Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 729 Prepare to break through

In terms of interest relationship, Bian Mu is obviously close to Qi Yuewei. He is not short of money, has complex social relationships, can handle things, and has a very developed business acumen. He is a very good consultant for doing business and making a fortune...Qi Yuewei has so many advantages that she can't count. Everything is perfect, almost perfect!

In terms of personal relationships, Bian Mu and Su Linwen are closer. They have no stakes, they can talk to each other, their personalities are very close, and they don't have much of a fuss. They get along more naturally... Su Linwen seems to have known each other many years ago. Like an old friend, Bian Mu felt particularly relaxed and comfortable with her.

Between the two, Bian Mu and Assistant Zhang were very close and talked about almost everything. If it weren't for the fact that Assistant Zhang was a few years older than him, they might have gotten closer.

In Bian Mu's eyes, Su Linwen was carefree, living a carefree life, and seemed to be less familiar with the world than he was.

We chatted for a while today about the price increase, and Bian Mu realized that he was wrong.

Su Linwen obviously sees some things more profoundly than herself.

Seeing Bian Mu silently rolling out dumpling wrappers without saying anything, Su Linwen seemed to have guessed something.

"My colleagues and I usually take private jobs in private, and we pay a lot of money! Strictly speaking, we are considered special. There are only a few dozen people in the city who can reach a certain level of translation, and I am at least half of them. Get to know me! Download the personal tax software and file your taxes honestly. The most is not letting our company know about those things. It can be regarded as walking in a gray area with half a foot. Some colleagues are bold and quietly pocket all the money. , Even so, as to how much money should be charged for each piece of private work, generally no one will raise the price significantly, and of course, they will not significantly lower the price. There are potential rules here!" Su Linwen started to make an analogy.

"Oh! Do you have an industry organization like a group?"

"That's not true. It is a binding force established by convention. In any case, those who work in our industry have high academic qualifications and their IQs should be online, right? I guess! There will definitely be a few 'black sheep' before and in the future. , most of them are asking for sky-high translation fees, and there are also those who bargain maliciously. I believe that within a short time of working, no one will ask him to compile materials, and he will be automatically eliminated!"

After hearing this, he thought for a moment and then said with a smile: "The number of people in your industry is small and the threshold is high. We are different. There are clinics everywhere in the streets and alleys. I dare not say there are too many clinics. They are also blooming everywhere. Well! As long as it doesn’t violate the pricing regulations of the relevant departments, my colleagues can’t be so lenient, right?”

With a sweet smile, Su Linwen responded with a smile: "I'm afraid that's not the case. Lijin City is not big or small, but it has more than 20 million people! You walk from the east to the west of the city, and then go to the north and south. After running a few times in that direction, I found that the unit prices listed by all the vegetable and fruit vendors were almost exactly the same. Even if the fruits and vegetables were in particularly good quality, even if they were sold a little more expensive, their colleagues would not accept it. If the prices went up any higher, someone would immediately come to them and tell them. It’s happened, understand..."

"Invisible hand?"

"You can say that! But... this statement is a bit abstract. To be more specific, I think... you should openly seek the approval of seniors such as industry guilds, right! Forgot to remind you Because it is directly related to the physical and mental health of the market, the relevant departments have much stricter management of your industry than ours. Normally, if you have to set the same price as everyone else, then it doesn’t matter. If you really plan to significantly increase the related fees now , you have to go to the relevant departments to register! You go! It’s far better than those seniors in the industry to do it for you, and you will gradually realize the difference between the two." Su Linwen explained meaningfully for a long time.

Looking up at Su Linwen, Bian Mu was surprised to find that once a beautiful woman becomes more serious, her graceful and graceful temperament is really heart-warming...

"I don't have much contact with those seniors at all!" Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"Xiao Bailou! You are really a fan of the authorities!"

"There... that's just an academic institution... not even a Chinese medicine industry association or anything like that!" Bian Mu said with a smile.

"Think about it...except for a special young upstart like you, who are the main members of Xiaobailou?" Su Linwen reminded with a smile.

"Oh... I understand, the core members of all important associations have intersections there... I understand! You are so awesome! I woke up the dreamer with just one word. As long as they agree to my price increase within a certain range, I will go to the relevant departments. If you report it, it will be done. In this way, all the hidden dangers and loopholes will be plugged. No matter who comes to our clinic to find trouble in the future, I will have nothing to worry about, is that what you mean?"

"That's right!"

"But... I have never met those big guys, so why should they help me?"

"Look for the secretary-general! That Professor Mi you mentioned to me is from a noble family and her influence is quite impressive."

"With such a high status, can he care about my trivial matters?"

"That's not necessarily the case. I have heard a little bit about the old lady. When faced with an all-rounder like you, I believe the old lady will be lenient. Smart people all understand the truth: giving others a way out and a way to survive will leave a strong legacy for themselves in the future. Way! Take the time to go visit her some other time, I believe she will make arrangements."

"That's great! I'm glad I talked to you today, otherwise it would have been a big joke."

"How could it be! At most, people come to find trouble from time to time. It's nothing more than a waste of manpower and time. It's nothing."

"It's not as easy as you said, haha...yo! That's enough! We can't eat so much."

"Okay! Let's start cooking! My mother has prepared some cold dishes. I'll put them together while you cook the dumplings!"

"Okay!" He happily agreed, and Bian Mu happily went upstairs to cook dumplings.

Professor Mi has always hoped that Bian Mu would give another special business experience report, but Bian Mu's outpatient volume was gradually increasing. After all, his energy was limited, and he really couldn't take care of it for a while.

At 19:12 that afternoon, I received a call for help from Bian Mu, and Professor Mi agreed to help.

"According to the unit price you just mentioned, it is indeed a bit low based on your existing technology. I can accept the prices you just quoted, but... our industry has rules. You can eat, but you can't influence it. If you take someone else's job, you can't knock it to the ground and crush it to pieces! That is absolutely not allowed, then... you first draft a price adjustment report, and I will show it to the authoritative experts. If there are no surprises, They have to meet you, how should I put it... They may make things difficult for you, but I believe in your strength and wish you a smooth passage!" On the phone, Professor Mi readily agreed to this difficult matter. down.

Professor Mi cherishes talents!

"That's too much trouble for you! Thank you, thank you!"

"Tch! Why are you trying to be polite to me? Get ready to go quickly. Each of those authoritative people has been working hard for decades. You can't be careless!"

"I understand, I understand! Get ready now! Then I won't disturb you anymore. I'll visit you another day!"

"You're welcome! See you later!" After saying that, Professor Mi hung up the phone.

Putting his phone away, Bian Mu realized that he might have to go through a rigorous review process at Zhaoguan!

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