Chapter 116 Preparing to make treasures [Five more automatic]

Ling Bao felt that his own movement was fixed, Ling Bao was about to break the restraints hard, he saw Hongjun appear in the air, and said to Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist, stop!”

Others saluted Hongjun one after another:

“I have seen the teacher!”

“I have seen Dao Ancestor!”

Hongjun said to Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist, it is not when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has fallen. How about letting fellow daoist look on the face of the old way?”

Ling Bao coldly said:

“No, this dead crow dared to attack my woman. If he doesn’t kill him today, this predecessor thinks that I’m too bullied?

Hongjun thought Ling Bao was good at talking, but he didn’t expect Ling Bao to be like this today. He looked at Nuwa, Hongjun said:

“As long as fellow daoist let go of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi now, what conditions are available, fellow daoist can say that the old ways can satisfy you!”

Ling Bao thought for a while. Anyway, this dead crow will die sooner or later. Helping the Witch tribe to kill these two three-legged Golden Crows is a revenge for Nuwa.

So Ling Bao said:

“Well, today’s matter is the Karma formed by this dead crow. After these two crows fall, the property of both of them will belong to me. Otherwise, it is the Dao Ancestor’s block, and I will do my best to kill these two crows! ”

Hongjun thought for a while, then nodded:


Seeing that Ling Bao didn’t do anything, Hong Jun faced Dong Huangtai together:

“Er and others are doing it for themselves!”

After speaking with a wave of hands, the two of them were sent to Sun Star. Ling Bao came to Nuwa and asked with concern:

“Wawa, are you okay?”

Nuwa threw herself into Ling Bao’s arms, then said:

“I’m fine, if it weren’t for a daddy fellow daoist, I wouldn’t see Ling Bao today!”

Ling Bao let go of Nuwa, came to daddy, and saluted daddy:

“Daddy fellow daoist, thank you very much today. Ling Bao took this favor. If there is anything in the future, as long as Ling Bao can do it, I will definitely not refuse!”

Daddy also feels that it is worth it today.Isn’t it just for this moment to do it myself?

So daddy said to Ling Bao:

“Brother Ling Bao is polite, I want to go back to heal my wounds!”

Ling Bao said:

“Daddy fellow daoist wait!”

Then Ling Bao took out a low-grade Innate Ling Bao jade jade bottle, and filled it with a lot of Sanguang Divine Water, handed it to daddy, and said to daddy:

“Daddy fellow daoist, this is a little three-light divine water, daddy fellow daoist’s subordinate, this is the healing medicine, it is my little heart!”

The eyeballs of those watching the battle around were staring. Everyone in the Three Lights of Divine Water knew that one drop could heal Daddy’s injury, but Ling Bao gave him at least a few tons.

It is enough to take a bath. Ling Bao is simply too rich. If it weren’t for Ling Bao’s hard work just now, it is estimated that someone would come out to rob Ling Bao.

At this time, the Twelve Ancestral Witch also rushed over. Seeing that Nuwa was okay, Hou Tu ran over immediately and asked Nuwa:

“Nuwa Big sis, are you okay, that dead crow did your hand at you, why don’t you call me!

Nuwa said embarrassedly:

“I forgot, even Ling Bao I forgot to tell!”

Di Jiang said:

“Brother Ling Bao, do we need twelve of our brothers to hit the sun star and tear up those two crows!”

Ling Bao said:

“No, yes, you are just right, follow me back to Sanxian Island!”

Dijiang asked:

“Brother, what happened!”

Ling Bao said:

“I can’t be by your side forever, come back with me, and refine some treasures of body protection for you!”

This time Ling Bao was talking about Zhibao, not Ling Bao. It can be seen how scared Ling Bao was this time. Then Ling Bao said:

“Don’t refuse, I have other things to tell you!!

Nuwa, Fuyi, and the Twelve Ancestor Witches all nodded, and at this moment, Zhunti ran out and said:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, you really know how to refine Innate Ling Bao, can you refine a few pieces for me, don’t worry, I can give you what you want!”

Ling Bao heard Zhun’s words, coldly said:

“If you just came out to help Wa Wa, now I will refine what you want, not to mention Innate Ling Bao, I will refine Innate Ling Bao. Just now Wa Wa was almost killed by that dead bird. where?

Now I want something from Ling Bao, who do you think you are?

Zhunti felt very embarrassed when he heard Ling Bao’s words, Ling Bao coldly snorted:


Thinking of Ling Bao confronting Hongjun just now, Zhunti walked away in embarrassment.

Ling Bao asked daddy:

-0 Seeking flowers…

“Daddy fellow daoist come here?”

Daddy shook his head:

“Thank you fellow daoist, I won’t go there, I will go back to heal, and I will go again when I have a chance!”

Ling Bao nodded and didn’t force it. What Daddy didn’t know was that because he didn’t go this time, he just cut the three corpses, but couldn’t combine the three.

Ling Bao took Nuwa, Fuxi and the 12th Ancestor Witch back to Sanxian Island, and Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have left it for you, I didn’t expect this Donghuang Taiyi to be so bold!”

Nuwa smiled and said:

“do not blame you!

Houtu Road:

“No matter what happens in the future, you must contact us if something happens. Our communication jade symbol is not a display!”

Nuwa nodded, Ling Bao said:


“Okay, things have happened, Brother Dijiang, give me all the Ling Bao I gave you, and I will upgrade you, Nuwa, Fuyi, I will refine Magic Treasures for you at that time!

Azure Dragon, you told me that the four of your Ling Baos will also be brought to me. I will refine them for you again, and give me a copy of your spiritual imprints!

Hearing what Ling Bao said, everyone didn’t know what Ling Bao was going to do, but they all knew that Ling Bao was for their good. Bao.

Ling Bao said to everyone:

“Next, I will refine Ling Bao for everyone, and everyone will see what I have gained, but this is my talent and supernatural powers. It depends on your good fortune as much as I can learn, because I can’t teach you!”

Everyone knows that in this predicament, Innate Ling Bao is simply a treasure that can not be found, but in Ling Bao, it is just like an ordinary stone.

Ling Bao began to refine the most precious treasures, first of all Dijiang’s Dijiang Staff, which was originally the best Innate Ling Bao, Ling Bao put the Dijiang’s spiritual imprint into the staff and began to refining.

When Ling Bao’s refining was completed, everyone did not understand what was going on. Ling Bao handed the Dijiang Staff to Dijiang and said:

“Look at it, how is it?”

Dijiang took the Dijiang Staff and shouted in shock:

“How is this possible!”

Hou Tu asked curiously:

“What’s wrong?”

[PS: Recommend “Great Qin God-level Choice”] Corpse,

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