Chapter 223 Shennong tastes herbs [seeking subscription]

Everyone also knows that if there is another great power between the world, then it is Fuxi.

After everyone knows that Fuyi has proved the position of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, whether it is Sage and other quasi-sages, they will give Fuyi Face. .

Fu Yi left, Nuwa came to Ling Bao and said very shyly:

“Ling Bao, thank you!”

Fu Yi asked Nuwa:

“Thank you for our relationship, don’t worry, go and see your Big Brother!”

Nuwa was very happy, and while Ling Bao was not paying attention, she kissed Ling Bao on the cheek, then disappeared, went to Huoyun Cave to find Fuyi, and went to Fuxi.

Shennong saw Ling Bao and saluted Ling Bao respectfully:

“I have seen the master!”

Ling Bao nodded to Shennong, then said:

“Shennong, the human race will be handed over to you, I will leave first! If you have anything to do, go to my Taoist temple to find me!”

Shennong Road:

“Send teacher respectfully!”

After speaking, he took the human race back to Chendu and began to deal with human affairs. Ling Bao was in Taoism 10, constantly cultivation own Cultivation Technique, comprehending the three thousand avenues supernatural powers, you must know that these three thousand avenues supernatural powers are Pangu god- The inheritance of tier, Ling Bao comprehends every time.

Ling Bao will benefit a lot. Now Ling Bao’s Cultivation Base, even Hong Jun can’t see through it, because Ling Bao’s body, soul, and Cultivation Base have already transcended Heavenly Dao and destiny.

So Ling Bao has no reference at all and can only continue to cultivate own inheritance, but Ling Bao has not forgotten to refine Magic Treasures for Shennong.

Fuyi’s Innate treasure was given to Fuxi when Fuxi was the first God of Heavenly Demon, but Shennong’s Magic Treasures had not been given to him yet.

Because Ling Bao knew the Tao of Shennong, Ling Bao refined three Magic Treasures. These three Magic Treasures all have the same root and the same origin, one is Ochre, one Shennong Ding, and the other is a scripture without words.

Among them, there are nine sections of ocher whip, which can identify the four qi and five flavors of medicinal materials.

In addition to refining Medicine Pill, Shennongding can also refine tools.

The No-Word Scriptures were prepared for Shennong’s book “Shen Nong Scripture”.

The three Magic Treasures are all Innate treasures. Although Ling Bao is the first Heavenly Demon god, Ling Bao’s soul belongs to the human race. If there is no human soul, Ling Bao doesn’t know if he can have this ability now.

You must know that Ling Bao’s best practice Cultivation Technique, in Ling Bao’s eyes, is the inheritance of the “Soul Gold Medal” among the soul gold beads, and the people in the human race Sacred Land are practicing the “Soul Gold Medal”, although there is no People can cultivation Tao Soul Gold Core Realm.

But the “Soul Gold Medal” in Sacred Land has increased the comprehension of the race many times.

Ling Bao has almost refined the Cultivation Technique, and 30,000 years have passed. In these 30,000 years, Shennong has not only carried out the five grains of the human race.

Moreover, the breeding technology has been improved. Horses, cows, sheep, chickens, dogs, and pigs are regarded as six animals, and they have become the main animals in human captivity.

In addition, in order to allow the human race to eat more food, Shennong also opened up a market, bartering things through supply and demand.

Moreover, Shennong also made hemp into cloth, to get rid of the embarrassment of humans not wearing clothes in summer.

On the basis of Fuyi’s musical instruments, many musical instruments have been improved. Invented five kinds of music of Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu.

Create bows and arrows to reduce the damage of humans when hunting.

And also made a lot of pottery with soil to make people’s food more diversified!

Ling Bao saw that Shennong made people more progress, and was also very happy. With the increase of Humans, more and more people of Humans died of diseases.

When Shennong saw this, he was very anxious. Shennong handed over the government affairs of the human race to his subordinates, and left Chendu with a group of subordinates. When Shennong left, he looked at his pregnant wife and said very reluctantly:

“Tingyue, I’m sorry, I know you are pregnant, but Human Race is dying every day because of illness. I am the co-master of Human Race. I want to go out and find a way to treat Human Race!”

Listening to Yue is very virtuous, facing Shennong Dao:

“Husband, it’s okay, you go, there is a listener at home, it’s okay, there are so many servants here, I’ll be fine!”

Hearing Tingyue’s words, Shennong held Tingyue and said:

“Tingyue, thank you very much!”

Listen to the smile:

“Husband, you go quickly, the human race needs you!”

Shennong Road:

“Ting Wo, don’t worry, I will definitely free Human Race from the trouble of disease!”

After finishing talking, Shennong wailed tears and listened to his own wife. After bidding farewell, I took the people and started walking in the wilderness. Everyone walked in the old forest of Taoist Mountain.

When encountering a lot of Demonic Beasts, Shennong and his guards are highly cultivating people. As long as they are herbs that Shennong doesn’t know, Shennong will pick them and taste them.

Because there is a crystal belly on Shennong’s body, even Meridians’ blood vessels can be seen clearly, no matter what herbs are in Shennong’s body, they can be clearly seen.

While walking, Shennong tried the medicinal properties of various herbs.

Shennong has eaten countless herbs and divided the medicinal properties of herbs into four types: warm, cold and hot, and five flavors: sweet, sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

While tasting the medicine, Shennong recorded the characteristics of all the medicinal materials, and then thought about what kind of medicinal materials can have different effects together.

Shennong tasted hundreds of thousands of 803 kinds of medicinal materials, but most of them were guarded by Demonic Beasts, and countless guards faced Shennong Road:

“Kongzhu, go back, you have tried a lot of medicinal materials!”

Shennong’s face full of wind and frost:

“I can’t go back. Most of these medicinal materials are guarded by Demonic Beasts. Many humans can’t use them. They are too dangerous. not enough!

Let’s go, let’s keep going!”

After talking about Shennong leading the guards and his servants to continue walking, Ling Bao walked for ten years and finally reached the foot of a big mountain. The mountain was very steep. The guards persuaded Shennong:

“Common Master, go back, there is no way ahead!”

Shennong shook his head, looked at the surrounding trees, and said to everyone:

“Everyone, we use these trees to build a shelf, we can go up no matter what, the disease of the human race can’t block us just because of a high mountain!,

The guards and the servants had no choice, so they were with Shennong on this steep mountain wall, making layers of shelves with wood.

At this time, in Chendu, a young lady with two braids ran around in Chendu, and everyone greeted the cute little girl:

“Girl, you came out to play again!”.

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