Chapter 178 Golden Crow fights Kuafu [seeking subscription]

When Ling Bao heard the words of the Chao Clan, he began to check the entire Human Race, and soon discovered the movements of the Demon Race, Ling Bao sternly drank:

“Demon Race! You are looking for death!”

After speaking, Ling Bao faced the void a little, a white light spot appeared behind the countless hunter-killing monster races, and the light spot sank into the body of these monster races.

Countless monsters just dissipated between heaven and earth, and even Samsara had no chance.

Seeing this, Jiu Ying rushed towards Heaven Court with Human Blood Essence, but Ling Bao ignored the others, but slapped Heaven Court.

A black palm appeared in Heaven Court!


The huge palm caused most of the building of Heaven Court to collapse.

Ling Bao coldly said:

“Two dead crows, this time is to teach you a lesson, next time there will be a monster clan who will attack the human clan, I will destroy the monster clan!”

Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun looked at the ruined Heaven Court, and everyone at Heaven Court was injured.

Ling Bao said to You Chao:

“Okay, go down to comfort the human race, and send all these 10 communication jade charms, and contact me directly if you have anything in the future!

If the human race has a scum, let me kill him. Our human race can’t take the old way of the lich!”

The Chao family also knows the benefits of merit, and also believes in the merits of all races. Of course, some human races cultivate the evil spirits for cultivation and longevity, but if these people are discovered, they will be dealt with by the human race.

Therefore, most of the current human races are cultivating Taoist Cultivation Technique step by step, and accumulating merit!

Just when Ling Bao dealt with the affairs of the Monster Race, Dong Huang Taiyi looked at the Human Race Blood Essence in his hand and said:

“This human race will let go first, first refine the witch slaughter sword, and wait for the witch race to be killed, unify the predecessor, and deal with the human race! Damn Ling Bao!”

Just when Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun were discussing the future, Ling Bao also learned about the monsters poaching and killing the humans. Ling Bao was going to take action against the monsters in Da Luotian. Ling Bao was about to do it, and suddenly saw A Daoist appeared in Tanggu.

Others may not know him, but Ling Bao is so familiar with him, this person is actually quasi-problem.

Zhunti Daoist turned into an unfamiliar Daoist and appeared in Tanggu. A Golden Crow saw Zhunti Daoist and spoke to Zhunti Daoist, and asked very politely:

“who are you?”

Zhunti Daoist is facing a Golden Crow:

“See His Royal Highness, Lord Demon Emperor said that ten His Royal Highnesses can already control the real fire of the sun, let me tell them that they can go back!”

The Golden Crow looked suspiciously at Zhun Ti Daoist, and then said:

“How is it possible, my father set up Restrictions, we can’t get out at all!”

Zhunti Daoist said:

“If the ten Highnesses don’t believe me, you can try now, Lord Demon Emperor has already removed the Restrictions!”

A Golden Crow asked suspiciously:


Another Golden Crow said:

“Is it true, don’t you know if you try? If this Daoist dares to deceive us, we will burn him to death!”

“Yes, yes!

After talking about a Golden Crow, he flew to the outside. This time he flew out quickly and flew far. The Golden Crow came back and said excitedly:

“Restrictions are really gone, we can go out!”

Zhunti smiled slightly, and then disappeared.

Ling Bao saw Zhun Ti start his hands, and then left with a smile.

Ten Golden Crow were very excited and chatted on the hibiscus tree:

“Dage, can we really go back?”

“Well, what about the Daoist just now?”

“I guess I will go back to my father’s life!”

“Maybe, by the way, how about we go back and kill a few witches?”

“This is not bad, it just happens to let the emperor see the results of our practice for so many years!”

“No problem, let’s burn a few to death with real sun fire!”

“Okay, I agree too!

“Then let’s go!


Quack quack!

It was a Golden Crow who unbridledly released the real fire of the sun in his body, and flew out of Tanggu towards the wilderness.

Many human races have also seen this situation, but many human races have no cultivation, and they are very shocked:

“Look, there are ten suns in the sky!”

“too hot!

“How come there are ten suns?”

Countless human races have been suffering for ten days. Ling Bao was about to make a move and thought for a while:

“Forget it, this catastrophe should also be over, and if it drags on, the human race will not grow!”

Thinking of this, Ling Bao said to You Chao:

“Order to go on, as long as there is no demon race to slaughter humans, don’t take action. This disaster requires the human race to survive the disaster. If there is no strength, use wisdom!”

Chao’s worry said:

“Patriarch, in that case, many people will die!”

Ling Bao sighed:

“The development of the human race depends on them. After the catastrophe is over, the people of the human race Sacred Land will not be born without special circumstances. Human race will do!”

There is Chao’s thought for a while:

“Yes, I used to take care of the human race because the population of the human race was too small, and if you were not careful, you would be annihilated, but now the number of human races is the sum of the two lich races. , Is also a good way.


So there is Chao facing Ling Baodao:

“Yes! Patriarch, I will order to go down, or the patriarch has considered it thoroughly!”

Ling Bao nodded, then said:

“Damn Golden Crow, after waiting for a while, you guys are pretty!”

The various tribes of the human race are very difficult, but the survival instinct of the human race is very strong, and it is short of food and water for ten days.

Countless humans have found a lot of food and water by experimenting with their bodies.

Let human beings barely survive, and ten Golden Crows kept flying in the precipice, flying for decades and finally said to the Witch tribe.

This tribe is the Kuafu tribe. You must know that Kuafu’s cultivation is “Star God Jue”. The power of Star is controlled by the monster clan. After so many years, Kuafu’s Cultivation Base has only reached the Cultivation Base of Daluo Jinxian Peak.

And the ten small Golden Crows are all Cultivation Base of the late stage of the big Luo Jinxian. Kuafu is not a human race. At first glance, you know that it is a three-legged Golden Crow, and Kuafu roared:

“Damn crow, you are looking for death!”

Ten Golden Crows saw Kuafu and shouted loudly:

“Look, that’s the great witch!

“We killed him!



Ten Golden Crows sprayed the real fire of the sun at Kuafu, and Kuafu carried his own Ling Bao peach stick against a Golden Crow.

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