At this point, the dissection chamber.

When Ling Fei and the others saw that the lights were on, they knew that Zhou Xun and they were back.

Hurriedly moved the tables, chairs and benches behind the door, and Gao Yanan stayed, responsible for taking care of Guan Hongfeng.

Ling Fei and his party walked out of the dissection room.

Zhou Shutong looked at Wang Zhige who was lying in a pool of blood, turned his head not to look, and followed closely behind Ling Fei.

When they walked around the corner, the group ran into Officer Choi, who was in a hurry and ran towards the office.

Seeing Ling Fei and his party, Officer Cui suddenly stopped.

But thinking of Liu Changyong's current condition, his face was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay for you guys to be fine, what about Team Guan and Director Gao?"

"They're still in the forensic department!" "

By the way, Deputy Captain Liu was kidnapped, and Team Zhou told us to hurry over."

As soon as Officer Cui's words fell, Zhou Shutong ran directly to the office.

Leave behind the crowd looking at each other.

Immediately, Ling Fei and the others also reacted and followed behind Zhou Shutong.

After everyone arrived, Zhou Xun and others were confronting this person.

The wet paper on the glass had fallen off, revealing Liu Changyong's big head.

"If you try to rush in, or power off this room, I'll kill him!" Anten's

voice was full of madness, so that the people outside did not dare to act rashly.

Zhou Xun's expression was tense, but he deliberately said in a casual tone:

"Listen, the people inside, don't think that you have taken hostages and will do whatever you want."

"If you dare to shoot, we'll beat you into a sieve.

An Teng sneered, completely unconcerned about Zhou Xun's threat.

A "bang" gunshot, Liu Changyong's thigh was beaten into a bloody hole.

The bright red blood ran down the legs and feet.

"If you dare to threaten me, this is the price!" said

Anteng as he roared at the crowd.

Zhou Xun, Ling Fei and other police officers immediately took a look, and then reacted.

Continue to raise the pistol and point it at the antan in the room.

And Zhou Shutong's emotions couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and tears came out of his eyes.

Zhou Xun understood that he must not show weakness at this time, once the people inside felt that Liu Changyong's value was too high.

When the time comes, it will be very difficult to successfully rescue the other party.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xun said to Xiao Wang on the side:

"Take Zhou Shutong out."

Xiao Wang was covering Zhou Shutong's mouth at this time, preventing the other party from yelling.

Then Xiao Wang wanted to take Zhou Shutong away, but under the fierce struggle of the other party.

Xiao Wang can't help it.

"Team Zhou, let me be here..."Zhou Shutong begged bitterly, and once choked up and said that it was not good to speak.

"Xiao Zhou, I know you're worried about your father, and we're just like you.

"Do you think I don't want to let Lao Liu out?"

"If you want to stay here, you can stay calm!" Zhou

Xun spoke quickly, trying to keep his voice as low as possible.

Zhou Shutong nodded and stood behind Xiao Wang.

After a few minutes, there was a dead silence in the room.

Zhou Xun saw that Liu Changyong's face was getting paler and paler, and he understood that he would delay for a while.

Liu Changyong will suffer from hemorrhagic shock, and even if Liu Changyong is rescued at that time, it will lead to serious sequelae.

"This grandson is with Lao Liu Die, a real chicken thief!" Xiao

Wang complained secretly.

At this time, a special police officer came over and leaned into Zhou Xun's ear and said:

"Team Zhou, the surroundings have been arranged, and snipers have been arranged at the door of the detachment, you can rest assured, the other party will not be able to get out of the detachment."

"It's just that we found that the positions of the bandits and Deputy Captain Liu overlapped highly through thermal scanning, and they couldn't snipe at all.

Zhou Xun nodded, his brain was racing rapidly, thinking about what to do in order to provide sniping conditions for snipers.

Zhou Xun was thinking when he was interrupted by a voice in the room.

"Listen up, I'll give you five minutes.

"All of you leave this building and get me an SUV at the door, not a police car. "

Fill up the gas, start up, take off the license plate, and I'll leave with this guy."

"When I'm sure it's safe, I'll let him go." "

Okay, I'll send someone to prepare right away!" Zhou

Xun immediately agreed, and whispered to Xiao Wang:

"You go and tell the sniper, I will arrange for someone to go in and bandage Liu briefly."

"When the time comes, the person who goes in will overlap with Liu Changyong, and the bandit will stand alone.

"As long as there are conditions to shoot, shoot him immediately." "

Understood, Team Zhou!"

After speaking, Xiao Wang stepped aside and communicated into the headset.

After seeing Xiao Wang leave, Zhou Xun said to the people in the house:

"Look at his face, he is dying."

"In five minutes, you'll have to go down with a corpse. "

So, I'll send a doctor in and bandage the guy next to you to stop the bleeding." "


As soon as Zhou Xun's voice fell, An Teng refused directly without thinking about it.

At this time, Zhou Shutong took off the body armor on his body and walked slowly to the glass.

"You are holding our deputy detachment leader hostage, he is an old criminal policeman, and if you resist, he will pose a big threat to you.

"And I'm a girl, I've just joined the work, and using me as a hostage will make it more convenient for you."

Seeing Zhou Shutong's appearance of dying, Zhou Xun's pupils suddenly shrank.

If you want to dissuade it, it's too late.

"Don't wear down my patience, get out of this building. "

I'm an official in my hand, you're a little policeman, who cares about you?"

"At least the person in your hand cares, I said his daughter!"

Hearing Zhou Shutong's words, Ling Fei and the other police officers were very surprised.

They still knew that Zhou Shutong was Liu Changyong's daughter.

However, one surnamed Liu and the other surnamed Zhou, it should be that the two husbands and wives had a conflict or divorced, and the daughter followed her motherhood.

Zhou Xun was a little bitter, he shouldn't have been soft-hearted just now, and directly let Xiao Wang leave with the other party, and this kind of thing would not have happened.

If Zhou Shutong was killed by the other party, Liu Changyong would definitely fight with him.

Inside the house.

An Teng's eyes lit up, he didn't expect this little policeman to be the daughter of this person in his hand.

This is interesting!

Liu Changyong's face was like ashes, and he weakly defended:

"Don't listen to her nonsense, I have nothing to do with her!"

Liu Changyong's reaction after the money, An Teng could see it clearly.

So, An Teng whispered to Liu Changyong:

"After you go out in a while, tell those policemen not to act rashly."

"Whether your daughter can survive or not depends on your performance.

After speaking, An Teng dragged Liu Changyong forward and moved.

On the way to move, Liu Changyong's wound was pulled, and there was a sharp pain.


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