Chapter 185 The tragic self-destruction [seeking subscription]

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi summoned the Slaughter Witch Sword, which was a sword against the Sabi Corpse.

Tu Witch Sword is worthy of being the acquired treasure for the ancestral witch refinement. Although the ancestral witch’s body is not the Innate treasure, it also has the strength of the best Innate Ling Bao.

But with just a sword, he chopped off the head of Shebi Corpse.When the other ancestor witches saw this situation, their teeth were violent, and Zhu Rong shouted:

“Sex than a corpse!”

After screaming, he wiped out the hundreds of millions of monster races in front of him, then rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi, and then shouted:

“Donghuang children, you damn it!

After speaking, he rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi.

The recommendation was turned into countless sharp swords, and after all the surrounding hundreds of millions of demon races were wiped out, they went to support Zhu Rong.

When Jumang saw that Shebi corpse was killed by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he lost his mind for a while and was injured by Emperor Jun. Numerous calamities poured into Jumang’s mind.

Ju Mang thought that his brother who had lived for several million years with him would have disappeared, and he was also injured. A trace of determination flashed in Ju Mang’s eyes. At this time, Ju Mang didn’t want to be injured anymore.

You must know that Jumang and Dijun are both Cultivation Bases at the pinnacle of quasi-sages, and the real fire of the sun of Dijun just restrains Jumang’s wooden attributes.

As if thinking of what Jumang wanted to do, Qiangliang controlled the lightning to kill the surrounding monsters, and then shouted loudly:

037 “Jumang! Don’t!”

Ju Mang leaked a miserable smile, and then rushed to Di Jun!


Jumang blew himself up, and the blew up of Zhunsheng pinnacle, that is not pediatrics.

The countless monster races below Jumang were all shaken to death, and many witch races were also attacked indiscriminately.

Many witch races died, but Jumang deliberately avoided most of the witch races when he was dying, and the monster race suffered heavy losses.

Many witches in their hands shouted:

“Father, I am here!”

Finished! I rushed into the monster clan and started to blew myself one by one.

With the self-destruction of the Wu Clan, the people of the Monster Clan were also slammed out of anger, and they still have to learn!

One by one rushed to the middle of the Wu Clan and blew himself up.

As they blew up one by one, the Ancestral Witch had tears in his eyes, watching the owner blew one by one and killed the demon clan. Emperor Jun was also dying with the blew of Jumang. Emperor Jun knew that he could not host the Universe Star Battle. .

Di Jun lifted the Restrictions of Hetu Luoshu, then threw the Hetu Luoshu to Kunpeng, shouting:

“Kunpeng, open the Universe Baaa array!”

Eastern Emperor Tai held the Slaughter Witch Sword in one hand and chopped off Bing Shu’s arm, and the alcohol squeezed Zhu Rong out, and rushed towards Dong Huang Tai Yi.

Blew the Innate treasure in his own hand and exploded the East Emperor Taiyi East Emperor Bell, and the soul of the East Emperor Taiyi in the East Emperor Bell was also blown up, but this time the East Emperor Taiyi was not in a hurry to grab the East Emperor. Zhong, instead brandishing the sword of Tu Wu, rushed towards Jianshou with red eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin saw the crisis of recommendation and rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi, knowing that Donghuang Taiyi is a master who has led the Yaozu to fight for millions of years.

The Eastern Emperor Tai turned around and forced the Jiu Yin to retreat, and the Innate treasure that was collected has blew himself up. Jianshou came to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in an instant, leaking a hideous expression, and shouted at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi:

“Die to me!”

I blew myself up after saying it!

Donghuang Taiyi dodged as fast as he could, but still had it in his hands. Zhu Jiuyin held Own Treasure and threw it at Donghuang Taiyi, and then blew own Innate Treasure.

Donghuang Taiyi endured serious injury and slashed Zhu Jiuyin with a sword, and Zhu Jiuyin was also killed by the Slaughter Wujian.

Countless witches were attacking the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the witch-slaying sword in the hands of Eastern Emperor Taiyi was simply a bug. Anyone that was cut by the witch-slaying sword would basically be Death everywhere, and there was no way at all.

Di Jun dodged the opponent’s attack from side to side, and then shouted:

“Quick! Kunpeng! Open the Universe Star Battle!”

Kunpeng said:

“Your Majesty, wait a minute, I will refine it right away!”

Di Jun was very anxious, but there was no way. The lightning controlled by Qiangliang killed the monster race. You must know that this lightning is the nemesis of the monster race.

Countless monsters were quickly dying under Qiangliang’s hand. Di Jun saw this and saw that Qiangliang was attacking the backbone of countless monsters. Di Jun gritted his teeth and rushed towards Qiangliang.

When Tian Wu saw Di Jun’s movements, a burst of nine-flavored wind blew the monsters around him to death, and shouted:

“Qianliang, be careful!

Xuan Ming rushed towards Emperor Jun, and Emperor Jun let own good corpse come out and flew in front of Xuan Ming to explode!


Xuan Ming accept it!

Naz saw that Xuan Ming was injured and killed the Monster Race around him, and then the painting rushed towards Emperor Jun.

Emperor Jun released the own evil corpse and rushed towards Naz.

Then he came to Qiangliang and blew himself up with Qiangliang.

Di Jun’s Cultivation Base is also the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, Qiang Liang and Di Jun died together.

Donghuang Taiyi saw Dijun Death, and shouted angrily:


Then Donghuang Taiyi shouted:

“Die to me! Kunpeng! Start the big formation!”

Kunpeng saw that the demon banner was blown out, and the East Emperor Bell didn’t know where it ended. Kunpeng finished the Hetu Luoshu Festival, and then put away three hundred and sixty-five star banners and turned them into big pens and double wings. Anxiously, he flew out of Heaven Court in an instant and disappeared.

Kunpeng’s rebellion made the universe completely useless. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi now killed Kunpeng’s new ones:

“Kunpeng, when this battle is over, I must kill you!”


Di Jiang kicked Donghuang Taiyi out, and Donghuang Taiyi was kicked out of Heaven Court and fell outside Buzhou Mountain!

Donghuang Taiyi puffed up several mouthfuls of blood, and there were not many other ancestral witches left. Shebi corpse was killed by Donghuang Taiyi.

Qiangliang and Dijun blew themselves up, Jumang also blew up, Zhujiuyin was also killed, and Liaoshou died.

Now there are six ancestral witches and Xing Tian, ​​Nazxuan, Tianwu, Dijiang, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Xuanming.

Xuan Ming was also seriously injured, and Xing Tian didn’t have much combat power because of the big formation.

Dijiang rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi, and said:

“Damn crow, die for me!”

After speaking, he rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi, and Donghuang Taiyi’s benevolent corpse came out and instantly appeared by Dijiang’s side!


Donghuang Taiyi’s good corpse blew himself up!

Di Jiang is seriously injured!

Donghuangtai came to Dijiang in an instant, and while Dijiang didn’t pay attention, he cut off Dijiang’s head with a sword, and Dijiang died.

Tianwu, Naz, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Xuan Ming and five shouted:


After speaking, Tianwu shouted to Donghuang Taiyi:

“Dead crow, die for me!”

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