Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 710 The pharmacist has some clues

With more than 6,000 words, "The Art of War" actually makes it clear: at a specific time and in a specific space, all the conditions, manpower, and material resources that can be gathered... use more to control the few, use force to control the weak, use large to control the small... …

Even though the street gangsters have little education or knowledge, each of them has learned the gist of "The Art of War": bullying the weak, using more to bully the smaller, using power to bully others... and each one is more skillful, better and more playful than the other. Be ruthless.

Streets, stations, small restaurants, subways... I have seen too many news about fights and troubles in these places. It is not difficult to find that gangsters rarely choose to fight one-on-one. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it is many-on-small or many-on-one. , sometimes, if they are singled out, street gangsters will never choose to fight empty-handed. They will definitely have something in their hands. Even if they pick up a brick on the ground temporarily, they will strike first. If the "battle situation" is unfavorable, then they will He absolutely slipped away.

There is a popular saying about this kind of thing: Have something to rely on!

Ordinary people are naturally kind-hearted. When encountering a problem, their first reaction is often to be very panicked and confused. Some of them are quick-thinking and know how to make a phone call and call for help. Most of them are slow to respond, often have no ideas, and even let the other party control them.

Yan Yunxiu is just an ordinary person. Compared with the ordinary people on the street, she only has a pretty good job at most. Her husband is a junior high school physics teacher. He is so cowardly that he doesn't even dare to take personal leave in order to get a professional title. , if you encounter any trouble, you can hardly be of any help.

If she hadn't been naturally calm, she might have suffered a big loss today.

The three gangsters who were responsible for the damage had already checked out Yan Yunxiu's details. Three against one, they had the upper hand and could either extort money or force Yan Yunxiu into submission.

Who would have thought that Bian Mu suddenly appeared on the way, and the three guys had suffered a serious loss. After hesitation, three helpers suddenly came over from Bian Mu. Each of them was dressed like an ordinary citizen. , the advantage they had before was long gone, and for a moment, the three guys felt in a dilemma.

"I have the live surveillance video in my hand now. Do you want to take a look?" Bian Mu tilted his head slightly, held the USB flash drive high in the air with his left hand, and asked with a half-smile.

The three guys looked at each other for a few seconds, and they couldn't figure out whether Bian Mu was cheating at the moment.

"What?! Don't believe it? Then... call 110? Could you please help the police comrades to identify the authenticity? Do you call me or should I?" Before he finished speaking, his left hand shook slightly, and no one could see clearly the USB flash drive. It had fallen into Bian Mu's pocket.

Bian Mu is young after all, and he still acts cool from time to time, haha!

"It's such a cold day, why are we arguing here! Right! A misunderstanding is just a misunderstanding! Let's drink first. The road is facing the sky, and everyone should go to one side!" After that, the big man greeted The other two accomplices just walked away.

After a battle of wits and courage among friends, a dispute finally came to an end.

"Let me introduce you. These two are friends I met at the gym. Brother Jin copied the surveillance video for me. This is Manager Ma, a colleague of Brother Jin's company. This is Dr. Bian!" As he spoke, Qian The eldest grandson introduced the two men to Bian Mu.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, nice to meet you! If you two hadn't been sitting behind us just now, something might have happened in the future! Thank you, thank you so much!" As he spoke, Bian Mu clasped his fists to be polite to the two men. For a moment.

"Doctor Bian, you're welcome! They're all friends, so that's nothing." Mr. Jin smiled and waved to Bian Mu.

"You are Dr. Bian! I have heard of you. You open a clinic in the Four Seasons Cloud Bay community, right? You are a miraculous doctor with great medical skills. I have admired you for a long time!" Manager Ma said politely. Ichiban.

"I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it! It's a small clinic, barely making a living, why don't you two go in and sit for a while? Have a cup of coffee and warm yourself up." Bian Mu smiled and gave in.

"That's fine! Don't miss out on meeting an expert. Doctor Bian, please!" Mr. Jin responded generously.

"Mr. Ma please!" Bian Mu said politely.

"You're welcome, Doctor Bian!"

Talking and laughing, the four of them entered the cafe and sat down at their original seats.

Yan Yunxiu saw that the bad thing was over, and suddenly there were two more people sitting together. There were more men than women. She was a serious person, so she felt a little awkward. With a few polite words, this was it. He stood up and said goodbye.

"Doctor Yan! I'll give it to you!" After saying that, Bian Mu stood up and gave it a gift.

The eldest grandson of the Qian family quickly took out the electric car key from his body and told the two of them that he had asked him to store the electric car in front of a fast food restaurant at 1:00 to the west. There was a free parking area. However, there was an old male security guard next to him. Being on duty is safer.

After leaving the store, the two walked and chatted.

"Doctor Yan! Those three guys may be secretly observing you right now. Don't rush home yet. Walk slower! I'll chat with you for a while longer. This way, they will think that we didn't meet by chance or that we had something to do beforehand. I noticed it and waited for them here specially. Even if the probability of this is not high, we still have to let them see that our relationship is quite close. Anyway, it is not the relationship between strangers. Next time, what will they do? You also need to weigh your brains." As he walked forward, Bian Mu gave a few kind reminders.

After giving Bian Mu a few grateful glances, Yan Yunxiu silently put on a new mask, which was still a medical one.

"Thank you so much! It's so thoughtful... It's okay. They just want to force me to submit and sign and store it in accordance with the wishes of the people behind them. Go ahead and dream! If you piss me off one day, I'll call the police! What you said makes sense, so please help me walk more often!"

"You're welcome! You should be more careful when traveling in the future."

"Hey! By the way! Let's add each other's contact information! Do you mind if I visit your clinic another day?"

"How could it be! You are welcome to come and give us guidance at any time!"

"You're am I qualified to give you advice? From the second half of last year to this time, I have always wanted to change my working environment. Staying in the 7th Hospital is too uncomfortable. If things go on for a long time, I am worried that I will get depressed again. That would be troublesome."

"How is that possible! You don't have that kind of personality at all. It's okay! You have to come over to our place and sit down for a while. I have to ask you for advice on some things!"

"You're welcome! Then I won't be polite to you anymore! Yo! We're here! Please come back! I'll be careful."

"Let me know if you have anything to do! Bye!" After saying that, Bian Mu watched Yan Yunxiu disappear at the end of the intersection, and then turned back to the cafe.

Along the way, based on intuition, Bian Mu felt that the pharmacist his clinic needed might soon have an idea.

Mr. Jin and Manager Ma were both well-versed in pros and cons. The three of them knew what was going on with Bian Mu after they got together and chatted for a while. When Bian Mu came back, the two of them hurriedly talked to him politely. They added each other's contact information, claiming that there would be no trouble in the future and Bian Mu would give them advice on seeking medical advice.

The four of them sat together and chatted quite happily. After a full cup of coffee, everyone was in the middle of the conversation. Mr. Jin’s cell phone rang. After they connected, they didn’t chat for a few words. Mr. Jin claimed that there was something going on in the company and just greeted Manager Ma. Farewell.

"Let's continue talking about your grandfather's condition." Bian Mu said with a smile.

"I'd like to hear the details! Whatever you need me to do, just make arrangements!"

"You have to change your job." Bian Mu replied with a smile.

Upon hearing this, the eldest grandson of the Qian family did not react for a moment, with a slightly puzzling look on his face.

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