Chapter 101 Five Elements Melting Five Elements Bead [Eight More Seeking Automatic]

Because Ling Bao’s natal true fire, chaotic true fire, finally became a chaotic divine fire, now I can finally absorb the good fortune tripod and the Qiankun tripod into her body.

You must know that your current potential can be up to fifty Restrictions Chaos Ling Bao.

If you want to become the chaos treasure of the fifty-five Restrictions, you must refine the good fortune tripod and the Qiankun tripod, and absorb the origin into your own body.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for own body to evolve to fifty-five Restrictions, but now that there is Chaos Divine Fire, Ling Bao knew that he had calculated it through great deduction ~ the chance was originally this.

Ling Bao was not happy yet, and the sixth Heaven Punishment was conceived quickly, just to give Ling Bao time, the sixth Heaven Punishment was not a single-attribute.

With the movement of the Heaven Punishment Tribulation Cloud, the Five Elements law in the sixth Heaven Punishment quickly condensed, and this sixth Heaven Punishment turned out to be Five Elements Heaven Punishment.

It turns out that the first five are attacks on natural punishments, and from the sixth onwards, they have changed from attacking natural punishments to good fortune-type natural punishments.

As the Five Elements law quickly condensed, everyone around didn’t understand what was going on with this punishment, because it was the first time everyone saw it.

Ling Bao originally wanted to show his own merit golden wheel when he owns the 49th Restrictions, and let the punishment go away, but he didn’t expect that the fire system attack later gave him a great benefit.

It is too difficult for this wild world to get the fire of chaos, not to mention the real fire of chaos. Ling Bao wants to see what the Five Elements punishment is.

If you can’t do it, show the golden wheel of merit.

Hou Tu came to Nuwa and asked Nuwa:

“Nuwa Big sis, Ling Bao Dage will be fine, right?”

Nuwa shook his head:

“No, how could something happen? Didn’t you see that he was so relaxed just now?”

Hearing what Nuwa said, Houtu felt relieved.

Immediately after a five-color light flashed, the sixth Heavenly Punishment began.

The five-color light is the light of the golden god, the light of the wood god, the light of the water god, the light of the fire god, the light of the earth god, and the combination of the five kinds of light is the Heavenly Dao magical power.

Kong Xuan below saw the five-color divine light and immediately fell into an epiphany, owning five tail feathers constantly swinging, following Kong Xuan’s epiphany.

It turned out that Kong Xuan integrated the Five Elements essence into his five tail feathers. Just when he saw the five-color light of punishment, Kong Xuan realized the five-color light by coincidence.

To say that this five-color divine light can be described as everything, the five-color divine light forms a space by itself, and the creatures enter the five-color divine light. Elements essence, the power of Ascension’s five-color light.

After the five-color light flashed, Ling Bao disappeared around Ling Bao. It turned out that Ling Bao was drawn into the space of the five-color light.

When Ling Bao was about to break through the space, countless five-color divine lights merged into his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, the light of the golden god merged into the lungs, the light of the wood god merged into the liver, and the light of the water god merged into the kidneys. The light of the fire god melted into the heart, and the light of the earth god melted into the spleen.

The five-color divine light continuously strengthened Ling Bao’s five internal organs. Ling Bao originally wanted to go out, and then rang out and took out the Five Elements Spirit Orb.

Five Elements Five Elements Spirit Orbs, Gold Spirit Orb, Wood Spirit Orb, Water Spirit Orb, Fire Spirit Orb, Earth Spirit Orb, because they are only the top grade Innate Ling Bao, Ling Bao will refining all the Five Elements Spirit Orbs after a while.

Then put the Five Elements Spirit Orb into the body, fuse the Golden Spirit Orb with the own lung, and the Water Spirit Orb with the own kidney. Fusion wood spirit orb and own liver, fire spirit orb and own heart, and earth spirit orb and own spleen.

After the fusion, countless five-color lights rushed into the own five internal organs, the top grade Innate Ling Bao, the top grade Innate Ling Bao.

Although the five-color aura world is endless, it is for others that the five-color aura world can differentiate the spirits of other objects, and the Five Elements aura supplements the five-color aura world.

But who can absorb a lot of the five-color light like Ling Bao? With the continuous absorption of Ling Bao, the five-color orbs in Ling Bao’s five internal organs continue to evolve.

Thirty-five Restrictions!

Thirty-six Restrictions!

Thirty-seven Restrictions!

When I was promoted to the best Innate Ling Bao, the absorption of the five-color light was even faster.

Thirty-eight Restrictions!

Thirty-nine Restrictions!

-0 Seeking flowers

Forty-four Restrictions!

When it came to the forty-fourth Restrictions, the five-color divine light in the five-color divine light space was exhausted, and the five-color divine light space disappeared.

Ling Bao appeared in the sky, and at this time the second Five Elements Heaven Punishment appeared.

This time the wheel of Five Elements, the wheel of Five Elements came to Ling Bao’s side, and suddenly reversed.

Five Elements defeated each other and exploded. None of the explosion’s power surpassed Da Luo Jinxian. After the explosion, the rich Five Elements Spiritual Qi made Ling Bao too excited.

If it wasn’t for the lack of five-color light, I would definitely put Five Elements internal organs Ascension to the Innate stage.

Although Ling Bao’s body is the treasure of Innate, the five internal organs are not. Ling Bao quickly absorbs the essence of the surrounding Five Elements and then refines it into the five internal organs.


The faster the Wheel of Five Elements exploded outside, the faster Ling Bao’s five internal organs were absorbed.

The 45th Restrictions, the 46th Restrictions!

After the 46th Restrictions, the Wheel of Five Elements disappeared.

Then, the fire of Five Elements. The essence of Five Elements, the god of Five Elements, the tool of Five Elements, the power of Five Elements, the thunder of Five Elements.

Ling Bao’s five internal organs only reached the peak of the 48 Restrictions, and did not evolve into the Innate treasure.

And Ling Bao’s five internal organs connotation Five Elements world, Five Elements essence is coexisted through Five Elements, constantly evolving every moment, see Ling Bao here, don’t worry, just give yourself time.

You can make your own five internal organs become the treasure of Innate.

Immediately after the seventh heavenly punishment began to condense, Ling Bao knew what the heavenly punishment was below, because Ling Bao felt the law on the robbery cloud.

But everyone didn’t know that the people who watched Ling Bao’s punishment are very shocked by Ling Bao’s ease of passing the punishment.

If these people know that Ling Bao has not only passed the punishment so easily, but also has made great progress in strength, it will not be simply shocking.

Just after Ling Bao got acquainted with his own body.

One person shouted:

“Look, the seventh heavenly punishment will begin soon!”

[PS: Recommend the new book “Fairy Tail: God-level Choice”] Corpse,

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