Chapter 196 Zhunti catching dolls [seeking subscription]

But unprecedented unity, which allowed the human race to continue to grow under such harsh conditions, and to constantly understand the prehistoric nature. Of course, there are many spiritual fruits that can fill the human race’s stomach.

Of course, there are also many human races who mistakenly eat spiritual fruit and become cultivators, and these people create a cultivation technique that is different from that of the prehistoric by observing everything in the prehistoric world.

The civilization of the Human Race has also begun to grow slowly. Ling Bao knows the development status of the Daoist family, smiles slightly, and ignores it. .

The seven Calabash babies left their own footprints on the wild land. The seven little guys are very playful and always go to various places to explore. You must know that the seven little guys have the merit and luck of creating human beings. .

So the seven little guys also found a lot of spiritual things.

Four children:

“Big Sister, do you think this father would like it?”

The eldest baby looked at the middle-grade Innate Ling Bao held by the fourth baby and said:

“My father doesn’t seem to be short of Ling Bao, but the fourth sister gave it to him. My father doesn’t like it~ Huan has to like it too!

Hearing what the eldest baby said, the fourth baby smiled happily, and then said:

“Yes, Big sis is right, I gave it, father must like it! Haha!”

After speaking, I felt embarrassed and couldn’t help but laugh!

And Zhunti is constantly flying, looking for all kinds of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures. You must know that the West is simply too poor. You can’t come out to find something. There will be more apprentices in the future, and you will have more lossing faces, and if you have no points. The better Ling Bao, no one wants to teach in the West.

So Zhun Ti did not use Sage magical powers like other Sages. Instead, like other immortals, he flew slowly, looking for Ling Bao he could find.

Just when the seven little Calabash babies were talking, Zhunti happened to be passing by, and Zhunti now listened to the words Innate Ling Bao, and his eyes were all red. .

Zhunti suddenly appeared in front of the seven little Calabash children, and the seven little Calabash children saw Zhunti suddenly appearing, and they all looked at Zhunti, and the eldest baby asked Zhunti:

“who are you?”

Zhunti originally wanted to take it by accident, but after seeing the seven little Calabash babies, he immediately changed his mind. Any one of the little Calabash baby who is accepted as a disciple, I feel very beautiful.

So Zhunti said to the seven little Calabash children:

“Poor Dao quasi mention, don’t you know if you have a master?”

Hearing Zhunti’s words, the third baby used the color to the fourth baby, and the fourth baby quietly sent a message to Ling Bao. Ling Bao was refining the machine and saw the message sent by the fourth baby to own.

If you know that this predecessor can not give yourself a face, there is no one except Zhunzi. Ling Bao accepts half of the Ling Bao he has refined.

In an instant appeared in the void around the seven little guys, the eldest baby looked back, the fourth baby nodded to the eldest baby, and the eldest baby knew that the fourth baby had notified her own father Ling Bao.

The eldest boy said to Zhun:

“We have seen Sage!”

The six little guys also saluted Zhun Ti, and Zhun Ti smiled and said:

“You are welcome, I am a Western teacher Sage. I want to accept a few people as my own disciples. I don’t know how many I would like?”

Zhunti laughed very happily, and the fifth baby whispered to the second baby:

“Second sister, this Daoist laughs so terribly!”

You should know that Zhunti is Sage. Although Wuwa said very quietly, Zhunti heard it too. Zhunti’s face twitched, and then he pretended not to hear the same and said to several people:

“You know I’m Sage, if you guys worship me as a teacher, no one in this predicament dare to bully you!”

The six children couldn’t help saying:

“I have my father and mother to protect, and no one bullies us!”

Zhun mentioning, fathers and mothers, it’s definitely not Sage’s. If you know that Sage’s birth is big news, Zhunti must know. After hearing the words of the six children, Zhun said:

“Your father and mother are not great. Besides, if you become my apprentice, I will protect your father and mother!”

Qiwa Dao:

“Huh, Daoist, my father is so amazing, I don’t need your protection at all!”

Hearing Qiwa’s words, Zhunti’s eyes flashed with irritation, and then asked without a smile:

.0 Seeking flowers……0

“Oh, I don’t know who your parents are? Can they be better than me?”

Three children proudly said:

“My father is known as the Great Master Ling Bao, and my mother is the Mother Lady of the Human Race Wa Niang Niang!”

Zhunti was very surprised when he heard the words of the three children. He didn’t expect to kick the iron plate again. You must know that if you attack these seven little dolls, then according to Ling Bao’s urinary sex, own Sumeru Mountain will definitely be attacked by Ling Bao. Bombing with Innate Ling Bao, it is possible to bomb yourself with Innate Ling Bao.

So Zhun said:

“It turns out that you guys are so big, but I haven’t heard of Ling Bao and Nuwa having children. You have to know that it is a big crime to arrange Sage, and it is deadly!”

Although Zhun Ti was afraid of Ling Bao, Zhun Ti was a bit undetailed in the words of a few little guys. Wuwa cried out:


“You are a bad guy, our parents are Master Ling Bao and Empress Nuwa, we don’t arrange our parents!”

Zhunti gritted his teeth when he saw the appearance of the five children. You must know that if such a good disciple does not receive the own banner, it would be a waste.

If Ling Bao really pursues it, then just say that he doesn’t know and it’s over. By then, with his Sage’s ability, the seven little guys will definitely be saved by themselves.

Thinking of this, Zhun shouted angrily:

“To shut up!”

Seeing Zhunti’s ferocious look, Wuwa blinked these little eyes very poorly, looked at Zhunti very poorly, and said viciously:

“Hmph, you guys are really bold. You have to know that although Nuwa Sage and Ling Bao have a good relationship, they are not dao companions now, how can they have children!

It seems that I want to help your parents teach you well!”

After speaking, I took out the Seven Treasure Tree, and brushed it against the seven Calabash children. After the last time, the Seven Treasure Tree was restored to the Seven Treasure Tree. It took countless Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

But the power is not as good as the previous ones, but in the hands of the quasi-hands, it is more than enough to pack a few quasi-sages.

Zhunti’s Qibao Miaoshu has not yet fallen on the seven little guys.


A huge noise!

Puff! and,

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