Chapter 191 Hongjun still has a baby [subscribe]

“Wu Tian, ​​Heaven Court will be handed over to you from now on, Yaochi, you have to help Wu Tian!”

Wu Tian and Yao Chi said one after another:

“Yes, please follow the orders of Dao Ancestor!”

Hong Jun said:

“I don’t know what you think about Heaven Court?”

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, you don’t know what Hongjun means. Ling Bao knows that Hongjun is paving the way for Wu Tian, ​​or even paving the way for Hongjun. Hongjun also knows that Wu Tian can’t support Heaven Court. I want to use the way of raising Gu to choose the Heavenly Emperor in the future.

Ling Bao also wants to make the prehistoric universe an eternal universe, and then take his own people out of the prehistoric universe-, so Ling Bao said:

“Fellow daoist, I have a little bit of opinion!”

Hongjun Road:

“Oh, fellow daoist talk about it!”

Ling Bao said:

“Wu Tian is the Dao Ancestor’s boy. If they are allowed to manage Heaven Court, they will definitely not be perfect, and it will be bad if Heavenly Dao is delayed.

So I think the new Heaven Court should have Liu Yu!

Daddy asked curiously:

“What is Six Royal?”

Ling Bao said:

“These six deities are divided into the southeast, northwest, upper and lower, and the above are the deities. This Wu Tian can be the high heavenly saint and the benevolent Jade Emperor.

This is for Chengtian to imitate Hou Tu Huangdi, as the official position of Hou Tu, in charge of Samsara.

The remaining four are divided into Emperor Dongjimiao Yan Qinghua, who cooperates with the Jade Emperor to control all kinds and control the vitality of all things.

The Western Emperor Gouchen, in charge of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and soldiers presided over the military revolution.

The Great Southern Emperor Changsheng, in charge of the four o’clock climate movement, the cardinal of all things fortune and misfortune, and dominates the gods of the Thunder Ministry!

The Great Northern Lagerstroemia, in charge of the latitudes and longitudes of the sky, to lead the The Three Realms, the star gods and the gods of mountains and rivers.

This Shangxialiuyu, don’t know what you think?”

Daddy thought for a while, these multi-functional departments are restraining each other, and there will be no more demon clan Heaven Court conquering the prehistoric and unifying the prehistoric things.

So Daddy nodded first:


Other people also agreed, and Hongjun nodded in satisfaction:

“Good, just follow what fellow daoist said!

Then Hongjun took out a mirror and a pagoda, and handed it to Wu Heavenly Dao:

“This is the best Innate Ling Bao Wu Tian Jing, Wu Tian Pagoda, I will give you self-defense!”

In fact, I also gave Wu Tian a lot of Ling Bao before. This is to express my own attitude. Although my boy has gone out, I still pay attention. You Sage, don’t overdo it.

None of these Sages was a fool, and naturally understood what Hongjun meant. No matter how much Wu Tian was going to do, he would be the Jade Emperor.

Hongjun took out a Spiritual Roots and handed it to Yaochi Road:

“This is the renshui Spiritual Roots of the top ten Spiritual Roots. I will suppress your luck with you!”

Then I thought about it, and took out a Bo Meng Dao:

“This is Water Purifying Bo Meng, for the best Innate Ling Bao, defend yourself against you!”

Then he took out two Ling Bao one after another, and said to Yaochi:

“This is the Juxian Flag, and one of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth. It is also called the Plain Cloud Boundary Flag. This plain Cloud Boundary Flag is like xenon hydrogen, the heaven and the earth are bright, all evils retreat, and Wanfa does not invade. Just Song Yu You defend yourself.

This is Luanfeng Golden Hairpin, and it can be regarded as an offensive Innate Ling Bao, and I will give it to you!”

Yaochi and Wu Tian took Ling Bao and thanked Hongjun. Everyone knew that Hongjun must still have Ling Bao. Ling Bao shook his head speechlessly. It was really embarrassing for these people to look at Ling Bao’s eyes.

Ling Bao is a purely full man, I don’t know that a hungry man is hungry. You must know that there is only one who is the richest. As for Nuwa, if there is no Ling Bao, there is no Innate treasure.

Hongjun Road:

“This is the end of the matter. As for the construction of Heaven Court, you have to discuss with the senior brothers and sisters!”

Wu Heavenly Dao:

“Yes! Master!”

Then Wu Tian said to everyone:

“From now on, Wu Tian will rely on all the brothers and sisters a lot!”

Tongtian said with a grin:

“Say it!”

Hongjun Road:

“This is the end of the matter. What I want to say next is that the monster race is basically destroyed, and the rest of the monster race must be taught carefully.

The Wu clan retired from the prehistoric clan and became members of the god clan and the priesthood of the underworld, so this prehistoric human clan should be the protagonist of heaven and earth!”

After Hongjun finished speaking, the changes of Heavenly Dao flashed in everyone’s minds. The luck of this human race occupying the three talents of heaven, earth and humans was long and lasting. It’s just endless.

Nuwa, Ling Bao, Houtu and Daddy who occupy the luck of the human race make the others very Jiangmu.

Hongjun continued:

“But because of the Ling Bao fellow daoist, the human race is not catastrophic enough, and the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors need to make up for the catastrophe. You can settle this matter as soon as possible. This is an important matter for whether the human race can become the protagonist in the future!”

.0 Seeking Flowers 00

Ling Bao said:

“Don’t worry, Daozu, I will take care of this matter, and fellow daoist, I know you all want to benefit from the owner, but the merits of these three emperors and five emperors cannot be allowed to you. The three emperors and five emperors are all taught by me. put one’s oar in.

In return, I can not prevent any of you from preaching in the human race. Of course, it is just preaching and cannot affect the development of the human race.

I don’t know what you think?”

Zhunti was about to speak, Nuwa said:

“Of course, if you don’t agree, you can speak up. I will notify your sect at that time. If anyone chooses his sect, he will be expelled directly from the human race!”


Nujuan’s dominance makes it impossible for Sanqing and Zhunti. Daddy doesn’t matter, as long as the human race is the protagonist, he can enjoy the luck of the human race.

Yuan Yuan and Tongtian are not angry, but there is no way, who can make the family stronger!

Hongjun doesn’t care about these, as long as the human race can become the protagonist of heaven and earth, what Hongjun wants is the result. As for the process, love can do whatever it takes.

In my own eyes, Sage is an ant, not to mention other cultivator, which is not in Hongjun’s consideration at all.

So Hongjun said:

“Ling Bao, Nuwa is the mother and father of the human race, and the seal of Kongtong is in the hands of Ling Bao fellow daoist again. This matter is left to you two!”

As soon as everyone listened, yes! It’s settled, what else can be done, let’s listen to Dao Ancestor!

Hongjun said:

“In that case, go down and prepare!”

After speaking, they disappeared into the Purple Cloud Palace, Wu Tian and Yao Chi also left the Purple Cloud Palace, Ling Bao said to the people:

“Shall we go to Heaven Court?”

Everyone knew that this was Ling Bao had something to say, so they nodded, and then Ling Bao rolled around the people and used the big space technique to bring them to the Heaven Court.

Everyone was very shocked. What kind of Cultivation Base is Ling Bao? He blew up Ling Bao when he was fighting with Zhun Ti, and these people except Wu Tian and Yao Chi were all Sage’s Cultivation Base.

But when Ling Bao brought everyone here, everyone didn’t even have a chance to resist. The sky was very straight and asked Ling Bao

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