Chapter 112 Hongjun accepts apprentices [a more automatic request]

“This second method is to slay the three corpses to prove the Dao. I used this method to prove the Dao, but I once gave this kind of cultivation technique to the Ling Bao fellow daoist, but the Ling Bao fellow daoist told me the method of proofing the Dao. There is a flaw, do you want to listen to my Cultivation Technique or Ling Bao fellow daoist’s Cultivation Technique?”

Hong Yun himself was jealous of Ling Bao, saying:

“Tao Ancestor, Ling Bao doesn’t know that Dao Ancestor needs to go forward bravely. We haven’t cut a corpse for so many years in advance, and Dao Ancestor has passed this method to prove Dao, so you must listen to Dao Ancestor!”

At first everyone was still thinking, but when Hong Yun said this, everyone shouted in unison:

“We are willing to obey the Taoist ancestor’s law, please Taoist ancestor to teach!”

Hongjun sighed when he heard Hongjun’s words, and said in his heart:

“This red cloud is really dead. No one can cultivate my three-corpse secret method except me, and the Ling Bao fellow daoist “Nine-Six-zero” three-corpse secret method has a great chance of enlightenment!”

However, Hongjun did not say that he did his best anyway, and as for these people seeking death, it has nothing to do with him.

Hongjun Road:

“Slicing the three corpses is to cut good thoughts, evil thoughts, obsessions, and cultivation to perfection, and then cut them out through Innate Ling Bao. Then use the big Magic power to unify the three corpses.

The unification of the three corpses will prove to be holy!”

Tongtian asked:

“Dare to ask the teacher, except Innate Ling Bao, can’t we cut the corpse?”

Hongjun answered:

“In addition to Innate Ling Bao, Innate objects are also possible, but they do not have the high strength of Innate Ling Bao Magic power and lack many ways to protect the road. It is the combination of three corpses. Innate objects are not as good as Innate Ling Bao! ”

Upon hearing Hongjun’s words, Ling Bao secretly said:

“Now, Innate Ling Bao is pretty much in demand!”

Hou Tu asked:

“Dare to ask Dao Ancestor, besides cutting the three corpses, is there any other way?”

Dao Ancestor nodded:

“Yes, there are indeed other methods of proving the Dao, that is, proving the Dao by virtue, proving the Dao through great merit, and becoming sacred. This is the Sage of Merit, the lowest strength!”

Everyone thought:

“These three corpses to prove the Dao and the merits to prove the Dao can also be regarded as a method of proof of the Dao!”

Nuwa asked curiously:

“Taozu, I don’t know how many Sages are in this world!””

Hongjun explained:

“The way of heaven begins with one and ends at nine. Nine is the number of extremes. Under my door, there are seven in the holy place. Today I will pass down my tradition.

Give the grand purple qi, this grand purple qi is the foundation of the avenue, and it can be holy!

Today I will accept disciples, Sanqing, Er and other three are willing to become my personal disciples?”

Before the Sanqing, the three of them worshiped Hongjun, and the three of them thanked him and said:

“We are willing to meet the teacher!”

Hongjun continued to ask:

“Nuwa, would you like to be my disciple?”

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao. Ling Bao knew that this was for the evolution of the prehistoric, so he nodded. Anyway, this Hongjun is Ling Bao’s senior. If he and Nuwa are too senior, how can he bully people in the future?

Nuwa nodded when seeing Ling Bao, and said to Hongjun:

“The disciples are willing!”

Hongjun continued to ask:

“Houtu, you have a chance, it is not easy, you are willing to become my closed disciple!”

When Hou Tu saw Nuwa, they agreed, and nodded:

“Hou Tu is willing!”

After that, Hongjun closed his eyes and didn’t talk about it, so he must have a look. Of the six futons, five have been accepted as apprentices. What does the remaining one mean, he knelt down on the futon and cried out:

“Pray for Daozu’s mercy and accept me and my eldest brother as disciples!”

Hongjun thought for a while, then said:

“Finally, God’s will is like this, and the old ways can’t help it, you two are willing to be my named disciples!”

This named disciple occupies the least of air luck, but it also occupies air luck. Jiuyin and Zhunti are very happy to see that he has also become Hongjun’s disciple.

They all bowed and thanked them. When everyone saw it, they would be under Hong Diao’s hands by crying and crying. One by one, they bowed down in front of Hongjun and shouted:

“Taozu is merciful, please accept us!”

Hongjun Road:

“That’s it, you have a shallow fate with me, don’t mention this matter again!”

These people are very regretful, if they are one step faster than Zhunzi, it would be great!

Hongjun Road:

“Since I am a disciple, I should also pass down our holy throne. Sanqing, Er, etc. are incarnations of the Pangu primordial spirit combined with the clear energy of the sky. The body has the merits of opening the sky and can be sanctified!”

After speaking, the three primordial purple qi was injected into Sanqing’s body, and Sanqing replied in unison:

“Thank you teacher!”

Hongjun nodded, and then said to Nuwa:

“Nuwa, but with great perseverance, great wisdom, great opportunity, and great merits to do in the future, with great merits, you can also become holy!”

After speaking, I will infuse a great purple energy into the body of Dao female snail. 0 Nuwa is grateful and thank you:

“Nuwa, thank you teacher!”

Hongjun nodded, and said to Houtu:

“Houtu, you are transformed by Pangu Blood Essence, and you will have the virtue of pouring heaven in the future. Even so, you cannot be sanctified, but you can be sanctified by the help of the nobles!

Houtu worshipped and said:

“Thank you Daozu!”

Hongjun continued:

“For the West, you will have to set up a side door in the future, and you will have great merits, but if you are not lucky enough, you still need some planning. You can also be sanctified if you have great merits, but there is only one holy place. Who will become holy? up to you!’

After speaking, the Hongmeng Purple Qi was injected into Dao Ji Yin’s body.

Everyone knows that Hongjun has seven great purple airs in total. Nuwa has Big Brother and Ling Bao. It’s not good to ask anyone. Nuwa didn’t say anything, and the same is true for Hou Tu. There is only one Hongjun who has purple air, so Hou Tu also There was no sound.

Zhun said:

“Teacher, although I don’t have a futon, I am also a teacher’s disciple, and I also beg the teacher to give me this last breath of purple air!”

East Emperor Tai:

“Tao Ancestor, I am the lord of the sun star, and I was born with the treasure of Innate in my arms. I have great luck. Can the teacher give me this last cosmic purple qi!”

5.9 Hongdiao Road:

“Okay, don’t behave like a child, just let this grand and purple spirit choose the master by yourself!”

After talking about Hongjun let go of the grand purple qi, the grand purple qi constantly shuttles between everyone, everyone wants to intercept the grand purple qi, but because this is the purple palace, no one dared to make a move. Hongmeng Ziqi finally chose Hongyun, and disappeared after submerging into Hongyun.

Hong Yun was very excited and showed off to everyone:

“I got it, I got it, I got it!”

Even the thanks are forgotten.

Hongjun ignored Hongyun’s excitement, but said to everyone:

“Okay, now that the foundation of the great avenue has been allocated, I also collected a lot of Ling Bao when I was in the wilderness, and I will give you bodyguards today for the use of corpses!”.

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