Chapter 220 Lieshan becomes Shennong【seeking subscription】

Guang Chengzi was very unconvinced, but he didn’t dare to speak out, because the feeling just now made him so desperate. You must know that he was in the void just now, no matter what he did, he couldn’t escape.

Guang Chengzi saluted Ling Bao:

“Yes, Uncle Master, I will tell the teacher!”

Ling Bao was very angry. If Guangchengzi really got on board first, then Guangchengzi would definitely share the merits of Lieshan, and Lieshan might not be able to preach by then.

You must know that these three emperors are related to their future plans and cannot be destroyed by these people, so Ling Bao coldly said:

“If you let me find out about your small actions next time, don’t blame me. You can go back and tell the original, then the own apprentice will turn to gray, don’t say that it will affect our friendship for hundreds of millions of years!”

After speaking, Ling Bao waved his hand and sent Guang Chengzi back to Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace!

When Guang Chengzi saw the surrounding scenery, he was very surprised. Yuan Yuan was preaching to everyone. He saw Guang Chengzi appear in front of him and asked Guang Chengzi:

“Guangchengzi, why are you back in 803?

Only then did Guang Chengzi know how powerful Ling Bao was, but the original question, Guang Chengzi still told Ling Bao’s words to Yuan, Yuan was very angry after hearing it, especially in front of so many disciples, Yuan Yuan was even more angry, and then Coldly said:

“Okay, I see, go down!’

Then to the people:

“This is the end of today’s preaching!”

After talking about Yuan Yuan, he turned around and left. Yuan Yuan entered the inner hall, there was no one, and he couldn’t help it anymore.

“Damn Ling Bao, I thought that after so many years of friendship, you would be open to the Internet and give me the position of a master of the emperor. I didn’t expect you to be so greedy.

If that’s the case, don’t blame me for being impolite, huh! I want to see if you really disregard our sanqing relationship, if you dare, hum, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

After talking about Yuan Yuan, he became sulking, but Ling Bao didn’t put Yuan in his heart, but waited for Lieshan to come!

The next day, Lieshan came to the door early, Ling Bao began to teach Lieshan (bafa), most of the time he taught Lieshan cultivation.

Lieshan deserves to be the reincarnation of Xuangui, and his aptitude is no less than the top god Heavenly Demon, plus the humanity Samsara of eternity, Lieshan’s merits are integrated into Lieshan’s body.

In just nine years, Lieshan has become the fruit of the Golden Immortal. At this speed, even Ling Bao is dumbfounded, which is simply too unbelievable.

In addition, Ling Bao also taught Lieshan various knowledge.

Ten years passed quickly. Lieshan studied under Ling Bao for nineteen years. When Lieshan was 18 years old, Lieshan’s father handed over his salary to Lieshan.

This inheritance is just a seed. Only when it is cultivated slowly can it grow. Only when it matures can it be passed on to others.

When Lieshan was studying art, the human race developed to a certain bottleneck, coupled with the wanton capture of various beasts, the human race continued to grow, and the human race’s food once again entered a state of shortage.

The Fuyi of Chendu also knew about this situation, but Fuyi’s Innate Eight Trigrams had already become a big success, knowing that this matter was not solved by himself, it should be the matter of the next emperor.

Fu Yi said to everyone:

“Let the order go on and let all people find a way. As long as someone solves the human food problem this time, I am willing to give him the position of co-lord of the human race!”

Hearing Fu Yi’s words, everyone was very surprised, and one after another was comforted:

“Common Lord, don’t!”

Fu Yi Road:

“It’s been more than 100,000 years, and the development of Human Race has once again entered bottleneck. I am no longer suitable to be the co-owner of Human Race. Human Race needs a new great sage to lead Human Race to a stronger glory, so you don’t persuade it, everyone. Think of me as the co-lord of the human race, I also have to ask the human race to consider.

No matter who it is, as long as the human race can live well, he should become the next co-owner of the human race and lead the human race to a stronger side. ”

When everyone heard Fuyi’s words from the heart, they were very excited, and they loved Fuyi even more, but they still passed Fuyi’s order.

When Fuxi’s words were made known to everyone, all Human Races’ recognition rate of Fu Yi reached a peak, and everyone knew that Fuxi was really wholeheartedly for Human Race!

All the human races love Fuyi even more, and Lieshan also knows the news. Lieshan looks at countless old people who choose to starve to death for the future of the human race and will not compete with young people for food.

Lieshan found Ling Bao, knelt in front of Ling Bao, and said to Ling Bao:

“Master, I know that the master is talented, please ask Master to save the human race!”

Ling Bao pointed to the bird in the sky and asked:

“Look at the birds in the sky, why they won’t die, why won’t they be hungry!”

Lieshan fell into deep thought when he heard Ling Bao’s words, and then saluted Ling Bao:

“Master, I see, thank you Master!”

After talking about Lieshan, I went out and followed countless birds to see what these birds were eating. Finally, Leishan chose a colorful bird to follow.

The bird finally landed in a valley, and saw a plant, glittering with colorful ears of wheat. The heavy ears of wheat became food for the colorful birds.

Lieshan looked at the colorful spikes in the mountains. Lieshan knew that these were not available to the human race. Lieshan built a wooden house next to it, and then observed these colorful spikes every day, from the seeds of the colorful spikes. In the ground, roots and sprouts, and new colorful ears grow.

It was ten years in a flash. During the ten years, Lieshan observed the growth of the colorful ears three years before, and later planted it by himself, and recorded the growth of the colorful ears, and personally tried to eat these grains.

Finally, I got five kinds of food: rice, millet, rice, wheat, and salvation. After improvement, Lieshan finally determined the food, Lieshan was very excited.

With countless seeds, he returned to the tribe and began to grow these foods.

It was ten years in a flash, and Lieshan finally sorted out the habits and cultivation methods of these foods.

Due to long-term planting, Lieshan became a miraculous farmer, referred to as Shennong, and the name of Lieshan was gradually forgotten.

Anyone who sees Lieshan will call Lieshan Shennong.

The name of Shennong quickly spread throughout the Jiang tribe. After Shennong was done, Shennong began to teach others to plant. ,

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