Chapter 115 Donghuang Taiyi! You are looking for death [Four more automatic]

At this time, Honghuang, Nuwa stood in front of Fu Yi, facing Donghuang Tai:

“Emperor Taiyi, our brothers and sisters will not participate in the monster clan!”

Originally, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi knew that Fuxi and Nuwa did not participate in the demon clan, but Emperor Jun found out that his demon clan had insufficient luck through his own companion Ling Bao and Hetu Luoshu.

Moreover, Fuyi and Nuwa are the emperor of Heaven and Juan. Only when they two join, this demon clan can last for a long time. Otherwise, lack of luck will easily make the demon clan fall apart.

This emperor is also very powerful. The Eastern Emperor Tai sent Fuxi and Nuwa. After Fuxi and Nuwa refined their Ling Bao, they felt that they would behead the corpse immediately, but thought of Ling Bao’s words.

The two forcibly suppressed the desire to slay the corpse, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had already slayed the corpse at this time, becoming the power of the quasi-sage Realm.

That’s why Donghuang Taiyi dared to come out. It happened that Ling Bao was not there. He wanted to force the two to join the demon clan. When Ling Bao came, if the two of them repented, Heavenly Dao’s oath would not be so easy to violate.

Dong Huang Taiyi made a good calculation, Dong Huang Taiyi coldly faced Nuwa and Fu Yi and said:

“I’ll say it again, if you two join the monster clan, it will be the emperor Xi and the emperor Wa of our 960 monster clan, otherwise, you will be ashamed!”

After talking about the Eastern Emperor Taiyi took out the Eastern Emperor Bell, daddy looked at him and thought of what Hongjun said to his three brothers. Small stove.

Daddy also asked about Ling Bao’s strength, but Hong Lingjun said:

“If Ling Bao’s chassis is exhausted, it will not be weaker than the veteran!”

Sanqing naturally knows the meaning of Hongjun’s words, and daddy also knows the movements of Donghuang Taiyi, and daddy also knows that Ling Bao is making treasures in the chaos.

So this time Daddy intends to save Nuwa and let Ling Bao owe him a favor.

Nuwa coldly said:

“Hmph, don’t think you killed the corpse, I’m afraid of you, I said I won’t participate if I don’t participate!”

Donghuang Taiyi saw Nuwa, a female classmate, and actually looked down on herself so much, Donghuang Taiyi said coldly:

“you wanna die!”

After speaking, she took out the Innate Ling Bao Sky Demon Sword she had obtained, and attacked Nuwa. The woman was just about to release Magic Treasures to resist.

Seeing that there was an extra Taiji figure (bafj) on his head, blocking the attack of the Sky Demon Sword, daddy stood up and said:

“My fellow daoist, since Nuwa fellow daoist doesn’t like to join the demon clan, why do you have to make it difficult for you!

Donghuang Taiyi saw that Daddy blocked the own attack, and said angrily:

“Daddy, you are looking for death!”

After talking about the Donghuang Taiyi urging the Donghuang Bell, you must know that the Donghuang Bell is Ling Bao, the companion of Donghuang Taiyi, and he started practicing consciously, while Daddy’s Tai Chi diagram was just acquired, and he hasn’t practiced much.

Although Tai Chi Tu was also one of the Three Treasures of Kaitian, it could not exert too much power, and the Eastern Emperor Bell made a sound of ding, ding, dong, dong.

The Eastern Emperor Bell could even hold the chaos, let alone these people and Ling Bao, and then the Eastern Emperor Taiyi manipulated the Eastern Emperor Bell and attacked Daddy away.

Daddy called the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to put it on top of his head, and the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda sent out the aura of Xuan Huang Linglong to protect Daddy.

Donghuang Bell didn’t break the defense of Linglong Pagoda. Donghuang Taiyi now wants to take advantage of Ling Bao’s return to destroy Nuwa and Fuyi first, and then absorb the luck of the two.

Therefore, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi controlled the Eastern Emperor Bell and attacked Nuwa. At this time, Nuwa was held by the Eastern Bell and could not move at all.

Nuwa thought he was dead. Daddy saw this situation and used magical powers to stand in front of Nuwa against the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, blocking the Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s attack.

Dong Huang Taiyi exclaimed angrily:

“Daddy, you are looking for death!”

After that, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi urged the Heavenly Demon Sword to slash towards Daddy, and then manipulated the Eastern Emperor Bell to slam into Daddy.

Daddy’s Tai Chi diagram is on Nuwa’s head. The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda resists this Heavenly Demon Sword. It is too late to use other Magic Treasures, because Daddy is only practicing Tai Chi diagrams for a while, and other Magic Treasures have not had time to practice.



There was a clear voice and a huge scream. It turned out that Daddy’s leg was directly broken by the Eastern Bell.

You must know that although daddy does not specialize in body training, the strength of the body is not bad. This is a pain for daddy.

After Donghuang Taiyi interrupted Daddy’s leg, Daddy called back the Tai Chi picture, shrouded himself, and placed the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda on top of his head, and then cried out:

“It hurts me too!”

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi injured Daddy only in the light of the calcium carbide fire, and the attack speed was very fast, and it was very fierce.The Eastern Emperor Taiyi held the Eastern Emperor Bell and shouted at Nuwa:

“Nuwa, Fuyi, I will ask you again, do you join our monster clan?

Nuwa resolutely said:

“Just give up, I won’t join your monster race!”

Donghuang Taiyi grew out of his guts and shouted:

“In that case, let me fall!”

As soon as Eastern Emperor Tai was about to attack, he heard a voice from the entire Honghuang:

“Emperor Taiyi! You are looking for death!”

There was a wave of fluctuations in the space, and it was indeed Ling Bao rushing over from the chaos. After Ling Bao appeared, without saying a word, he turned into a stream of light towards the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and rushed over.

Everyone hadn’t reacted yet, but the Eastern Emperor Taiyi reacted, enlarged the Eastern Emperor Bell, and hit Ling Bao.

Ling Bao saw the East Emperor Bell that was facing him, and didn’t dodge or avoid it. He just punched the East Emperor Bell.


A huge voice resounded through the clouds, and at this moment, Emperor Jun shouted in the Sun Palace of Sun Star:

“not good!

Then use own natal supernatural power Golden House to transform the rainbow technique to quickly rush towards the battlefield.

Dong Huang Tai spit out a mouthful of pale golden blood. Dong Huang Tai was shocked, knowing that he had defended with all his strength just now, and he was promoted to Quasi-Saint Realm.

This Ling Bao is only Realm, but he can’t stop Ling Bao’s punch.

Ling Bao said:

“Hmph, I didn’t expect the defense of this Innate Supreme Treasure to be quite high. It didn’t kill you with a single punch, but today will be your anniversary of death next year, let me die!”

After speaking, Ling Bao rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi, preparing to kill Donghuang Taiyi. At this time, Emperor Jun also rushed over and shouted:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, don’t!”

Ling Bao ignored Di Jun’s words, Ling Bao thought:

“What are you! Donghuang Taiyi must die today!”

After speaking, he continued to rush towards Donghuang Taiyi, and at this time a voice said:

“Fellow daoist, stop!”.

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