Chapter 221 Fuxi Zen, Shennong [seeking subscription]

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, the Jiang tribe is no longer short of physical objects, and the staple food has changed from a variety of meat foods to rice, millet, rice, wheat, and sun, the five staple foods, everyone calls this five grains!

Since then, five grains were born, and the name of Shennong also spread.

Chen Du, Fuxi also knew about this, and planned to call Shennong over and pass on the position of the co-lord of the human race to Shennong, but when Fuxi sent someone to find Shennong, Shennong was no longer the Jiang tribe, and Shennong brought it. The author has already gone to other tribes to teach the method of planting.

Influenced by the charm of Shennong’s personality, countless people have also joined the ranks of Shennong. When Shennong returned to the Jiang tribe, three thousand years had passed.

In the past three thousand years, Shennong spread the cultivation method of five grains to the human race, and Fuxi also made up his mind to pass on the position of the co-lord of the human race to Shennong Lieshan.

When Shennong returned, an envoy from Chen Du came over and said to Shennong:

“Shennong, you are back, I have been waiting for you for more than three thousand years!”

In the past three thousand years, Shennong has helped the human race to plant five grains in the entire Primordial Wilderness. The whole body is full of healthy wheat skin. Shennong asked curiously:

“Oh, what will I do? Your city hasn’t learned yet~ Will you plant five grains?”

When the messenger heard Shennong’s words, he shook his head in admiration:

“Shennong, no, it’s the communist master who wants you to go to Chendu one-time!”

Shennong was also very shocked when he heard the messenger’s words, and then said:

“Okay, wait for me, I just came back, and I told my family, I will go to Chendu with you tomorrow morning to meet the co-leader!”

The messenger nodded, then said a few words to Shennong, and then went back and waited, and after Shennong bid farewell to his own parents, he went to bid farewell to Ling Bao, and Ling Bao faced Shennong Dao:

“Shennong, there is a great opportunity waiting for you when I go to Chen this time, you can cultivate well in the future!!

Shennong hasn’t cultivated for three thousand years, but he still automatically breakthrough the Realm of Taiyi Zhenxian, Shennong is embarrassed:

“Master, you laugh at me too, these are all you taught me!”

Ling Bao said:

“The master leads the door, and the practice is personal. What I teach you is the theory. You get it through your own hard work. You do a good job. The Master is proud of you. Go! Be careful on the way!”

Shennong nodded, and the next day Shennong followed the messenger to Chendu. After three years of rushing, everyone finally said to Chendu.

When Shennong arrived in Chendu, he went to visit Fuxi the first time. Fuyi saw Shennong and faced Shennong Road:

“You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

Shennong also grew up listening to the story of Fuyi, knowing that if there is no Fuyi, Human Race would not be like this, and Shennong also knew that Human Race would not develop so fast without Fuyi.

Therefore, Shennong also admired Fuyi very much, so he said:

“Common Lord, you are the human race, how can you still worry about me as a small farmer!”

Fu Yi laughed and said:

“You are not a small farmer. You are the great sage of our human race. You have solved the problem of eating for the human race. This is a big problem that has plagued me for tens of thousands of years. Now you have solved it. You deserve the name of Shennong. Now, what do you think of the future of Human Race?”

Shennong had studied in the eighth side, and then on the development of the human race, Shennong combined the theory he learned from Ling Bao and his experience of walking the wild human race for so many years to answer Fuyi.

After the two asked and answered Nine Heavens and Nine Heavens, Fu Yi laughed and said:

“Hahaha, Junior Brother’s Master is also Holy Father?”

Shennong nodded, Fu Yi said very happily:

“Well, I didn’t expect you to be my younger brother, a talented younger brother, now I am completely relieved to hand over the human race to you!”

Shennong asked curiously:

“Brother, you are the master, why do you give it to me?”

Fu Yi Road:

“Junior Brother will know about this in the future, but I am really happy. I found the descendant of Junior Brother and I am relieved to hand over the Human Race to Junior Brother.

Keep informed, after nine years, I will go to Mount Tai and give the Zen position to my younger brother, Shennong!’

If it is someone else, others still have objections, but everyone in Shennong admires Shennong, and Shennong anxiously said:

“Brother, this can’t be done!”

Fu Yi explained with a smile:

“Junior brother, don’t worry, this is a good thing for me, don’t worry, sooner or later you will be the next co-lord!”

.0 Seeking flowers……0

Hearing Fu Yi’s words, Shennong had to let go of the doubts in his heart, and then faced Fu Yi Dao:

“Brother, I still have a lot of things I don’t understand. In the past nine years, please ask seniors to teach me a lot!!

Fu Yi Road:

“No problem. You didn’t have Zen until nine years later, and you have this consideration.”

The next day, Fu Yi asked everyone to prepare for the Zen position nine years later, and then Fu Yi took Shennong to deal with the internal issues of the human race.

After so many years of development, Human Race has been very perfect. In just five years, Shennong will be able to deal with Human Race issues independently.

Fuyi watched by the side. If there was no major wrong direction, Fuyi would not even bother Shennong’s handling of human affairs.


Four years later, Fu Yi brought Shennong to Mount Tai. At this time, the Human Race had already built the altar, with statues of Ling Bao, Nuwa, Houtu, and Daddy on the altar.

Fuxi Road:

“Today, the co-lord of the human race is carrying out the Zen position ceremony. I want to give the position of the co-lord of the human race to the Shennong! Grand Master Ling Bao, the holy father of the human race, the mother of the human race Nuwa to the holy mother, the mother of the human race The leader of morality is honored and gracious!”

As soon as Fuxi’s words fell, Ling Bao stepped on the colorful clouds, Nuwa stepped on the golden phoenix, daddy stepped on the Tai Chi diagram, and Houtu stepped on the Six Paths of Reincarnation plate and appeared in the air!

In addition to these Sages, the three Sages of Tongtian, Yuanyuan, and Zhunti have all come to observe the ceremony. Besides, Zhenyuanzi, Jiying, and the Twelve Lord Gods have also arrived.

The Human Race salutes Sage and god-tier one after another, Ling Bao said to the Human Race:

“Everyone is free!

After talking about helping everyone up, Ling Bao and Ling Bao’s current corpse Lingbao felt it. Ling Bao stood up with the seal of Kongtong and shouted loudly:

“I, the head of the human race, declared Fuxi the co-lord of the human race, during the period of the co-lord of the human race, I worked hard and led the human race to a peak, conscientious and selfless dedication, for 1229,600 years, with complete merits, and bestowed the title of emperor. Eternal Human Race!

The human race is immortal, Fuyi will last forever!”

Ling Bao’s voice just fell, and a ray of light in the Kongtong seal fell into Dao Fuyi’s body

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