Chapter 113 Hongjun points treasure [Second more automatic]

Everyone heard that this is a good thing, it just happens that there is no Innate Ling Bao for corpse cutting!

Ling Bao looked at the excited expressions of everyone, and thought very disdainfully:

“Wake up, most of the Ling Bao here are not yours, but someone got it, it’s almost rubbish Magic Treasures!”

However, Ling Bao didn’t say anything about it. You must know that Ling Bao is the one who lacks Ling Bao the most.

Hongjun Road:

“Daddy, you are the head of the Three Qings, transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, there is a treasure!”

After speaking, he took out the Tai Chi picture and said to daddy:

“This is one of the Three Treasures of Kaitian Taiji. It is the treasure of Innate. It has the power of calming the earth, water, fire and wind, the power of transforming Yin & Yang Five Elements, the power of dividing the Heavenly Dao mystery, and the ability to encompass thousands of elephants.

It can also suppress Qi Luck, and it will be given to you for the purpose of protecting the Tao!

Daddy was very excited to take the Tai Chi picture, thank you:

“Thank you teacher!”

Hongjun Road:

“Original! You are one of the Sanqing, transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen, you should have a treasure!

After speaking, take out the Pangu flag and face the original 10:

“This Pangu flag is one of the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven, and it is also the treasure of Innate. It has the power to tear the primordial chaos, the power to smash the time and space of the heavens, the power to dominate the Wanfa upright, and the power to open up the world. And it can control the world. Wei, attack and good fortune are ranked first in Heavenly Dao.

It can also suppress Qi Luck, I hope you use it with caution and protect the way with you!”

When I heard the original, this Magic Treasures is no less than the Tai Chi picture, and I am very happy. I took the Pangu flag, thank you:

“Thank you teacher!

Hongjun arrives:

“Tongtian, you are one of the Sanqing, Pangu primordial gods, but if you are strong and combative, you will give you a sword formation!”

After finishing speaking, Hongjun waved his hand, a chaotic color punishable immortal formation, and four murderous swords, Hongjun said:

“This is the Four Swords of Zhuxian, divided into Zhuxian Array, Zhuxian Sword, Absolute Sword, Slaying Sword, and Sinking Sword, each of which is the highest quality Innate Ling Bao, which is the treasure of Luohou.

After Luohou’s re-refining, the power has greatly increased. Sage holds the Zhuxian Array, not the Zhuxian Sword Array, but the Four Sages cannot be broken, and I hope you use it carefully!”

Hongjun did not say that this treasure has the effect of suppressing Qi Luck. Tongtian was very happy to get the Zhuxian Sword Formation. This Magic Treasures fits his mouth best.

Facing Hongjun:

“Thank you Daozu!”

Hongjun saw Tongtian’s appearance and turned to Heavenly Dao:

“I hope you live up to the reputation of Tongtian!

Tongtian didn’t understand what Hongjun meant, but he still said:

“Yes! Tongtian would like to follow the teacher’s teaching!”

Seeing Tongtian not opening his body, Hongjun sighed and said:

“Nuwa, if you don’t like to fight, I will give you the best Innate Ling Bao mountain and river map, the best Innate Ling Bao red hydrangea.

This mountain and river shrine is the best Innate Ling Bao of 48 Restrictions. Even Sage can be sleepy. I hope you can make good use of it!”

After speaking, he handed the picture of the mountain and river and the red hydrangea to Nuwa, and Nuwa lightly took over Hongjun’s Ling Bao:

“Thank you teacher!


“Houtu, you didn’t have Ling Bao originally, but you closed the door for my disciple, so you should have Ling Bao to protect you!”

After speaking, Hongjun took out three Magic Treasures and said to Hou Tu:

“This is the best Innate Ling Bao, the color flag of Qinglian Bao. If you have the supreme defense ability, you can protect your body only. The whole is the best Innate Ling Bao. To protect the road.

Then he pointed to a Ghost Qi’s Magic Treasures and said:

“This treasure is called Edu Yinshan Mountain. It is the best Innate Ling Bao. It is predestined with you and is given to you!”

Houtu took three Magic Treasures and thanked Hongdiao:

“Thank you teacher!

After Hongjun finished speaking, he closed his eyes and said nothing!

I must mention it, damn it, it’s okay, I want the f*ck for my own, and it seems that Magic Treasures are not bad.

Quasi crying said:

“Teacher, please have mercy on me and brother, brother and I are really too barren in the West. Up to now, there is no decent Magic Treasures. I was bullied by others when I went out, and my teacher’s face was dull!”

Hongjun opened his eyes even more, looking at Zhunti, and said:

“Originally, you two missed the Eastern Great Treasure, but I am waiting for Dao Heart, I will give you blessings, pick up the gold tower, vain Sea of ​​Bitterness and merit floating dust to protect you two!”

Looking at myself and introducing these few Magic Treasures, I have the heart to cry, ah, the disciples who passed on, the disciples who entered the house, and the disciples who closed the door are all good things, and they are all these things here.

Others saw Zhun Ti cry again, and Magic Treasures are also available. Although it is not a good Magic Treasures, it is also Innate Ling Bao, isn’t it?

Others shouted:

“Pray for Taoist ancestors to protect the Movement Technique treasure!”

Hongjun Road:

“Finally, some of the Magic Treasures I got in the past are on the treasure cliff outside. You can go to find some treasures for protection, remember not to fight, and what Magic Treasures you can get depends on chance!

Hearing Hongjun’s words, Ling Bao took Nuwa and Houtu and went out in an instant, and after a clear look, it was pretty good, and he followed out.

Seeing a few people move, these people are dumbfounded, what is going on?

Zhun said:

“Oops, Ling Bao!

After talking about pulling the lead, they flew towards Fenbaoya. Only then did the others react and all flew towards Fenbaoya.

Soon everyone arrived at Fenbao Cliff. Ling Bao found twenty-four Dinghai God Orbs at once, and Ling Bao put away the Dinghai God Orbs.

At this time, 960 can be assembled into a set, 36 Dinghai God Orbs are all obtained, and Ling Bao began to look for other Magic Treasures.

For some reason, Ling Bao didn’t find too many good Magic Treasures this time, but the Innate Ling Bao discovered by Ling Bao has been put away.

Daddy came to Fenbaoya and shrouded the Taiji pictures he had obtained in front of Fenbaoya. Dozens of Magic Treasures flew into Daddy’s hands. Yuanyiqi Taiqing Runes, Eight Trigrams Furnace, Six Ding Sacred Fire, Sheep Fat Jade Purifying Bottle, Porque Golden Rope, Seven Star Sword, Eight View Palace Lantern, Wordless Heavenly Book, Xuandu Tianli, Five Light Box, Fei

Magic Treasures such as Yuntong, Sumeru Kettle, Dragon and Phoenix Qin, Jiulong Golden Rod, and Dousui Ziyan.

The original Tianzun saw Daddy’s actions, and the scholar Daddy unfolded the Pangu flags and began to collect Magic Treasures. The original also received dozens of Magic Treasures.

Tongtian also unfolded Zhuxian’s Four Swords and obtained hundreds of various Magic Treasures.

Nuwa launched his own mountain and river shrine map, and under his hands dozens of Magic Treasures.

Houtu just talked about more than a dozen Magic Treasures, and Ling Bao received not many goods.

However, the later Zhunti, Jiuyin and others only got Ling Bao for more than ten years, and it was acquired.

Everyone has been searching for a long time, and there are no Magic Treasures.When everyone is about to leave, Zhunti shouted:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist! Please stay!”.

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