Chapter 140 Sanqing! Came out to pick up the guests [one more seeking automatic]

“Sanqing fellow daoist, come out to pick up guests!”

Hong Huang does not have a VIP career yet, so Sanqing didn’t think much about it. Through Heavenly Dao:

“This Ling Bao fellow daoist just finished singing, come to us to show off!”

The original reprimand said:

“Okay, Tongtian, since Tongtian fellow daoist is here, let’s go out to meet you, don’t lose courtesy!”

Tongtian reluctantly said:

“It’s all so familiar, there are so many things, wait, I have to talk about him!”

Daddy smiled and nodded:

“This time I support Tongtian!”

Because Ling Bao owes daddy favors, daddy is also closer to Ling Bao.

After talking about Sanqing, I came out to pick up Ling Bao. After Sanqing came out, daddy said with a smile:

“I have seen Ling Bao fellow daoist!”

The original is also courtesy:

“I have seen Ling Bao fellow daoist!”

Only Tongtian is the most escaped:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, if you don’t accompany your dao companion, why did you think of coming to the humble house of our three brothers!”

Ling Bao said:

“Nuwa will be with Queen Mother West in Kunlun. You know there too, I am embarrassed to be there, so just come and see you, why? It seems that I am not welcome!

Tongtian also knew that Ling Bao was joking, so he said to Ling Bao:

“How come? But our brother’s humble house is no better than your Sanxian Island in 990, but there are still some spirit fruits!’

Hearing this, Yuan Yuan was still very satisfied, so Yuan Yuan nodded and said:

“Yes, although it is not as rich as the fellow daoist, but some spirit fruit can still entertain fellow daoist!”

Ling Bao also knew the original character, and did not say much, but asked Sanqing:

“What? Sanqing fellow daoist plans to entertain me here?”

Daddy smiled:

“Haha, fellow daoist joked, please!”

The four people entered the Kunlun Mountain Sanqing Dojo. After entering the dojo, the original looked at Tongtian who was laughing and joking, and reprimanded Tongtian:

“What are you looking at? Don’t get some spirit fruit to entertain Ling Bao fellow daoist!”


Tongtian was blinded, why is it me again? Tongtian thought of Ling Bao. As soon as they went, they would wait on the maid, but here it turned out to be their own hands.

There is no way, Tongtian intends to wait for this time to listen to the sermons, and then collect some of his subordinates, and then learn Ling Bao, and life will be beautiful.

But now there is nothing, Tongtian had to go by himself, and the spirit fruit came up, and the four of them ate the spirit fruit, and Tongtian asked very curiously:

“How did the pair of crows provoke fellow daoist and let fellow daoist teach them again?”

Although Daddy and Yuanyuan did not ask, but the raging fire of Eight Trigrams made the two people very curious. They both hardened their ears to listen to what Ling Bao said, did Ling Bao find a dao companion.

Ling Bao looked at the appearance of Sanqing, and it was difficult to connect with the later Sage, but Ling Bao explained it, and Tongtian said indignantly:

“Fuck, these two crows really don’t wanting face. It’s all you like and I want to find Dao companions. How can they grab them? I think they really owe a lesson.

The fellow daoist was right to teach them a lesson, and they were robbed like a robber!”

Both Daddy and Yuan nodded. If it was Innate Ling Bao, fighting with each other would be excusable, but the three goddess of the lunar yin, Sanqing also heard about it, and never under the lunar star, that is, Hongjun preached, and the three women did not go. .

A pure housemaid, I didn’t expect that they would not provoke Karma. The two crows still went to find the fault. What Sanqing didn’t know was that if there was no Ling Bao, Nuwa would help Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun marry Taiyin if the demon clan. Of the three goddesses, Yihe and Chang Xi were married to Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun in the end.

Moreover, Xihe also gave birth to ten Golden Crows for Emperor Jun. This is not a question of grabbing, but the luck of the lunar star is too important for the monster race.

The Sun Star is transformed by Pangu’s left eye, and the Lunar Star is transformed by Pangu’s right eye. Emperor Jun is not looking for a dao companion, but wants to combine the luck of the Sun and the Lunar Star to increase the demon’s luck.

However, this matter was disturbed by Ling Bao again. Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi now dare not provoke Ling Bao and can only wait for the right opportunity.

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“Didn’t I teach (bafj) two idiots a lesson?”

Through Heavenly Dao:

“Don’t talk about the two silly birds. If you are right, you will preach for the third time. When are you going to go?”

Ling Bao Room:

“what about you?”

Through Heavenly Dao:

“We want to go early. Zixiao Palace is full of rhyme. Closed Door Training to Zixiao Palace is better than our dojo. You must know that the teacher only preached three times. This should be the last time. I don’t know if we go to Zixiao Palace next time. What time is it!’

Ling Bao said:

“Okay, after another ten thousand years, let’s go and I will send them a message!”

Sanqing also nodded, agreeing with Ling Bao’s words!

After speaking, Ling Bao sent a message to the twelve ancestor witch, Nuwa, and Fu Yi, and then said to Sanqing:

“Three fellow daoist, what do you think of the Lich race!’

Original Road:

“I originally thought that this monster clan would definitely be destroyed by the witch clan, but I didn’t expect this monster clan to be able to develop the Universe Star Dou Great Array!

And the power is still that great!”

Daddy nodded, Tongtian’s focus is not in this direction, Tongtian asked:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, how do you feel when you have entered the Universe Star Dou Array?”

Ling Bao said:

“This formation is mainly based on the Primordial Star, and the attack effect can emit 80% of the power of the Primordial Formation. If it can exert 100% of the power, it is estimated that Sage will suffer in it!”

Tongtian asked:

“Such power?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“But if it is arranged in other places, the complete Universe Star Dou formation is not so powerful, at most it is the starlight attack power. It is okay to deal with Da Luo Jinxian, but the people of Realm are not good.

The power is great because it can mobilize the Star’s body to attack. You should know the ability of the Primordial Star, that is, the pinnacle of the quasi-sage cannot be broken. ”

Sanqing nodded, because Sanqing also knew that Taikoo was formed very powerfully. If a normal star, the broken attack power is equivalent to that of a quasi-sage, but the Taikoo star, even Sage, can’t be broken.

So Ling Bao finished speaking, through Heavenly Dao:’

“It’s a pity, such a powerful formation, without Taikoo Star, it’s just a waste!”

Ling Bao said:

“It’s not very wasteful, but it’s not a top-level formation!”

Through Heavenly Dao:

“Forget it, I still want to study this formation!”

The original reprimand said:

“That is something of the Yaozu, do you want to forge Karma with the Yaozu?”

Tongtian smiled awkwardly:

“How is it possible, I just talk, talk!”

Ling Bao said:

“I think ”

[PS: The book “Special Forces: Becoming a God” by recommending a friend is finally unblocked].

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