master for his teaching!”

After talking about Xuanyuan, he returned to the Human Race and set the standard for measuring length, weight, volume, etc., and then spread it all over the world.

Countless human races admired Xuanyuan when they saw this. Xuanyuan’s reputation was getting higher and higher, and Xuanyuan was helped by human officials.

It took eight years to settle the currency issue before it spread to the entire human race, and at the same time vigorous construction began.

This construction is not the same as before. Xuanyuan asked billions of people to discuss with each other, taking into account the city’s drainage, greening, sanitation, education, market, medical care, etc.

Although it was in the prehistoric period, the city Xuanyuan presided over the construction was not inferior to the cities of later generations, because of the cultivation of these people.

Even the formation is taken into consideration. Each city is a huge formation, and the Spiritual Qi in the city is deeper than the outside.

Moreover, there are various public officials who are receiving wages, and the emergence of currency has made people’s commerce more developed, from the initial food, chicken, duck, and fish to various life supplies.

In the end, even various cultivation cultivation techniques, Medicine Pill, Magic Treasures, Ling Bao, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are sold. Whatever the cultivator needs, they will also go to the Human Race market to trade through currency.

And many monster races also trade what they need with the human race through various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures. Of course, these monster races don’t have any karma.

Because the monsters with karma in the human race will be destroyed by the human race’s large array, and the human race has perfected these since.

Beginning to make great strides in progress, Xuanyuan was the development of the human race. Through interviews with countless cultivators, and even studied with Su Nu and Xuan Nu, he wrote the “Huang Di Nei Jing” that the cultivators needed.

In fact, the earliest “Huangdi Nei Jing” is not the name, it is called “Huang Di Nei Jing”. Yellow is the color of Xuanyuan’s account and clothes, and Xuanyuan’s practice is earth virtue, so it is yellow, and earth means earth, but the back In order to respect Xuanyuan’s people, they changed their name to Huangdi!

When Xuanyuan ruled the human race

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