Chapter 184 War of the Lich【seeking subscription】

This time, both parties of the Lich will completely exterminate each other, so the Eleventh Ancestor Witch and Xing Tian did not directly kill Heaven Court, but planned to cleanse all the monsters outside Heaven Court.

Eleven ancestor witches and Xing Tian led twelve tribes and attacked in a carpet style from twelve directions.

Countless monsters were instantly wiped out by the witches. Many monsters used their talents to hide themselves. When the witches came over, they rushed into the witches and began to explode.

The witches have also begun to suffer damage, and many unlucky witches have returned to the world.

And the monster clan had no chance of Samsara because of self-destruction. Of course, the true spirits of the individual Lich clan would also be channeled to Samsara.

Everyone watched the Lich fight.

As soon as Donghuang Tai saw this situation, he shouted loudly:

“Ancestral Witch! You are shameless, you have the courage to come to Heaven Court to fight!”

Zhu Rong laughed loudly:

“Little Crow, I have finished the last words so soon, but don’t worry, we will kill you when our brother warms up. You can wash your neck and wait!”

Hearing Zhu Rong’s rampant voice, Donghuang Taiyi was very angry, but he still shouted:

“All demons retreat to Heaven Court!”

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi thought that the Twelve Ancestral Witches would be the same as before, and would directly compete with the Own Universe Star Dou Great Array, but this time the Witch Clan did not play cards according to common sense.

These ancestral witches actually took their own tribe to kill their backs, and countless monsters quickly retreated toward the Heaven Court.

Di Jiang shouted loudly:

“If you want to run, leave it to me!”

After talking about Dijiang holding up the staff, the law of actual combat space, countless space blades raged on Buzhou Mountain, countless monsters were beheaded, and the monsters saw that they and others could not escape at all, and rushed into the middle of the wizards. , Blew himself up, and bought time for the people behind.

Other ancestral witches also used their own treasures, constantly besieging the monster clan, the large monster clan Death, and countless blood stayed down the mountain down the mountain.

Zhunti watched the decisive battle of the Lich in the west, countless golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals, and Daluo golden immortals fell one after another. Zhunti watched so many heavens fall one by one, very distressed.

And Sanqing fell into silence as he watched this battle, and the three of them also knew how sad Liang Jie was.

Ling Bao had seen the situation of the battle of the three clans. This lich battle was just around Buzhou Mountain. During the battle of the three clans, there was no peaceful place in the entire prehistoric land, so Ling Bao didn’t feel anything at all.

But Ling Bao still recorded this battle through the photo-taking stone. After all, this kind of calamity is not always present.

Soon, the Ancestral Witch brought people to the entrance of Heaven Court. In Heaven Court, the black and overwhelmed demons were in the trillions, and the Witch tribes also had hundreds of billions. In terms of numbers, the demons were stable. Pressing down on the witch clan, but the witch clan is the flesh, the law is dual cultivation.

As long as they have physical strength, the fighting power of these witches will not decrease. Many witches grab the monsters and eat on the spot when they are hungry, and they fight while eating.

When the Twelve Ancestor Witches gathered outside Heaven Court, Donghuang Taiyi shouted:

“Ancestral witch, we have already set up the big formation, this time I will see if our Universe Star Dou formation is powerful, or your Wu Clan’s all heaven formation is powerful.

Di Jiang laughed and said:

“Well, in that case, then I will satisfy you!”

After finishing talking, Di Jiang led everyone into the Universe Star Dou Formation, and then said to the people around:

“Brothers! Arrange the formation!””

The Eleventh Ancestor Witch and Xing Tian immediately took out their own Innate, the most treasured city, and stood at the position of the formation. The Twelve Capital Formation was formed in an instant.

Di Jun shouted:

“Arrange the Universe Star Array!”


Countless monsters also activated the Primordial Star guarded by them, and immediately arranged the Universe Star Dou formation.

After the Universe star formation was activated, the entire Heaven Court was covered by the Universe star formation.

And after the activation of the Twelve Capital Sky Array, Pangu phantom appeared, holding the axe made by Qi Qi, roared, and approved the Universe Star Dou Array.

Di Jun studied ten Yuanhui for millions of years, and also found the way to the twelve capitals of The Underworld.

Seeing the attack of Pangu god-tier summoned by the Ancestral Witch Capital Array, Di Jun shouted:

“All of them! Star turns!”

Everyone left the Star Array free and divided the Ancestral Witch’s attack. Although everyone received a slight injury, they eliminated most of the attacks that could destroy the Star Array.

Pangu Phantom saw that the own attack had no effect, and was very angry.

Countless axe attacks impacted the Universe Star Dou formation, the first few axes injured the Universe Star Dou formation, and the following attacks were more powerful than one.

In the end, the Yaozu in the main battle were seriously injured, and even many people died.

Di Jun shouted:

“. All the people in the main formation will make up the formation, and the others will adjust their breath, and Taiyi and I will go to deal with them!”

The other demons shouted:

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

After the Monster Race’s Universe Star Dou formation was broken, Xing Tian could not withstand the invasion of the power of the sky, and retreated from the big formation of the sky.

The Zuwu Gonggong asked Xing Tian:

“Xing Tian, ​​are you okay?”

Xing Tian shook his head tiredly, everyone put away the Du Tianqi, and started killing everyone at Heaven Court with their own weapons.

Dijun found Jumang, Eastern Emperor Taiyi found Shebi Corpse, and other Ancestral Witches quickly culled other monsters with the Witch Clan, because there were too many monsters here, and the Witch Clan was actually at a disadvantage.

The Wu Clan has the ancestor witch to join, the situation is reversed instantly, countless monsters have begun to be massacred by (Good Zhao), Eastern Emperor Taiyi is also anxious, but there is no way, the Realm of the extravagant corpse is similar to himself, and there is Innate treasure. .

Although Dijun pressed Jumang to fight, Jumang was still defensive, even though the sun really restrained Jumang’s wooden rules.

However, Jumang’s strength is not low, and it is difficult to distinguish between up and down at a time. Moreover, Jumang also has the treasure of Innate, and occasionally attacking once or twice will make Emperor Jun in a hurry.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi held the Eastern Emperor Bell, and began to attack the Shebi Corpse. She also fought against the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. In Huang Taiyi’s hands, she saw that the corpse was going to fight with own.

The emperor of the Middle East was in her arms. Just as the two were fighting, the emperor Taiyi caught the loopholes in the corpse of the scorpion.

[PS: Recommend “Fantasy: My Wife is the Devil”] on.

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