Chapter 179 Hou Yi shoots the day [seeking subscription]

When the mahogany stick hit the ten Golden Crows, the ten Golden Crows suffered pain, and they kept flying one by one. Kuafu kept running on the ground, chasing the ten Golden Crows.

The ten little Golden Crows saw that Kuafu couldn’t fly, so they were relieved and kept provoking the Golden Crow in the air. At this time, Hou Yi also received the news that Kuafu had dealt with the ten Golden Crows.

Hou Yi left the own tribe and rushed out with his own sun-shooting bow and ten sky-shaking arrows.

The endless real fire of the sun made Kuafu very thirsty, and he ran to a river, where Kuafu lay on the ground and drank water, and soon the water of the river was drunk by Kuafu.

After drinking the water of a river, Kuafu felt that his body was strong again. Kuafu waved the peach stick and attacked the Golden Crow, which was very fast.

Coupled with the constant harassment of a Golden Crow, the furious Kuafu lost his mind and continued to use his best to attack ten Golden Crows.

Soon Kuafu didn’t have much strength, and the attack was not as brave as before. The fourth Golden Crow found a chance and came to Kuafu.

A paw caught Kuafu’s heavenly spirit cover, and countless real sun fires entered Kuafu’s body, burning Kuafu’s original spirit to ashes.

Kuafu’s eyes opened in anger, and he fell down very unwillingly. Because of Kuafu’s unwillingness, all the breath poured into Kuafu’s acquired Ling Bao peach stick.

The peach stick took root and soon formed a large peach forest. Golden Crow was very disgusted when he saw the peach forest, and he was going to burn it with the real fire of the sun.

At this time, Hou Yi just arrived. You must know that Hou Yi is the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage early stage. Hou Yi saw ten Golden Crow killing Kuafu.

Hou Yi shouted in grief:

“Brother Kua father!

Then he said to ten Golden Crows:

“Damn crow, I want you to bury me with my father and brother today!”

The quasi-sage aura of Hou Yi let ten Golden Crows know that they are not easy to provoke, and they shouted:

“Not good, quasi saint, let’s run!”

“Fly, let’s go back to Heaven Court…!”

“Hurry up!”

Hou Yi took out his own sun-shooting bow, hitched the sky-shaking arrow, and ran “Shooting the Sun”, shouting:

“Broken the sky!”


A stream of light flashed, Golden Crow’s second child was directly dried to death, the soul was directly annihilated, and the second Golden Crow’s body fell towards the prehistoric.

Hou Yi continued:

“Cangyun cracks!”

“No shadow thorn!”

“Phantom Arrow!”

“Thousand Kill Arrows!

“Xuanyin Arrow!”

“Rantian Arrow!”

“Zhu Yaojian!”

Hou Yi’s arrow was like a shooting star. In an instant, all eight Golden Crows were killed by Hou Yi, and the last little Golden Crow was frightened.

When the seventh Golden Crow died, Di Jun felt bad. Di Jun hurriedly counted, but the secret has been upset by you.

Di Jun was uneasy, and quickly exhausted all his strength, with the help of Hetu Luoshu deduction, suddenly Di Jun roared and shouted:

“my child!

When Dijun finished shouting, the Eastern Emperor Tai heard one by one, Divine Sense shot out overwhelmingly, and soon discovered that Hou Yi was hunting ten Golden Crows.

Donghuang Taiyi used Golden Crow to transform the rainbow to rush towards the destination.

In the end, there are two remaining, one is the youngest ten and the eighth.

At this time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi roared:

“Damn it, stop me!”

Hou Yi roared:

“Humph, kill my brother and you have to pay for it!”

“Give it an arrow!

After the ninth arrow killed Old Ba, Hou Yi took out the last arrow and roared:

“Cloud Piercing Arrow!”

Cloud Piercing Arrow is Houyi’s worst arrow, because Hou Yi shoots an arrow in anger, which consumes a lot of money. Only Cloud Piercing Arrow can kill the last Golden Crow.

Hou Yi, who had already woken up, also regretted it. He had long known that he would not consume so much Magic power to use such a powerful archery magical power.

However, there is the last one left, which is considered to be revenge for the Kuafu brothers, and the Wu clan has passed on to the ancestral witch.

Donghuang Taiyi threw out the Chaos Bell and placed it on Old Shilu Ya.


A bell rang!

Old Shi Lu Ya did not have Death, and at this time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi protected Lu Ya behind him and shouted angrily:

“Witch clan, do you want to violate Dao Ancestor’s order and start the Lich War in advance?”

Hou Yi said angrily:

“You provoked it first, didn’t you? Your monster race actually provoke openly and killed us a great witch!”

Dong Huang Taiyi said angrily:

“A big witch can be worthy of being a demon prince, Hou Yi, die for me!!

After talking about the Donghuang Taiyi controlling the own Donghuangzhong and attacking Houyi, Houyi has just recovered a little vitality at this time, but the Donghuang Taiyi is the quasi-sage peak of the three corpses, which is the period when Houyi’s victory. Can’t stop it either.

Seeing that Hou Yi was about to die, a silver-white staff appeared in the void, knocking the East Emperor Bell away.

Di Jiang walked out of the space and asked Donghuang Taiyi:

“. Donghuang Taiyi, what, do you want to go to war now?”

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t want to go to war now, because of Ling Bao’s attack before, the demon clan had just regained his vitality, and at this time the other ten ancestral witches also came out.

However, Xing Tian absorbed the Blood Essence of the Houtu Ancestral Witch and failed to digest it in Closed Door Training.

Donghuang Taiyi knew that he didn’t have any reason, and Hou Yi still looked at the last little Golden Crow. There are many people on the other side, and they are all powerful, and they all have Innate treasures in their hands. This is not a Universe star. The range of the array.

Donghuang Taiyi coldly said:

“I will settle this account with you!”

After speaking, the landing pressure in the East Emperor Tai area disappeared.

Seeing Donghuang Taiyi leaving, Zhu Rong said to Hou Yi:

“Really, a quasi-sage killed ten big Luo Jinxian, and let them save one!”

Hou Yi also knew that he was too reckless, patronizing to vent his own anger and hatred.

Hou Yi lowered his head and admitted his mistake:

“Sorry, Master Zu Wu, I was wrong!”

Xuan Ming explained his power next to him:

“Well, I don’t blame Hou Yi for this matter. Hou Yi is also angry because Kuafu returned to heaven and earth. Let’s go, let’s go back. We will settle the hatred of Kuafu when it’s time!”

As soon as Xuan Ming finished speaking, a huge gold pillar of merit fell on Hou Yi’s head. It turned out that Hou Yi killed nine Golden Crows and saved many people in the land. Heavenly Dao gave Hou Yi the merit reward.

Everyone was very happy to see Hou Yi gaining merit, Dijiang said to Hou Yi:

“There are human tribes next to you, they are still very weak, and they are the heirs of sister Houtu, you have to get along with the human race!”

Hou Yi:

“Yes, Master Zu Wu!”

Emperor Jiang:

“Well, let’s go back to protect Xing Tian, ​​there is not much time for the next battle!

And this time, Heaven Court

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