Chapter 190 Heavenly Emperor candidates [seeking subscription]

As soon as Xuan Ming was about to say who to give it to, he heard Zhun mention:

“Xuanming fellow daoist, wait a minute, it’s better to hand this judge to the pharmacist of my brother’s apprentice. This pharmacist is also talented and fair and strict. I believe I will be able to do this judge!”

Just as Tongtian was about to refute, Houtu said coldly:

“My authentic thing, don’t participate in Heavenly Dao Sage!”

Sanqing originally wanted to squeeze out Zhunzi, but after hearing Houtu’s words, what was going on?

Daddy asked curiously:

“Houtu fellow daoist, what the hell is going on?”

Hou Tu explained:

“Hongjun Dao Ancestor is Heavenly Dao Dao Ancestor, I am the master of the tunnel, but Hongjun is not, Heavenly Dao is Hongjun, Hongjun is not Heavenly Dao.

And peace is authentic, and authentic is peace, so you Heavenly Dao Sage really want to participate in authentic things? Then don’t even think about Insight Heavenly Dao in this life, but you have to think carefully?”

No one believed Houtu’s words at all, you, an apprentice of Dao Ancestor, actually said that you are more powerful than Dao Ancestor!

Just as everyone was preparing to refute Houtu with words, Wu Tian flew down from the sky and shouted to everyone: 037

“Brothers and sisters, the teacher asked you and Ling Bao fellow daoist to go to the Zixiao Palace!”


“Okay, let’s go right away!”

Sanqing nodded. This time is the most complete time for Sage. Houtu happens to be going to the Zixiao Palace once to see what Hongjun wants to do?

Everyone used their own Sage method to find the Purple Night Palace through Heavenly Dao, and then moved their minds into the Purple Night Palace.

After everyone entered the Purple Heaven Palace, Hongjun suddenly appeared on the cloud bed and said to the people:

“You are all here!”

Zhunti faced Hongjun Road:

“Dare to ask the teacher, Hou Tu said that he is comparable to the teacher, I don’t know if it is true?”

Hongjun smiled and said:

“Why? Don’t you believe it? Houtu fellow daoist said this is true, Houtu fellow daoist is even humble, Houtu fellow daoist is the master of the tunnel, and the tunnel is level with Heavenly Dao. I said it last time!

So the fellow daoist of Houtu has gone further than me. Now Hongjun is Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao is not Hongjun. Do you say that the fellow daoist of Houtu is true?”

Zhunti was stunned. This Houtu really surpassed Hongjun, and Hongjun did not explain to everyone. Hongjun’s current Cultivation Base is indeed a bit higher than Houtu. In Honghuang, Houtu is not Hongjun’s opponent, but In Samsara, Houtu taught Hongjun how to be a man.

Because Houtu has just become the master of tunnels and Heavenly Dao is still in Ascension, Houtu’s progress is far faster than Honggou.

However, neither of them said anything about it, Hong Jun said:

“Okay, I won’t mention this matter, Ling Bao fellow daoist, although the collection of the Yaozu belongs to you, this is also the old Dao promised before, and there is no remorse. This time I invite the fellow daoist to come up, mainly because the Heaven Court is It is to serve the prehistoric and cannot be controlled by no one.

I don’t know who you can choose?”

Daddy is very clear. Although this Heaven Court is good, it has deep karma. He only has a direct disciple of Xuandu, and the cultivation of the human race is not his own disciple, and he has no choice, so Daddy said:

“Teacher, there is only one disciple under the disciple’s name, so he won’t participate in the dispute over the Heavenly Emperor!’

Although daddy only has one disciple, the others are not, the original Tianzun said:

“Tell the teacher that there are twelve golden immortals under the name of the disciples. Affair, respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao, are the best candidates for the Heavenly Emperor!”

Tongtian also said:

“Tell the teacher that the disciple has four personally handed down disciples. Among them, the chief disciple of the disciple is Duobao, who is exceptionally talented, has great perseverance, great luck, and can be a Heavenly Emperor!’

Zhun mention this time:

“Tell the teacher, so that the teacher knows that we also have a brother (baaa) ​​in the West. He is a true disciple under my name, Maitreya, who is kind-hearted, compassionate and compassionate, has great merit, great perseverance, and can be the Heavenly Emperor!,

Only Ling Bao, Nuwa and Houtu did not speak.

Hongjun smiled and asked Nuwa:

“Nuwa, what do you think?”

Nuwa Road:

“The teacher is right. I don’t have any disciples, I only have a boy and a mount. There is no one to recommend. Please let the teacher call the shots!”

When Hongjun heard Nuwa’s words, he nodded in satisfaction, and then asked:

“Houtu fellow daoist?”

Houtu Road:

“My witch clan has become a god clan, but can’t become a god clan. I will also serve in The Netherworld in the future. I don’t have any good candidates. As for who becomes the Heavenly Emperor, let the Dao Ancestor be the master!”

Hongjun asked Ling Bao:

“Where is Ling Bao fellow daoist?”

Ling Bao knew that no matter who he recommended, it was this boy Haotian who became the Heavenly Emperor, so why not be a good friend.

So Ling Bao said:

“Fellow daoist, don’t know if I can ask you a question?”

Hongjun smiled and said:

“Fellow daoist, please speak!”

Ling Bao said:

“Is the fellow daoist not often in the Purple Heaven Palace, but the fusion of Heavenly Dao, Insight Heavenly Dao!”

Hongjun nodded and thought that Ling Bao was right, and Ling Bao said to Hongjun:

“Fellow daoist, in that case, then I recommend you this boy as the Heavenly Emperor, this virgin is the queen mother, and the two are in charge of the Heaven Court together.

First, these two have served fellow daoist for hundreds of millions of years, and they have to work hard without credit.

Second, although the identity of the fellow daoist boy, the fellow daoist identity is noble, and two boys can serve as the heavenly Emperor, this identity is also sufficient.

Third, this boy is not in the name of any Sage, he will not favor any Sage, and there is no need to let three fellow daoist fight.

Fourthly, this Zixiao Palace is too deserted. I think these two boys have a realm, and it is enough to be the Heavenly Emperor and Queen Mother Cultivation Base!”

Listening to Ling Bao’s words, Hong Jun was even happier and said:

“Okay! Just as the fellow daoist said!”

Everyone frowned slightly, but thought that if it weren’t for the own disciple to be the Heavenly Emperor, but the other two Sage disciples, it would be bad for the own sect.

And when Wu Tian is the Heavenly Emperor, when there are so many Sage sects on the side, it will not be too much, so all Sages said in unison:


Seeing that the other Sages also agreed, Hongjun said to the two boys:

“Wu Tian, ​​Yaochi, and you two come forward!”

Haoting He Yaochi walked forward, Hongjun pointed at the two:

“This image is not beautiful!”

With Hongjun’s finger, the two instantly changed from the appearance of a boy to a pair of majestic middle-aged men. Wu Tian is very majestic, and Yaochi is also very solemn.

Hongjun confronts Erren Dao

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