Chapter 172 Six Ways Out! Heavenly Tribulation Stand! [Subscribe]

Ling Bao said:

“I know that your Shura can’t multiply. After this incident, I will give you a great opportunity!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Styx was shocked and said:

“Thank you, Master Ling Bao!”

After speaking, Ling Bao looked at Houtu, and soon Houtu digested all the information that Ling Bao gave to own!

Then Hou Tu asked Ling Bao in shock:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, is this really okay?”

Ling Bao smiled slightly:

“Don’t worry, of course, I will block everything for you!”

Houtu nodded, because Houtu believed Ling Bao very much, and then Houtu shouted loudly:

“The avenue is on the road, the Father God Ming Jian, today there is the Pangu family back soil, the audience is suffering, and has compassion for all living beings, opening up The Netherworld in the sea of ​​blood!

Stand up Six Paths of Reincarnation! Six Paths of Reincarnation! Upper Three Ways! Heavenly Dao, Shura Way, People “Zero 20” Way, Lower Third Way, Animal Way, Hungry Ghosts Way, The Underworld Way.

This is the Six Paths, Samsara, the Universe will never stop!

The avenue is up, I use the Innate treasure, Heavenly Dao, to develop Heavenly Dao, Six Paths of Reincarnation, Heavenly Dao!

I use Innate to repair the Feng Shui compass to open up Shura Road, the Shura Road of Six Paths of Reincarnation!

I use Innate to open up humanity, the humanity of Six Paths of Reincarnation!

I use Innate to open up a beast path, the beast path of Six Paths of Reincarnation! Success!

I opened up the Hungry Ghosts Road, the Six Paths of Reincarnation with the Innate Supreme Evil Ghost Disk! Success!

I use the Innate treasure The Underworld to develop The Underworld Road, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation The Underworld Road!

Six Paths of Reincarnation!


A purple light flashed in the chaos and fell on the six Innate treasures, falling in the sea of ​​blood, forming a huge space.

The six treasures of Innate were transformed into six huge spaces, which opened up The Netherworld.

If it is the Houtu recorded in the last world, I definitely don’t know the composition of The Netherworld.

Hou Tu continued to shout:

“Six Paths of Reincarnation is a success! I should control the six paths, and The Netherworld should respect me!”

A disc in the chaos fell in front of Houtu, and he recognized Houtu as the main one. Only then did Houtu know that this turned out to be the Chaos Ling Bao Samsara plate. When you control the Samsara plate, you control Six Paths of Reincarnation.

When then Tu did not finish, but continued to shout:

“The Netherworld was born, when there is a netherworld! The netherworld communicates with Yin & Yang, when there is a road, Yellow Springs Road! Out!”

The Yellow Springs ruler emerged from the void and fell outside the underworld to communicate with the prehistoric. The so-called yellow Springs connected to the netherworld, naturally not one.

Houtu continues:

“Heaven and earth divide Yin & Yang, in order to maintain The Netherworld and the prehistoric order, distinguish Yin & Yang, ghost gates! Now!”

At the end of Yellow Springs Road, a gloomy portal is looming. Since then, The Netherworld can only be entered through the ghost gate.

“ー Into the ghost of the dead, sigh Naihe on Bridge of Helplessness, Bridge of Helplessness, success!”

Naihe Gui on Houtu turned into a white jade bridge, leading to the depths of the Hades.

“Previous life and present life become the past, relatives and friends send a lifetime! Wangxiangtai! Get up!”

A high platform of nine hundred and ninety feet stands not far away from the Bridge of Helplessness. The lonely souls who miss their relatives and friends can see their relatives and friends in the Yang world, which is the final farewell.

The merits and demerits cannot be eliminated, and the good and evil will eventually be rewarded! The three-life stone will cut off the previous life, the three-life stone! Let it go!”

Ling Bao stretched out his hand, and the three-life stone appeared in the underworld!

