Chapter 139 Lessons from Taiyi and Dijun [Seven more seeking automatic]

The current Eastern Emperor Taiyi is asking for a gangster outside of Taiyin Star:

“Yihe Fairy, my eldest brother is the demon emperor of the demon race. Becoming an emperor can’t enjoy the glory and wealth, Chang Xi Fairy, you can obediently become my queen, haha, I am the demon emperor, and I will not insult your identity! ”

Ever since Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun knew that there are three goddesses on this lunar star, they have been obsessed with becoming a dao companion with the three goddesses.

Dijun fell in love with Yihe, and Dong Huang Taiyi fell in love with Chang Xi, but there was another Wangshu. The two also wanted to take Wangshu as a harem, but the two brothers were embarrassed to say.

So the two brothers didn’t break it, but they got one of them first, and then the last one had their own abilities.

Donghuang Taiyi said to Emperor Jun with excitement:

“Dage, do you think Chang Xi and Xi and Fairy are shy!”

Di Jun rolled his eyes and said:

“Who is not shy when you shout like that, okay, go find someone to give a gift, just say that the demon emperor Emperor Jun, the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi is here to visit!”

Dong Huang Taiyi said helplessly:

“When I first came, I asked Baize Lion to report, but no one paid any attention to us!”

Di Jun frowned and began to calculate. Through Hetu Luoshu, Di Jun not only found out the Universe Star Array through Insight, but also got an arithmetic “Lagerstroemia Star Dou”.

After counting, Di Jun’s face was very ugly, Dong Huang Taiyi saw Di Jun’s appearance and asked Di Jun:

“Dage, what’s the matter?”

Di Jun snorted coldly:

“Hmph, people are not at home at all, how can they come out!”

Hearing Di Jun’s words, Dong Huangtai’s expression immediately changed. Isn’t the appearance of himself a clown just now? There is no one in the Taiyin Star.

The Eastern Emperor Tai was very angry, took out the Eastern Emperor Bell, clanging urging, and then using Magic power to shout:

“Xihe, Chang Xi, you dare to tease me like this. Within thirty years, you must come back to discuss the marriage with Dijun, and you won’t be conceited / |!”

Yihe, Chang Xi, and Wangshu are all ten thousand years old and have no friends at all. Of course, except for the Queen Mother of the West, although the Queen Mother of the West has the Innate treasure Kunlun mirror.

But the Kunlun mirror only assisted Magic Treasures, its attack power was not as good as the Eastern Emperor Bell, and only Queen Mother of the West knew of this assisting treasure.

Queen Mother West was not released at any time. Hearing what the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said, Queen Mother Xiyao looked sad, and Nuwa saw Xi Yao look sad.

Very distressed, he took Ling Bao’s hand and said:

“Ling Bao, help me Xiyao Little Sister!”

Ling Bao looked at Nuwa dozingly, then said:

“Okay, Wawa has spoken, I will teach these two silly birds a lesson!”

After speaking, Ling Bao said to Xi Yao:

“Xiyao fellow daoist, take me out, please help me open the secret realm!”

Xiyao was very happy when she heard Ling Bao’s words. You must know that this predecessor, apart from Hongjun, now only Ling Bao can shock the two.

Ling Bao’s words made Xi Yao very happy. Xi Yao was really afraid that because she took in the three goddess of the Taiyin, she would bring disaster to the rest of the female sisters, and then it would be wrong to own.

In addition to the West Kunlun secret realm, Ling Bao launched the Yuanshen, and soon found Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun, Ling Bao’s heart moved, the Big Five Elements technique, and the Great Extinction technique were activated at the same time, a big hand with colorful black and golden light. Fan to the two!


The two Ling Bao’s magical powers hit, and the two spit out a mouthful of golden blood at the same time, Dong Huang Taiyi shouted in grief:

“Ling Bao!

Ling Bao’s voice rang in the starry sky:

“You two silly birds, next time I will be my Little Sister, I will kill your Heaven Court, pluck your bird’s feathers, stew it for you, get out!”

When Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun heard Ling Bao’s words, they felt very aggrieved.Di Jun wanted to get angry, but he didn’t dare to face Dong Huang Tai together again:

“Go, let’s go back!”

Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun returned to Heaven Court. Donghuang Taiyi came to the own room and threw all the things he saw. With the help of Donghuang Taiyi’s late stage Realm, the ordinary Magic Treasures were all broken. .

Donghuang Taiyi is not Ling Bao, there are super quality Innate Ling Bao everywhere, the simple magic Treasures in the house are not bad, even the day after tomorrow Ling Bao.

You know that there are so many monsters, most of them don’t even have an acquired Ling Bao.

So Donghuang Taiyi’s Magic Treasures are also very luxurious. With Donghuang Taiyi’s vent, Donghuang Taiyi finished venting his anger.

Donghuang Tai’s pair of female monks under his hands:

“Clean it up for me!

Then the Eastern Emperor Taiyi flew towards the sun star and went back to heal her wounds!

Donghuang Taiyi cursed Ling Bao while flying, but unfortunately, Donghuang Taiyi could not curse, so he could only vent it.

And Di Jun is just a person who knows forbearance very well. After Di Jun returned, he got a secret scroll of magical powers and wrote four divine texts: nail head and seven arrows!

Di Jun’s face was very savage, although he didn’t know what Dao heart thought, but it was definitely very humiliating.

After thinking for a while, Di Jun opened the magical secret scroll.

Begin to comprehend the seven arrows of nail head.

After Ling Bao finished it, he said with disdain:

*. The two stupid birds are just developing in a low-key way. They are getting more and more pretending. If you don’t teach you a lesson, I really don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick!”

When Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words, he laughed out loud and then asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, tell me how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!”

Ling Bao saw Nuwa’s stunned eyes, and her extremely beautiful face made Ling Bao burst into flames. Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Wawa, let me tell you, I have tolerated you for a long time, don’t make me angry, or I want you to look good!”

When Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words, his eyes lit up, and then he said more presumptuously:

“Then you try, how can you make me look good! Hmm?”

“Cough cough cough! Nuwa Big sis! Our sisters are all here (Nuo Zhao is good) watching this, isn’t it good for you!

Xi Yao said to Nuwa. When Nuwa heard Xi Yao’s words, she felt as if she was on fire, and then angered Ling Bao very unreasonably:

“Blame you!”

Xi Yao teased:

“Nuwa Big sis, your skill at smashing pots is unmatched!”

When Nuwa heard Xi Yao’s joking, she started to fight against Xi Yao.Ling Bao looked at Nuwa happy, and said to Nuwa:

“Wawa, you and Xiyao fellow daoist have a chat here, I’m going to see Sanqing fellow daoist!”

Nuwa thought for a while, then said:

“Well, you go, I will contact you when I listen to the sermon!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:


After speaking, I stepped out to Kunlun Mountain, just about to take out the communication jade pendant, and then put it away, shouting very horribly funny

[PS: Recommend “I Become a National Teacher in Daqin”].

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