Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 730 Getting involved in business for the first time

On this day, it was Sunday. Early in the morning, Bian Mu called Assistant Zhang and briefly mentioned the idea of ​​"spinal plaster".

"That's a good thing! I'm busy right now. How about... you can take a taxi here! As the spokesperson for the largest shareholder of Dalson Company, you almost never get involved in our business. Is that strictly speaking appropriate?" Here, Assistant Zhang invited Bian Mu to visit her office.

"That's right. Have you had breakfast?"

"It's just a few biscuits, what? Are you going to prepare them and bring them over?"

"No problem! See you later!"

"So good?! Hahaha...I was instantly moved by you..."

"Hahaha...just kidding." After saying that, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

East section of Huaien Road, No. 317 Wuling Hutong, "Dalson" company headquarters.

When Bian Mu got out of the car, he found a young man standing at the entrance of the company, looking around, as if he was waiting for someone.

"Hello! Doctor Bian, right? Mr. Zhang was worried that you were going in the wrong direction, so he asked me to come over and guide you." The man walked straight to Bian Mu and explained a few words in a kind manner.

"Ouch! Good work, good work! Please!"


It was strange that the two of them did not walk directly towards the main office building, but walked west around the green and cute path for a long flower path. The two of them came to a small second floor, and then the man stopped.

"Second floor, the third office on the east side. I work elsewhere, please!" Seeing Bian Mu walking up the stairs, the young man turned around and went about his business.

After finding the right house number, Bian Mu reached out and knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in!" Assistant Zhang's voice could be heard.

Bian Mu pushed the door open and asked casually: "Do you usually work here?"

"Hi! In order to save money, Mr. Luo rented out the main office building. A branch of the Lu family is engaged in freight transportation. It can be regarded as the logistics industry. The price is 70 million per year. The package price is quite cost-effective. This is also the Luo family. The total face value, strictly according to the market price, is at most 55 million a year."

"Yeah! The two-story building still has central air conditioning. Your company was really luxurious before!" As he spoke, Bian Mu took the food bag in his hand to his desk and placed it in the corner.

Assistant Zhang quickly tidied up the large desk and cleared a space to have breakfast.

Pan-fried buns, both meat and vegetable fillings, boiled eggs, sliced ​​ham, stone cakes, pickles. There was a thermos in another food bag. When I opened it, I saw there was red dates, millet and yam porridge in it, packed in fresh-keeping bags. I got a pair of dishes and chopsticks, and a stainless steel spoon next to them.

"Wow! This is the most luxurious nutrition package I have eaten in the past year. From now on, you have to give me this every day. I can't live on 120! Hahaha..." As he spoke, Assistant Zhang I grabbed a white water egg and took a big bite.

"Haha... As long as time permits, I will do my best for you at any time!" Bian Mu replied with a joke.

"Seriously?! Hahaha..."

"Eat slowly! Be careful of choking! You won't say anything when you eat! I don't know!" As he spoke, Bian Mu walked to the window and looked out for a while.

Turning around, Bian Mu arranged the bowls and chopsticks, and poured more than half of the millet health porridge in the thermos into a small fine porcelain bowl.

"Don't be too nice to me! Be careful if I get excited and marry you again! Hahaha..." Assistant Zhang joked with a smile.

"Haha... What an expensive dowry that is! Seriously, what do you think about the 'spinal plaster' thing?"

Giving Bian Mu a meaningful look, Assistant Zhang responded with a smile: "Absolutely! Maybe you didn't expect that your proposal might actually be our life-saving straw! How big a radius do you plan to market to? "

"Radius? What do you mean?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"You're the one! If you don't make a move, it's fine. Once you make a move, even if it's not a big deal, it's still a big deal. If the market response is okay, I will definitely expand the sales radius! The entire Lijin is for sale, Jiangbei is also for sale, half of the river and mountains It’s also about selling. It’s better if it’s marketed nationwide. If you’re lucky, it’s naturally better if it’s sold overseas.”

"Let's try the waters around Lijin first! If we invest too much, I'm afraid it will hurt you. Your company's main office building has been rented out, so the benefits must have been unsatisfactory. Even if I can't help you, I can't cause you any trouble, right? ." Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"That's not the case. You have never been on the front lines of the business world. You may not know much about some things. There will definitely be no big problems with the prescription you prepare. will be marketed nationwide. The broad spectrum of your prescription Is there no problem? For example, you must have taken care of problems such as the humidity in the south and the dryness in the north, and the different indications."

"That's no problem! People from the north may have heavy moisture; people from the south may also have hot weather. They cannot be distinguished by region, but only by their condition. I weighed them all when formulating the prescriptions. Now I have a question. Medicines like plasters, if they are overly effective, can easily cause skin ulcers, so... the after-sales service may cause you some trouble. If someone files a claim... we have to discuss it in advance."

"Oh! This is a do you plan to deal with it?"

"I have prepared a duplicate prescription and delivered it together with the original product. However... this kind of liniment cannot be charged separately and can only be calculated into the cost. A considerable number of people have used our plaster, and nothing has happened. The liniment delivered is also Don’t waste it, it also has the effect of treating burns, itching, and stopping bleeding. When I was still in my hometown, I tested it many times and found that similar products on the market can’t compare to ours.”

Upon hearing this, Assistant Zhang immediately put down the chopsticks in his hand, his eyes gleaming with surprise.

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's start work immediately! No, will take some time to get this done!" At this point, Assistant Zhang lowered her head and took the time to eat breakfast like a wolf. She was really hungry. Yes, the food delivered by Bian Mu was so delicious. Without paying attention, Assistant Zhang had already eaten twice as much as usual.

Bian Mu no longer disturbed her. He chose the latest version of the pharmacopoeia catalog from the bookshelf and read the catalog very carefully. Bian Mu was always good at studying catalogs when reading books. In his opinion, as long as he understood the catalog clearly, The outline of the main framework of a book will be clear at a glance.

"Eat! Don't do anything! I'll take care of it later! We have to draft a project report now and sign it with your name. I'll report it to Mr. Luo right away. Where is Mr. Luo! He will contact you with this registration Several board directors, and then General Manager Luo proposed and presided over the opening of a temporary board of directors. You must be present, and then everyone will discuss how to carry out this project. Don’t worry, except for a few crazy people, no one will raise objections. You don’t You know, their eyes are green with anticipation for the company's performance to pick up, what's the matter with you, they are even more humble than me!"

"So confident?" Bian Mu asked in surprise.

"Of course! Why do you think I'm busy outside every day?! Just eating for nothing! Hahaha..." After that, without thinking about anything else, Assistant Zhang was already drafting a project application report...

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