Houtu continued:

“The underworld is prestigious and majestic. When there is a capital, it is called the capital of Japan and the capital of E! Fall!”

Ling Bao talked about an Innate, the most treasured capital city, and he dumped it out, and saw that the capital grew in the wind, and soon became a huge capital.

Write two ghost articles in the capital: Edu.

Houtu continued:

“Reward the good and punish the evil, the good is the reward, the evil is the punishment! The Netherworld should have The Underworld, shock Xiaoxiao, the eighteenth floor The Underworld!

The first layer! The Underworld! Out!

The second layer! Scissors The Underworld! Out!

The third floor! The Iron Tree The Underworld! Out!

The eighteenth floor! Knife saw The Underworld! Out!”

After Hou Tu finished speaking, Heavenly Dao naturally wanted Hou Tu to become holy, otherwise, Hou Tu’s Realm would be great.

Heavenly Dao gave infinite merits. This time she made a lot more merits than Nuwa, because Samsara is good for all creatures in the entire prehistoric land.

The merits fall on Houtu, and Houtu comprehends Samsara’s law with all his strength!




Ten percent!


The posture is overwhelming!

Everyone knows that this is Hou Tu also proving that the Dao has been sanctified!

Houtu continued to comprehend.

Samsara Avenue keeps improving!

one cent

Two points!

Three points!




Houtu’s Cultivation Base directly broke through Dao Hunyuan Taiji Jinxian Realm, Houtu knew Ling Bao’s plan.

Houtu will unite himself with Samsara!

Then the Chaos Ling Bao Samsara plate appeared and shouted loudly:

“The avenue is on the road, I am the Pangu family.

Authentic! Standing!”

The countless Heavenly Dao merits had just landed, but Heavenly Dao’s eyes instantly appeared on Houtu’s head, and Heavenly Dao’s eyes leaked an expression of anger.

Houtu established the tunnel this time to perfect the prehistoric, which has made a great contribution to the eternal universe of the prehistoric, but it is not very good for Heavenly Dao.

This Hou Tu is just like a robber. If you compare Primordial Land to a company, it was Pangu who founded the company, but Pangu died, Heavenly Dao took over the management of Primordial Land.

But Houtu’s method is equivalent to adding another shareholder to the big company, Honghuang. In the past, there was only one Heavenly Dao who said it. Now that there is one more tunnel, Heavenly Dao certainly doesn’t want it.

I just wanted to destroy Houtu, and I was looking for someone to start Samsara!

At this time, Ling Bao stood up and spoke to his own apprentice Lei Ling.

After so many years of cultivation and Ling Bao’s use of the law of time to accelerate Lei Ling’s cultivation to the Realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Lei Ling’s law of the Thunder system has also been cultivated 80%, and Lei Ling received Lei Ling’s voice transmission.

Immediately come out from Sanxian Island and take out Ling Bao to own the Eye of Heaven 0.0 Punishment. This Eye of Heaven Punishment has been completely refined by Lei Ling, Lei Ling yelled:

“Heavenly Dao is on, I, Lei Ling, a disciple of the Great Master Ling Bao, I view the predominantly and disorderly, and the killings are constant, and now I set up Heavenly Tribulation.

Heavenly Tribulation, for those with deep karma.

Those who have little karma, go through Heavenly Tribulation, and pass through the karma completely, but can’t pass it, and turn to ashes to repay Karma!

Those who are in the middle of karma, spend forty or nine Heavenly Tribulation, pass through all karma, but can’t pass, turn to ashes, to repay Karma!

Those who have great karma, spend six or nine Heavenly Tribulation, pass through all karma, but can’t pass, turn into ashes, to repay Karma!

Those who have deep karma, go through Heavenly Tribulation, and pass through all karma, but can’t pass it, and turn to ashes to repay Karma!

Those with immeasurable karma will die and turn to ashes!

Heavenly Tribulation! 立!”.

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