Chapter 102 Yin & Yang Heavenly Punishment [Nine more seeking automatic]

After shouting individually, the colorful Heaven’s Punishment turned into a very powerful Jieyun. One side of Jieyun glowed white and the other side glowed black.

Daddy solemnly said:

“This is Yin & Yang’s punishment!”

Tongtian asked curiously:

“Brother, what is this kind of punishment?”

Daddy explained to Tongtian:

“This Yin & Yang natural penalty is similar to the Five Elements natural penalty just now, but it was Five Elements just now, this time it was Yin & Yang. You must know that the Yin & Yang unity is a better grade than the Five Elements unity. I don’t know. Can Ling Bao fellow daoist make it through!”

Tongtian confidently said:

“There is definitely no problem. You know that in the chaos, there are countless Ling Bao fellow daoists, let alone Ling Bao now, the Five Elements fellow daoist are all carried by the body!”

When I heard Tongtian’s “Nine Six Zero” words, I subconsciously wanted to refute Tongtian and educate Tongtian, but when thinking of Tongtian’s words, I was thinking of Ling Bao in the chaos.

Originally agreed with Tongtian’s words, Nuwa and Houtu, who were still more anxious, were relieved when they heard Sanqing’s dialogue.

Tongtian continued:

“Moreover, the Ling Bao fellow daoist also has the golden wheel of merit. At that time, the Taoist seal was established on Kunlun Mountain. You have also seen how great his merit is.

If the golden wheel of merit is released, then the punishment of the day will surely dissipate immediately, and Ling Bao fellow daoist is now trying to hide his own aura, afraid that Heavenly Dao knows it is him, and removes the punishment, so energy is not needed!,

Hearing Tongtian’s words, everyone knew why Ling Bao used the physical body. It turned out that he really wanted to use the heavens to punish his body.

People around Sanqing felt that Ling Bao could easily get through the punishment, because what Tongtian said, let everyone know that Ling Bao didn’t use any strength at all.

After the death of Sanqing Dialogue, Yuan Yuan finally seized the opportunity to teach Tongtian. In Sanqing, Daddy was the boss. There was no way to say that Tongtian was Little Brother. Yuan’s favorite thing to do was to teach Tongtian.

So the original facing Heavenly Dao:

“Okay, don’t talk, look, the punishment has begun!”

Everyone followed the original voice, and a black and white light flashed in the sky between Ling Bao.

This Yin & Yang world is much more powerful than the Five Elements world, countless Yin & Yang Qi keeps rotating, Yin & Yang rotates good fortune out, this good fortune Qi is not just good fortune Qi.

This is the Qi of Yin & Yang good fortune, and the Qi of Yin & Yang good fortune has the same effect as Sanguang Shenshui.

Sanguang Shenshui is golden sunlight Shenshui, silver moonlight Shenshui, purple starlight Shenshui.

Sunlight divine water can consume blood, essence and flesh, moonlight divine water can corrode the soul Hun and Po, and starlight divine water can swallow the true Spiritual Sense.

Once the Three Lights Divine Water becomes one and becomes the Three Lights Divine Water, then it is the first healing medicine! It can eliminate all poisons and overcome all the so-called “incurable” poisons. It can also treat all wounds and diseases. It can even be flesh and bones, alive and dead, which is very wonderful.

The Yin & Yang good fortune qi has the same function, but it is not separate, but the Yin & Yang good fortune qi can purify the soul of the soul, but during the purification process, if it cannot be supported, the soul will be completely transformed into Part of Yin & Yang good fortune.

That is to say, if it can survive, then it will climb to the sky in one step, and it will not be able to support it.

But in the predicament, no one touched it at all, because no one knows whether own can persist.

And more importantly, in the prehistoric times, there are many gentle, even treasures without side effects that can Ascension the purity of the soul.

Even with Realm’s Ascension, Heavenly Dao will help everyone. Ascension purity of the soul, so the cultivator in the predicament can’t fight for the purity of a soul.

Of course, the previous Ling Bao thought so too, and Ling Bao also has the best Innate Ling Bao water purification Calabash, the best Innate Spiritual Roots holy soul fruit tree, and the purple golden bee queen, and the purple golden bee honey will also Ascension the soul.

So Ling Bao knew that Yin & Yang’s good fortune could also Ascension Soul, but he didn’t use it either. Since I encountered it this time, Ling Bao would not give up either.

Ling Bao absorbed the Qi of Yin & Yang good fortune and incorporated it into the Own Yuanshen, running the “Chaotic Good Fortune Treasure Scripture” and “Soul Gold Medal”, countless Yin & Yang good fortune Qi was absorbed into the Yuanshen and In the soul, Ling Bao’s soul and soul continue to grow. 0

With the refining of more and more Yin & Yang good fortune, Ling Bao’s soul becomes more and more crystal clear, and the color of the soul becomes more and more behind.

You must know that Ling Bao, the Realm, the soul and soul have already turned into entities, but after the addition of Yin & Yang good fortune, bits and pieces of soul and impurity impurity are discharged, although these things are in the soul and soul. Among them are Impurities, but on the outside, they are top refiners.

Ling Bao’s heart is divided into three uses, while running two Cultivation Techniques, while refining the soul and primordial spirit’s magazine with the primordial fire by divine thoughts.

As Impurities secreted less and less, Ling Bao trained all the magazines to produce three thousand little stars. After the refining, Ling Bao divided the idea of ​​own into these three thousand stars. The position of Xuan Ao shrouded Ling Bao’s soul.

As the thoughts merged into the impurities of the soul and soul, these Impurities have undergone a very mysterious change, plus Yin & Yang good fortune.

Ling Bao feels the ascension of the word tens of thousands of times. You must know that Ling Bao’s savvy is on par with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian because of the “Soul Golden Seal”.

Now the Ascension has increased ten thousand times, and it is estimated to be on par with Hongjun, but what Ling Bao doesn’t know is that because Hongjun has fragments of good fortune jade discs, this perception is much stronger than Ling Bao now.

Unless Ling Bao’s “Ling 5.9 Soul Gold Medal” improves again, of course these Ling Bao are not clear at all, Ling Bao has absorbed the Yin & Yang good fortune, after the Yin & Yang world is broken.

The second Yin & Yang Heavenly Punishment also came down, Yin & Yang Shenhuo, Yin & Yang Divine Power, Yin & Yang Essence, Yin & Yang Rotation, Yin & Yang Destroying Soul, Yin & Yang Shenshui, Yin & Yang Kamikaze, Yin & Yang Shen Lei.

After the nine Yin & Yang days have passed, Ling Bao finally cultivated the “Soul Golden Chapter” to the peak of the Soul Gold Core Realm.

And the biggest receipt is that the Yuanshen absorbed countless Yin & Yang Qi, plus Yin & Yang good fortune Qi, forming a Tai Chi Yin & Yang map, although it is not Innate Ling Bao, it is better than Innate Ling Ling Bao.

And the soul and soul have become

[PS: Recommend the new book “Naruto: Touch to become stronger”].

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