Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 711 Domestic Violence Man

Seeing that the eldest grandson of the Qian family didn't understand what he meant, Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"What major did you study originally?"

"It's a digital modeling project!" the eldest grandson of the Qian family responded casually.

"Really? So professional! Then... have you heard of the 'Ren Geng' company?"

"I know! My classmate applied for a job there some time ago, but failed the interview. I heard that they screen people very well, and the salary level is actually average."

"Have you ever considered working there for a while?"

"What? Do you know someone there?" The eldest grandson of the Qian family responded quite quickly.

"That's right! Do you want to go over and give it a try?"

"This...that place, the work pace is a bit fast, I may not be able to adapt to it. Besides, my grandfather will definitely not agree."

"Maybe, when you go back today, you and the old man can discuss it carefully. You can go through the pros and cons in your mind first, and then try to convince your grandpa to change his life! You are too young, too It’s not good to be rigid! The person just now was a pharmacist. Logically speaking, the salary, medical insurance, and pension insurance of the 7th hospital... seven, seven, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, and one yuan plus one yuan are not enough for all ages! But... I can’t stand being unhappy at work every day! In the past two years , psychological construction is also very important. Everyone has to learn to manage their own emotions. She has already confided in me, I guess... As long as the monthly salary is not much different from her original hospital, she will probably You resigned and came to work for me, do you believe it?"

"Trust! grandfather has always hoped that I would seek better development within the system. Right now, the unit where I work is just a business editor. In the past three or four years, whenever I have a chance, he also hopes that I will take the exam. Father! My grandfather and I are two generations apart! Many ideas are deeply rooted and entrenched, and I'm afraid they can't be changed for a while! We have been working here for a long time, but in the end nothing was accomplished, but we kept our jobs despite droughts and floods. If I lose it, my grandfather will blame me." The eldest grandson of the Qian family still hesitated.

"I don't think so. Let's do this. After you go back, you can convey my thoughts to your grandfather exactly and let's see what he decides!"

"That's fine! Thank you, Doctor Bian, for your concern!"

"You're welcome! It's getting late. I have to go back to the clinic. You don't have to send me off. We can hail a taxi at the door and we'll be there in minutes."

"As a result, you didn't even have a decent meal to eat. Next time, make an appointment and I'll give you a formal banquet!" the eldest grandson of the Qian family said with a smile.

"Okay! Then I won't be polite to you!" Bian Mu said with a smile.

At 19:48 in the evening, the husband of the infertile female patient opened the door and walked in. His wife did not come with him.

Bian Mu still had a follow-up patient on his hands. The needle had been inserted. He was worried that the man would catch cold or wind again. Bian Mu did not let him go home in a hurry. He chatted with the man for a while. He understands the Book of Changes and has a lively chat with Bian Mu.

"A patient is here. You've almost rested. Now you can go home. Remember! Every night at 22 o'clock, be sure to soak your feet with potion." After a few words of advice, Bian Mu said politely. The male patient was sent out as a gift.

"You are Mr. Xuan! Please come this way!" Bian Mu politely asked the man named Xuan to take a seat at the medical stool.

Mr. Xuan is a tall man, about 1.88 to 1.89 meters tall. In the winter, he only wore a thin short down jacket on his upper body and a thickened one on his legs. The jeans looked empty, and the woolen pants and thermal pants must not be very thick.

At first glance, the Mr. Xuan in front of me seems to be very energetic.

With drooped eyebrows and a sullen face, Mr. Xuan looked at Bian Mu with a cold expression.

"It's been a hard day, would you like a cup of hot water?" Bian Mu said casually.

At this time, Bian Mu was the only one left in the clinic, and Fan Sanqiao and Li Yunhu hadn't gotten off work yet.

"Stop blabbering! What's going on? Listen to what my wife said, the problem is with me?! Today you're going to say you're not ugly, but I want you to be good-looking!" Mr. There was deep hostility.

"Haha... don't worry first! I didn't say that the problem must be with you, why don't I invite you over to meet me! You have been tired for the whole day, so let's keep the story short! I'm taking the liberty to ask. "Are you prone to domestic violence at home?" Bian Mu asked bluntly.

"Fucking NM! You are the one doing domestic violence! I told you that you are a charlatan, but she still didn't believe it, so she came all the way to bring me over, NND! I think you don't want to do it anymore!" As he spoke, The man named Xuan stood up and reached out to grab Bian Mu's neck collar.

Bian Mu had taken precautions in advance, and after just a few steps of avoidance, Xuan was defeated.

"Don't be impatient! If you have anything to say, talk it over! This is a clinic, not your home. Your wife is weak and others won't do this to you. If you do this again, I will fight back!" Bian Mu said this not to calm people down. The style, invisibly, is more or less akin to Gonghuo.

When the man surnamed Xuan heard this, he immediately flew into a rage. His left hand made a false stop, and his right hand suddenly turned into a claw and grabbed Bian Mu on the back of his neck. Wow! His approach was completely designed to deal with pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, and chickens.

Perhaps the person named Xuan was not just a butcher, but maybe he also worked in a meat factory.

As soon as he shrunk his neck, Bian Mu slithered behind Xuan Xuan from the opposite direction like a loach. When he was done, he didn't forget to slap Xuan Xuan with his backhand. However, Bian Mu didn't use any secret force. That ordinary slap.

At this time, the man named Xuan became even more angry. He picked up a wooden chair, turned around, and threw it at Bian Mu.

At this time, Li Yunhu came back from get off work. He watched Bian Mu being chased and beaten by a big man through the glass from a distance. In surprise, Li Yunhu rushed to the door in a few steps and was about to kick the door open and go in to help. Bian Mu quickly waved his hand at him, telling him not to come in.

Surprised, Li Yunhu forcibly closed his right leg and stood stupidly outside the door to see what Doctor Bian was up to!

Bian Mu was very agile. He easily caught the chair that he had hit and threw it outside. No matter how he played, the guy in the room couldn't let Xuan break it.

In this way, Xuan chased him all the way, while Bian Mu dodged and parried from time to time. Anyway, he couldn't let Xuan mess up the clinic.

After going back and forth, the person named Xuan was already out of breath from exhaustion. At this moment, he also saw that the person named Bian was teasing him. Moreover, the person named Bian had kung fu in his hands, and the kung fu was not simple.

"What?! Isn't this boring? Come again! Look at your bearish behavior!" Bian Mu said provocatively with a smile on his face.

The man surnamed Xuan was naturally very angry, and his calm mood was suddenly stirred up by Bian Mu. He was so angry that he yelled, ran a few steps, took a good look at Bian Mu's chest and struck him viciously. "Sky Cannon".

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Bian Mu did not dodge or dodge. He actually imitated Xuan and counterattacked with the "Sky Cannon" move.

There was a sound of "Bang...", and the person surnamed Xuan fell straight to the ground. Bian Mu actually stood firmly in place with a bow and did not move much distance.

After all, Li Yunhu was a little worried. He pushed open the door and rushed in. He quickly ran to Xuan to check his injuries...

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