Chapter 187 Nuwa repairs the sky, the ancestor witch becomes a god [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao said:

“Fortunately, I am not insulting my life, haven’t you heard it too?”

I originally thought that Ling Bao would kill Xuangui with his own hands, but I didn’t expect Xuangui to give it out willingly. In this case, Ling Bao not only didn’t have a trace of karma, but also gained a lot of merit.

In addition to the hard body, the tortoise shell on the back is also proficient in divination. The black tortoise also knows his own destiny and hears Ling Bao’s enlightenment.

The mysterious turtle will naturally no longer be horny, so it will be reincarnated. When it comes back, it is definitely a great ability by virtue of the merit of supporting the sky.

Nuwa said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, I have refined it!”

Ling Bao nodded, then said:

“You make up for the sky and I will support the sky!”

Nuwa said to daddy:

“Brother, you told me to take away the Tai Chi diagram, I will make up for the sky, everyone will collect more water from the Tianhe River as much as possible, and reduce the disaster “Zero Sanqi”!”

Everyone said in unison:


After talking, daddy put the Taiji pictures away, and everyone started to collect the water of Tianhe with various containers. You must know that there are so many Sages here, although the water of Tianhe is fierce.

But it didn’t fall into the prehistoric waters, this yuan heavy water fell into the prehistoric waters, and it slowly decomposed into ordinary water!

Although it just didn’t fall much, the wild land is still a sea of ​​Wangyang, and countless waters continue to wreak havoc on the wild land.

Ling Bao commanded everyone to save people. Although Human Race had losses, because of Ling Bao’s existence, Human Race’s losses were not great.

At this time, Nuwa used the magical powers of good fortune and the sun to fill the sky to fill up the holes in the sky. Primitive Tianzun was very quick this time, and he put away half of the Zhoushan directly. Everyone sighed, why didn’t he expect it.

Ling Bao regretted it even more, because he was busy repairing the sky and forgot about this refinement, but Ling Bao has a lot of refinements, and this one is not bad.

Nuwa just made up the sky. The water of the Tianhe River is very heavy, and the sky is constantly falling. Daddy shouted loudly:

“No, the sky is falling!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:


After speaking, Ling Bao threw the Xuangui’s limbs to the extreme of the sky and propped up the sky. The two hind legs were in the west and the front legs were in the east, causing the sky to rise from the west to the east. The water of the Tianhe also flowed from the west to the east along the flood. .

After repairing the sky, there are countless merits in the sky. Among them, Nuwa is the most. The wild land was distributed to other people who contributed.

As for quasi mentioning no merit, quasi mentioning was stunned. Although he contributed little, he also contributed. When the Lich’s calamity was over, the secret was clear, and everyone knew what had happened before.

Tongtian disdainfully said:

“I finally know why fellow daoist has no merit!”



Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“If you don’t have karma, Heavenly Dao will give you a favor!”

Zhunti also knows what he is doing, and these people know, Zhunti turned the subject away:

“Well, now the patching of the sky has been completed, and the Lich races are going back and forth, causing the great creatures to be charcoal. This Heaven Court can’t let the demons sit down!”

The Yaozu does not have Sage, so naturally no one opposes. Everyone said:


At this time, Hou Tudao:

“Everyone, my witch clan has withdrawn from the prehistoric land. From then on, my witch clan is no longer fighting for hegemony in the prehistoric land. Please be your testimony!”

When everyone heard it, they were very happy. You must know that there are great religions in Sanqing and Zhunti, and they need luck. If the witch clan is in the predominance, everyone believes in Pangu and ancestral witches, how can everyone preach, how can they win transport.

So everyone nodded and said:


Hou Tu smiled slightly:

“Big Brother Big sis, let’s start!”

As soon as Houtu finished speaking, eleven ancestral witches appeared in the sky, and everyone was very shocked.Aren’t they all dead? Why is it completely okay!

Ling Bao smiled and looked at everyone:

“Why? Brothers! You blew yourself up?”


“Cool! Haha!

She Bi Shi said depressed:

“I was killed before I had time. If it weren’t for you, brothers, it would be more fortunate for our brothers to be true!”

Ling Bao waved his hand:

“Okay, let’s get to business first!”

Di Jiang stood up and shouted loudly:

“The avenue is on the road, the father is full of grace, my emperor Jiang is willing to turn into the god of prehistoric space, and he holds the law of space, the law of space! It’s done!”

After talking about Dijiang breakthrough Dao Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, a great merit in the void fell on Di Jiang, and a transparent prism of his colleague fell into Dao Di Jiang’s mind.

Di Jiang took the Prismatic Crystal and shouted:

“This is the Godhead. The person who controls the law of my witch clan automatically transforms into a god race, concentrates on the Godhead, controls the law, and the godship of the law is the same as Sage!”


Heavenly Dao recognized Di Jiang’s words, and Di Jiang continued to shout:

“Well, Dijiang is the patriarch of the Protoss!”

After Di Jiang finished speaking, Zhu Jiuyin shouted:

“The great road is on the road, the father is full of grace, my candle nine Yin is willing to turn into the god of the prehistoric time, and control the prehistoric time law, the time law! It’s done!”

Zhu Jiu Yin is also the same as Di Jiang.

Immediately after Tianwu, Nazi, Qiangliang, Shebishi P, Sushou, Jumang, Gonggong, Zhurong, and Xuanming all became the gods of wind, electricity, thunder, weather, and gold. God of wood, god of water, god of fire.

Houtu also separated a clone and became the god of the earth.

Di Jiang looked at the Twelve Lord Gods and shouted loudly:

“The twelve gods of the Protoss return to the throne, the Protoss! Stand up! The Protoss does not participate in any hegemony, only grows for the law of the prehistoric!”


Heavenly Dao gave his merits and it was true that the Wu Clan completed the Universe Five Immortals. Originally, this immortal was later perfected by Heavenly Dao. Now the immortal has become like the Wu Clan, and all the people of the Immortal Ascension of Insight Law are all immortals.

Especially the human race, more gods become gods, so the later generations of human races will collectively refer to god-tier people as gods.

In Honghuang, the Five Immortals in Universe represent five forces and five cultivation methods.

Celestial Immortals is the fairy of Heaven Court, living 0.0 above Heaven Court, collectively referred to as Celestial Immortals.

Earth Immortals are the immortals of Life on the prehistoric road, whether it is a demon or other creatures Immortal Ascension, as long as the practice on the prehistoric land is Earth Immortals. Of course, the current Earth Immortals has not yet been born, but it is coming soon. The ancestor of Earth Immortals, Jin Yuanzi, will immediately set up Earth Immortals.

Immortal ascension is the way to practice the law. Of course, the immortal who fully masters a law is the master god, just like the current twelve ancestor witches.

Human immortal, that is Human Cultivation Immortal Ascension, inferior to the three immortals of heaven, earth and gods are all human immortals.

Ghost Immortals, that’s the general name for Immortal Ascension Taoist repaired by the people of the Netherworld.

Everyone also knows the origin of the Five Immortals in the Universe through Heavenly Dao, and Jin Yuanzi also knows the opportunity of own, but Jin Yuanzi is not in a hurry, but waits for Sage to complete his own affairs.

Just at this time..

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