Chapter 224 Female baby Hua Jingwei [seeking subscription]

Everyone knows that this little girl does not have a name yet. Tingwo must wait for Shennong to come back before naming the girl. Because it is a little girl, he calls her a girl.

When the girl heard everyone’s greetings, she said very politely:

“En, Uncle is going to the market again?”

“Yeah, yes, the market will open soon. I’m going to change something. Should I go to the market to play with Uncle?”

The girl shook her head:

“No, I go there every time, it’s meaningless!”

After talking about the girl rushing and jumping, she left. Except for Chendu, the girl kept walking eastward. The girl heard from others that there is a sea to the east of Chendu. The sea is very beautiful and special. It’s big, and it’s not lost to land at all.

This made the girl who had never seen the sea very beautiful. She left Chendu by herself and chose a direction to go directly to the east.

After stumbling and walking for three or four days, many human races saw the girls so small and cute, and they spontaneously fed them to the girls.

Finally the girl came to the beach, looking at the vast sea, the girl was very happy, and said to herself:

“This sea is really beautiful!”

The girl took off her shoes and played with her bare feet on the beach. Just when the girl was playing, she walked out of the sea alone.

The girl asked curiously:

“Who are you!”

It was a young man who walked out. The young man was the nine princes of Donghai Dragon Palace, Ao Zheng, Ao Zheng had a trace of Ancestral Dragon blood, so he was very famous in Long Palace.

Hearing what the girl said, Ao Zheng was very proud:

“This entire East China Sea belongs to us!”

Upon hearing Ao Zheng’s words, the girl was very unconvinced and said:

“Huh, then my father is still the co-master of the human race!!

Ao Zheng saw that the girl was unconvinced, and he must know that everyone in the Dragon Palace would let him go, Ao Zhengdao:

“Little girl, are you looking to die?!

The girl asked ignorantly:

“What is death? Why look for it, is it delicious?”

Ao Zheng thought that the girl was entertaining herself, and was very angry, and said to the girl:

“Okay, it seems that you really do not live or die, what about the co-owner of the human race, who dares to move me!”

After speaking, Ao Zheng used the natural supernatural powers of the Dragon Race to overturn the clouds and rain, and manipulated the water of the East China Sea to directly submerge the girl. The girl did not even reflect.

But at the moment the girl died, Shennong felt a pain in his own heart, and then forgot it, knowing that the daughter he had never met was dead in the ocean.

Shennong is very sad:

“My human race listens to the order, my human race should stay away from the sea and be proud of the land!”

After talking about Shennong’s heartache, he spouted a mouthful of blood, everyone hurriedly gathered around, and said:

“Common Master, what’s the matter with you? Are you okay?”

Shennong Road:

“I’m sorry to listen, sorry to my daughter!”

One of them asked:

“Common Master, what’s the matter?”

Shennong Road:

“My daughter was drowned in seawater by the nine princes of the East China Sea!”

Everyone was filled with indignation after listening to the Tao, and Nuwa saw it in Nuwa Tian, ​​and said very angrily:

“Damn dragons!”

There was no one in Nuwa except Nuwa, but Nuwa got a spiritual orb on Fenbao Cliff, but he had Spiritual Sense. Hearing Nuwa’s angry words, he remembered the dragon clan in his heart.

This is also the reincarnated adult of Lingzhu, who has learned the ability to go to the East China Sea to cramp and peel the dragon prince, and it is also considered to be for Nuwa to export evil.

Ling Bao also knew the whole story, so naturally he wouldn’t stand by. Although this girl had never seen her, she said she was the daughter of her apprentice.

So Ling Bao came to the East China Sea in addition to Taoist temples. At this time, the baby girl has turned into a bird, shaped like a crow, with five clear lines on her head, which are the Five Elements spirit lines.

The pure white mouth is very sharp, and the red claws are shining with strong fire, and there are waves of wailing:

“Jing Wei!”

“Jing Wei!”

Ling Bao sighed:

“I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention to you and caused you to suffer this disaster, but the culprit, the culprit, can’t make them feel better!”

After Ling Bao stretched out his hand, Ao Zheng, who had just escaped into the Dragon Palace, was caught by Ling Bao.

The Dragon Palace was very surprised to see the nine prince of own being kicked off. You must know that this dragon clan was the overlord of a generation in the ancient times, but the overlord of the scaly clan.

Although Zulong was dead, there were Zhulong and Canglong along with Zulong. Zhulong felt that his beloved Ninth Prince was taken away. He hurried out and saw a colorful palm of energy that grabbed Ao Zheng.

Candle Dragon Road:

“I don’t know which fellow daoist, I don’t know if I can give Candle Dragon a Face!”

Ling Bao coldly said:

*. Zhulong, today this Ao Zheng must die, not to mention you Zhulong, even if the Zulong comes, it won’t work. I dare to touch the daughter of Ling Bao’s apprentice.

Naturally, Zhulong had heard of Ling Bao’s name, and said in shock:

“What? Master Ling Bao!”

Can Zhulong know that Ling Bao Master is a character comparable to Sage, Ling Bao coldly said:

“Hmph, for the sake of the wooden dragon, I don’t care about your dragon clan, otherwise, I will destroy your dragon clan today!”

As soon as I heard the candle dragon, damn it, this is not a Giving face, when daddy was in the wild, you were still an egg on horseback, and now you are as good as daddy.

Candle Dragon Road:

“Ling Bao, I know that your ability rivals Sage. It must be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian’s Realm, and I am also Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian’s Realm!

Don’t lose the dough when you get it. It doesn’t look good at the time. If I’m gong, you still put Ao (good money) right on me. If you say you want any compensation, I will give it to you!”

Ling Bao coldly said:

“Magic Treasures, inheritance, I don’t lack resources, yes, I can give you a face, as long as you resurrect your baby girl today, I will give you this face.

Otherwise, Heavenly Dao is here, and today I will kill this arrogant Ao Zheng!”

Ao Zheng saw Zhulong and shouted loudly:

“Ancestor, save me, I don’t want to die, I really don’t want to die!”

Looking at Ao Zheng’s appearance, Zhulong was very disappointed, but because Ao Zheng had the blood of Ancestral Dragon, for the sake of his own Dage’s blood, I couldn’t persuade him!

Candle Dragon looked at Jing Wei, frowning, this could not save him at all, this Jing Wei was too resentful, and there was no Cultivation Base, there were only two ways, one was to kill Ao Zheng in front of Jing Wei and calm it down. Resentment, so Jingwei can be resurrected.

The other is…

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