Chapter 188 Zhunti Zhengbao【Subscribe】

Zhun said:

“It’s okay not to punish the Witch Clan, but the Witch Clan can’t snatch the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Sword of Witch!”

Nuwa coldly said:

“This Sorcerer Sword was made with my Human Blood Essence. Why, Sage wants to go to war with me? If this is the case, I will declare as the Virgin of the Human Race. From now on, no one will be allowed to enter the Western religion. If you join the Western religion, expel the human race!”

Nuwa is only the Virgin of the Human Race, not the Sage of the Demon Race, so Nuwa’s words are still very useful.

Zhunti is not a fool either. The dead and wounds of this monster race will be divided up by these people sooner or later, so everyone knows that the future protagonist is the human race.

Now that Nuwa is saying this, I’m sure to say it quizzically:

“I didn’t mean that, I don’t want the Tu Witch Sword, so why don’t I want the Eastern Emperor Bell?”

Ling Bao stood up and said:

“The Eastern Emperor Bell and Hetu Luoshu are all mine now, and even Heaven Court’s collection is all mine. Don’t get involved!”

Zhun Ti heard Ling Bao’s words and stood up and shouted:

10 “Why?”

Ling Bao coldly said:

“Why? These things have long been mine. When Nuwa was not sanctified, the deity wanted to kill the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but Dao Zu came out to stop it. Later Dao Zu promised me that if these two crows didn’t fall in my hands. , All the Yaozu’s things belong to me!”

Daddy stood up and said:

“Yes, I was there at the time!”

Nuwa was shocked and said:

“Ling Bao, you are so amazing, at that time you knew it would happen now!!

Ling Bao snorted coldly:

“If it hadn’t been known that these two dead crows were going to die sooner or later, then they would not give Dao Ancestor Face, but would have to kill these two dead crows. At that time, I knew these two crows were dead, so I would let them go.

Otherwise, I can let go of the person you shot, it’s just a dream!”

Nuwa thought that Ling Bao was afraid of Hongjun at the time, and only now knows how long Ling Bao’s calculations were at the time, and daddy was also very shocked. You must know that Honggou was sanctified by himself at that time, and Ling Bao could calculate. Things happened hundreds of years later.

What a terrifying thing. Daddy knew that Ling Bao could only be a friend, not an enemy. Originally, Daddy wanted to compete for the Eastern Emperor Bell, but Daddy was also afraid. If Ling Bao calculated his own words, he would be finished. .

Anyway, I have the Innate Supreme Treasure Taiji Picture, and the Donghuang Bell is just the icing on the cake. You can’t evil Ling Bao because of a Supreme Treasure, so daddy said:

“What the Ling Bao fellow daoist said is, but now the whereabouts of Donghuang Bell is unknown, the Hetu Luoshu has also been taken away by Peipeng!”

Primal Tianzun also felt that this Ling Bao was simply too abnormal, and he did not lack any Magic Treasures, so Primal also said:

“Since Heavenly Dao has set things down, we will naturally abide by them!”

Everyone came out, the first one was to patch the sky, the second one was for the treasure of this monster race, everyone also knew the past situation through Heavenly Dao, it is not easy to know the future, but the past is in the eyes of Sage, just watch the movie The same, you can know it with a little calculation.

Tongtian hasn’t spoken yet, Zhunti knows that Tongtian and Ling Bao have a good relationship. If Tongtian is allowed to speak, then he really won’t be able to get anything this time.

And Nuwa and Houtu are here, Zhunti didn’t dare to do anything, so Zhunti said very miserably:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, you have a lot of Innate treasures, and the fellow daoist does not lack Ling Bao. I am barren in the West. I really lack Ling Bao. Besides, the fellow daoist holds the Innate treasure, which can turn into Innate, Innate treasure. Refining casually.

The fellow daoist is the treasure of Innate, which can explode at will. This treasure is good for me. I am willing to let the fellow daoist become the three masters of my Western religion. It is good for the fellow daoist!

Ling Bao rolled his eyes and said in disdain:

“I have 60% luck in the entire West. Why did I want to become a Western teacher of the Han nationality? Besides, what does your poorness in the West have to do with me? You go to the demons. In the past, the West was no worse than the East. Pangu loved it. There is no partiality to the east, but caused by the throat.

If you have grievances, go to the Demon Race. Besides, do you know why I occupy the Sixth Layer of Qi Luck in the West?”

Everyone is also very curious. Everyone has become a Sage. I can’t figure out why Ling Bao can occupy 60% of the West’s luck.

Because at that time it was Hongjun’s dark history, and Hongjun is now the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao. For Heavenly Dao’s majesty, Heavenly Dao and Hongjun would not allow anyone to look at the history of that time at will.

Ling Bao did not say anything about Hongjun, but said:

“At that time, Luo Hou and Hongjun Daozu fought, and Demon Zu Luohuo was not Daozu Hongjun’s opponent. He wanted to die with Daozu Hongjun and refine all the Western spiritual veins.

I wanted to explode the Western spirit veins. I discovered this. I paid the price of 300,000 Innate Ling Bao to drive Luohou’s Divine Sense out of the Western spirit veins and saved 70% of the western spirit veins. Of course, many of the main spiritual veins are under Luohu’s eyelids, and I can’t help it.

The West is barren, if it is not for the deity, your West is not barren!”

After hearing Ling Bao’s words, everyone knew why Ling Bao could occupy 60% of the West’s luck. After so many years, Zhunti and 037 received such operations in the West. It only increased the Western luck, but Ling Bao still occupied Sixty percent luck in the West.

This Ling Bao is the master of the West, but Zhunti and the lead are the thieves, so everyone looks at Zhun-ti and sees what Zhun-ti says.

Zhunti heard Ling Bao’s words, and Zhunti paid homage to Ling Bao:

“On behalf of countless creatures in the West, I would like to thank Ling Bao fellow daoist for the great kindness. My brother and I are willing to give up the Western religion and respect the fellow daoist as the master of the Western religion. Please allow the fellow daoist!”

When everyone heard Zhunti’s words, they all looked at Zhunti in shock. They didn’t expect that Zhunti would say such words, the whole force was simply too great.

And Hou Tu seemed to know something, and said to Zhun:

“Quasily mention the fellow daoist. I didn’t expect you to be so unkind. Ling Bao entered your Western religion and became the arch patriarch of your Western religion. Is it because your Western religion lacks something? It’s the Ling Bao Big Brother’s contribution. I, Ling Bao No matter how you say Big Brother, you are also the benefactor of Western religion! You Western teachers are so kind and revenge!”

When everyone heard Houtu’s words, they all reacted. Fuck, this operation is really shameful, what can the archmaster get? There is not much, but pay

That’s a lot, at this time Nuwa said

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