Chapter 173 Authentic! Now! [Subscribe]

After Lei Ling finished speaking, countless merits fell into Dao Lei Ling’s body, and a trace of fatigue flashed in Heavenly Dao’s eyes. You must know that this merit was the origin of Heavenly Dao.

I just gave Hou Tu with immeasurable merit, and now I have given it to Lei Ling, it will definitely hurt his vitality!

Heavenly Dao is weak, Houtu has brought his own aura to the extreme. Dao captured the aura hidden by Heavenly Dao, countless Innate merits passed through Heavenly Dao, the fourth floor fell on the back soil, and the first floor was given to Ling Bao.

The fifth floor falls on the Chaos Ling Bao Samsara plate.

At this time, although the Samsara disc did not become the treasure of chaos, it was comparable to the fragments of the good fortune jade disc in Hongjun’s hands.

The momentum of Houtu continued to ascending, and soon he and Samsara plate completely wanted to match! When Houtu and Samsara plate merged.

Countless Innate ghostly air appeared in the prehistoric void, and countless Samsara Dao manifested in the prehistoric!

The wild land uttered a rumbling sound, and the whole wild land shook, but none of the creatures were injured.

Sanqing awoke from Closed Door Training, and said in shock:

“The Great Wilderness is expanding?”

Tongtian took out the Immortal Punishment Sword, swiped it at the vast void, and then said:

“The space is also stable!”

Daddy closed his eyes to communicate with Heavenly Dao, and then admired:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist and Houtu fellow daoist are so bold!”

After listening to daddy’s words, Yuan and Tongtian also began to admire:

“Really so bold!”

The road that Tongtian yearns for:

“I don’t know if I can succeed!”

Daddy thought of Ling Bao’s confidence before, then nodded and said:

“Of course it can succeed!”

Receiving and Zhunti also admired Houtu’s ability very much. The two did not know that this was Ling Bao’s calculation.

At this time, Hongjun appeared, facing Houtu without expression:

“Houtu! You crossed the boundary!”

Hou Tu and Ling Bao knew that this was not Hong Jun, but Heavenly Dao appeared through Hong Jun’s body. Now Hou Tu also felt Hong Jun’s Cultivation Base, which was the Realm of Hunyuan Tai Chi Golden Immortal.

He is almost the same as himself, and he is in the six realms now, even Hongjun can’t do anything to himself?

So Houtu said to Heavenly Dao Hongjun:

“Huh! Can you succeed by yourself? You use great catastrophes to promote the development of the prehistoric, but has the prehistoric formation developed?”

Heavenly Dao Hongdiao glanced at Ling Bao, and he delayed the scourge for dozens of Yuanhui time, just to attract Ling Bao to establish a chaos-turning-spirit formation and let Honghuang grow.

However, since Ling Bao received the Chaos Zhuling Array, there is no news at all, and I don’t know if Ling Bao is ready. If Ling Bao really arranges the Chaos Zhuling Array, Houtu will go to the Hunyuan Taiji Golden Fairy. Realm, will not stand down to the ground, level with himself.

This is of supreme benefits to the prehistoric, but for Heavenly Dao, it is not good. Heavenly Dao also wants to evolve the eternal world of the prehistoric. If only Heavenly Dao is dominant, then the rewards of the avenue will be for Heavenly Dao. Said that that is the opportunity for detachment.

But this opportunity was abruptly destroyed by Hou Tu. I don’t know if Heavenly Dao can complement the original source when the prehistoric evolves into the eternal world.

It was too late now, because when Hongjun appeared, Houtu completely controlled the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and then shouted loudly:

“I, Pangu’s Hou Tu, has been in charge of the tunnels since then, and is the master of the tunnels, level with Heavenly Dao, I am a peace-hearted and supremely kind lady!”

In the chaos, with a loud noise, a purple Dao fruit appeared from the void, and instantly disappeared into the body of the earth behind the Dao.

This is the Dao Fruit of the Dao. Dao recognizes the identity of Hou Tu. The Lord of the Dao is on the same level as Heavenly Dao. Hou Tu becomes the Lord of the Dao and sees the end of the ancestral witch in the Dao.

Hou Tu waved his hand and changed the ending of the Ancestral Witch, and said to Heavenly Dao Hongjun:

“Our ancestor witch is the descendant of Pangu. The way of mastering the law is to be regarded as a god and should not fall! I am the master of the tunnel and the descendant of the ancestor witch. After the demon war, my witch clan will become a god clan, and will not fight for the protagonist of heaven and earth, and divide the rules for Father Pangu!”

Heavenly Dao Hongjun thought for a while:


Then Heavenly Dao disappeared. Originally this time, if Heavenly Dao didn’t give the Houtu merits without authorization, the tunnel would not be so easy to be level with the tunnel, and the tunnel was reborn, and it would definitely be lower than Heavenly Dao.

However, Heavenly Dao wants to make Houtu a Heavenly Dao Sage, but under Ling Bao’s calculation, Houtu has absorbed countless merits. Understand the way of Samsara and become the master of the tunnel.

All this reacted very quickly. When everyone reacted, Houtu had become the master of the tunnel.

Houtu faces the prehistoric road:

“I, the lord of the tunnels, the best-hearted lady, today I have proved the tunnels. After ten Yuanhui, I will explain the tunnels at The Netherworld. Anyone who is predestined can come and listen to it!”

It was only through Heavenly Dao that everyone in Honghuang understood what Hou Tu had done. Although everyone was shocked, now Hou Tu was on par with Heavenly Dao Hongjun.

Everyone paid homage:

“Congratulations to the Ping Xin Zhi Shan Niang Niang, Niang Niang has a holy birthday!”

Houtu said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, I have surpassed you now. I didn’t expect Ling Bao Big Brother to be Hunyuan Tai Chi Golden Immortal Realm, but it just entered the early stage, and I realized that it is the middle stage from Closed Door Training!”


Ling Bao smiled bitterly at Houtu and said:

“It’s not running for you, otherwise I would have broken through it a long time ago, okay, don’t tell me about my Cultivation Base! Also, you can’t come out of this aftermath, you must do this, otherwise my plan will be Failed!”

Hou Tu thought of Ling Bao’s plan, and was very moved to Ling Bao said:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, thank you!”

Ling Bao said:

“Well, silly girl, are we brothers?”

Hou Tu nodded:


Then what came to mind, to Ling Bao shyly said:

“You and the brothers are, not me!”

Before Ling Bao could react, Houtu shouted loudly:

“The calamity can’t be finished, and the earth can’t come out!”


Dao! Heavenly Dao agreed with Hou Tu’s words, and Houtu’s general trend Heavenly Dao also agreed!

Hou Tu saw the future of the Ancestral Witch and said with a smile:

“Okay, I’m going to Closed Door Training!”

Ling Bao looked at Houtu and was about to run away. Ling Bao stopped Houtu and said to Houtu:

“Don’t leave, what’s the matter here?”

Hou Tu made a grimace and said:

“If you don’t say I have forgotten it, The Netherworld is not over yet!”

After talking about the majestic way of Houtu

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