Chapter 197 First encounter with Baiyunzi【seeking subscription】

Zhunti flew out like a cannonball, and blood spurted from his mouth at the same time!

Ling Bao stood beside the women, looking at Zhun Jiati coldly.

Zhun Ti looked at Ling Bao who suddenly appeared, very envious and jealous, while the little girls closed their eyes, but none of them begged for mercy.

The eldest baby opened her eyes first, and then shouted at Ling Bao in surprise:


Ling Bao nodded lovingly, then turned around, and said coldly to Zhun:

“Chun mention, I think you are really looking for death. My daughter said that I and Niangwa are their parents. You dare to do it. Don’t you want to live anymore?”

Zhun Ti looked at Ling Bao angrily, but didn’t dare to say anything, but suppressed his own anger:

“Fellow daoist, I thought they were lying, since it is true, I will leave!

After talking about it, Ling Bao didn’t wait for Ling Bao to send out the “seven nine zeros”, and ran away after mentioning a teleport.

The second baby said excitedly:

“Daddy is amazing!”

Ling Bao was very happy to hear the praise from the second baby. After so many years, Ling Bao regarded seven Calabash babies as own daughters, although they did not have any blood relationship with him.

But Ling Bao still dotes on a few Calabash babies very much.

Although Ling Bao knew that the little guys were not injured, he still asked the little guys:

“Are you injured?”

Several Calabash babies all replied crisply:

“No, father!”

Four children’s way:

“As soon as I heard that he was referring to Sage, I secretly sent a message to my father. My father told me that the most notable person in this predicament was that of Zon mentioning. When Big Sister delayed the time, I would send a message to my father. !”

Ling Bao nodded very happily:

“Well, yes, you are all good. Next time you meet Zhunti, you will send a message to your father. If that kid dares to fight me, I will kill him even if I am injured!”

After Zhunti escaped, Divine Sense was still paying attention to the seven Calabash children. After hearing Ling Bao’s words, Zhunti was shocked, and quickly retracted Divine Sense, headed towards Sumeru Mountain, and went back to heal her injuries.

Ling Bao gave seven Calabash children a few self-defense things, one is the big shifting talisman, everyone gave ten, the other is the chaos Sword Qi talisman, each is also ten, and the other is the defensive talisman. There are also ten for each person.

These things are disposable items, but they are very powerful.

The Great Movement Talisman is not so much the Great Movement Talisman, as it is the Return to City Talisman, as long as you use the Dan Great Movement Talisman, you can instantly return to the Daluo Heaven.

Chaos Sword Qi Talisman is an attack talisman, and the attack is Sage Ten Second Stage, which is also the peak power of Sage.

The defensive talisman Fu Zhuan is able to withstand the attack of Sage Ten Second Stage, which is very abnormal.

The seven Calabash children were very happy to receive the Fu Zhuan given by Ling Bao, and they said very nice things to Ling Bao one by one.

Ling Bao discussed with several daughters:

“Do you want my father to travel with you?”

The seven Calabash children didn’t do it. They were too addicted to outside, so they refused.

Ling Bao looked at the women and had to say:

“Well, since it doesn’t work, then you can go travel by yourself, I’m going back!”

Second baby:

“Father! Goodbye!”

Three children:

“Father, go slowly!”

After the daughters bid farewell to Ling Bao, they hopped around to play.

Ling Bao looked at the daughter who was leaving, and thought of what オ heard Zhun mention just now, and thought that he and Nuwa Hou Tu for so many years had not given them a name.

Zhunti looked down on Nuwa and Houtu, so let alone others.

Thinking of this, Ling Bao planned to give the second daughter a grand wedding. Thinking of this, Ling Bao planned to order something on the phone.

Then Ling Bao flew out and flew in the direction of the West Sea. From the west to Sinai is the extreme west. There is no boundary, and no one can go there.

Ling Bao knew that many people from the West went there to escape Luohou. There was a West Sea Islands on the other side. To the west of the West Sea Islands, there was a very small place, and there was a lot of Innate pink clouds over there.

Ling Bao plans to collect Innate Caixia and get some beautiful clothes for the second girl.

Ling Bao’s speed was very fast. Within a few breaths, Ling Bao surpassed the West and skipped towards the extreme west. You must know Ling Bao’s supernatural powers of shrinking the ground.

It was very powerful in Honghuang, but just like that, Ling Bao used Dzogchen’s magical powers to shrink to an inch for dozens of times, and Ling Bao did not arrive.

This distance has been reached from the Primordial Desolation to the Chaos, but still has not reached the extreme west. Ling Bao tried to shrink the ground several times.

Ling Bao saw countless islands. There were countless practitioners flying around the islands stepping on colorful clouds. The place was peaceful and there was no fighting.

As soon as Ling Bao entered this island, he heard a humanity:

“Fellow daoist, wait a minute!

Ling Bao stopped and looked at the Daoist in a snow-white robe. This Daoist was very young and light, with bright teeth, and very beautiful.

Hmm, I can’t say handsome, I can only say good-looking.

Ling Bao saluted this Daoist:

“Ling Bao, Master Ling Bao, I don’t know what the fellow daoist is responsible for when he lives here?”

This Daoist said:

“Fellow daoist is well, I’m Bai Yunzi, I don’t seem to have met fellow daoist, fellow daoist is not from our West Polar Islands, I have a lot of friends, I almost know the cultivator of West Polar Islands, I have never met fellow daoist !”

Ling Bao explained:

“Yes, this is my first time here. I am a prehistoric man. Come here to find some materials!”

Bai Yunzi heard Ling Bao’s words, looked at Ling Bao very guarded, and asked Ling Bao harshly:

“You are a Luohuo, does he really unify the prehistoric land, and now he is looking at us?”

Ling Bao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry’s Tao:

“Luo Hou is not qualified to let me be his subordinate, but Luo Hou died and was killed by Dao Zu Hongjun, but Luo Hou still established the Demon Cult before he died.

5.0 Although he has not become Sage, he is still the ancestor of the demons!”

Bai Yunzi asked in shock:

“What? You said Luohou is dead?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Yes, Luo Mou is dead, he was besieged by the four people of Hongjun Daozu, Yin & Yang ancestor, Qiankun ancestor, and Yangmei Daxian!

But just like this, the ancestor Yin & Yang and the ancestor Qiankun have also fallen!”

Bai Yunzi said:

“No wonder? By the way, can I ask you someone?”

Ling Bao Room:

“E? ​​Honghuang is very big, but I don’t know most of the people. Tell me, see if I know it?”

Bai Yunzi asked Ling Bao:

“The one I want to inquire about is Hongyun, he is…”

Ling Bao interrupted Bai Yunzi’s words before Bai Yunzi finished speaking, and asked Bai Yunzi

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