As soon as Ling Fei's words fell, Gao Yanan and Zhou Shutong immediately turned off the flashlight.

Wang Zhige walked along the corridor and walked forward, getting closer and closer to the dissection room where Ling Fei and Officer Ren were.

Ling Fei's muscles were tense all over his body, and his whole person was in a state of high tension.

He gestured to Officer Ren and motioned to the other party that as long as Wang Zhige was about 10 meters away from the autopsy room, he would shoot him!

Because the glass of the window of the autopsy room adopts a double-layer duplex structure.

When a pistol bullet penetrates the glass, it changes its trajectory.

Therefore, at a distance of ten meters, Ling Fei was sure to shoot him.

Wang Zhige approached step by step, not realizing the coming of death at all.

Ling Fei was like a hunter, waiting for his prey to fall into the net.

Fifteen meters....

Twelve meters....

Ten meters....

With a "bang", Ling Fei roughly estimated the distance of the other party, and fired without hesitation.

At the moment of the gunshot, blood splattered on Wang Zhige's left chest.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Zhige fell straight to the ground.

Blood poured out of his heart, soaking his clothes and seeping to the ground, staining the white tiles red.

Ling Fei's hand holding the gun trembled slightly, this was the first time he had shot and killed.

With such a close proximity, it brings a strong visual impact.

Officer Ren stood up and wanted to move the table, chair and bench away to see if Wang Zhige had lost his vital signs.

Ling Fei hurriedly stopped the other party.

"Brother Ling, what's wrong

?" "Hasn't Wang Zhige already been killed by you?" Officer

Ren was a little puzzled, completely unable to understand why Ling Fei stopped him.

Ling Fei explained

, "Don't go out yet, wait for the big army to come back and fix the circuit."

"I'm afraid that Wang Zhige has an accomplice.

Ling Fei thought that Wang Zige was on the way to be escorted and was rescued by the people in the two Land Rovers.

Although Ling Fei didn't know the purpose of Wang Zhige's infiltration into the detachment, he felt that Wang Zhige was very likely to have accomplices.


At this time, in the corridor outside the door of Liu Changyong's office.

With his back against the wall, Antan kept his footsteps to a minimum, approaching slowly.

After Wang Zhige infiltrated the detachment, he waited for more than half an hour before secretly climbing over the wall to enter.

Wang Zhige is just the bait he released, and his real purpose is Guan Hongyu's dossier.

At this time.

A gunshot rang out from afar, breaking the silence of the night.

Suddenly Antan heard a rustling sound in the office.

Hurriedly squatted down and hid behind a large potted plant.

The next moment, he saw a figure open the door and poke its head out.

This figure is Liu Changyong.

Ten minutes ago, Officer Zheng and his party found no one in Guan Hongfeng's office.

So I went to his office.

He felt that he was hiding in the office, not in danger.

After receiving the gun handed to him by Officer Zheng, he asked them to go to find Guan Hongfeng first.

After hearing the gunshot, Liu Changyong was a little uneasy and opened the pistol insurance.

He opened the door to see what was going on outside.

It was pitch black outside the door, and visibility was extremely low.

Liu Changyong's index finger was placed on the trigger, and he mainly saw suspicious people.

He was confident that he would subdue the other party.

Suddenly, there was a cold touch on his forehead.

Liu Changyong's heart suddenly "chuckled" and did not dare to move.

"Don't move, put the gun down, or I'll kill you!" a

deep male voice came directly above.

Liu Changyong understands that he is now like a fish on a board, and he can only be slaughtered by others.

In desperation, Liu Changyong could only obediently do so and slowly put the gun on the ground.

After An Teng saw Liu Changyong put down the gun, he kicked it away.

With a "bell", the pistol didn't know where it was kicked by the other party.

Liu Changyong's heart suddenly cooled in half, and his regretful intestines were almost green.

'I'm really an SB, just stay in the office. "

Come out and see, it's all right, it's in the hands of the outlaws." Thinking

of this, if it weren't for the other party's pistol, it would be on his head.

Liu Changyong couldn't wait to slap himself a few big mouths.

An Teng wrapped his arms around Liu Changyong's neck and walked towards the office.

After entering the office, Antan first locked the door of the office.

Liu Changyong held his head in his hands, squatted aside, and didn't dare to move.

In the office, there is also a small room, which Liu Changyong used to put books and files.

Guan Hongyu's file is inside.

Antan turned on the flashlight and shone on the inside of the house.

The files and books inside are piled up, and it is extremely difficult to find Guan Hongyu's files from them.

"Let me ask you, where is Guan Hongyu's file?"

Seeing the black muzzle of the gun facing him, the cold sweat on Liu Changyong's body had soaked through his clothes.

He tried to calm himself down and reassured

, "You put the gun down first, and I'll take you to find it, in case the gun goes off."

"When the time comes, who will take you to Guan Hongyu's file?"

An Teng was suddenly impatient, this guy actually dared to delay time, was he impatient?

In order to make Liu Changyong more honest, An Teng walked over quickly, kicked Liu Changyong on the shoulder, and kicked him to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, An Teng took out a dagger from his pocket, stabbed it on Liu Changyong's wrist, and then pulled it out.

Blood suddenly spilled out, dripping down the elbow.


After seeing the blood spilling out, he hurriedly covered his wrist and let out a terrible scream.

"What about sloppy with me

?" "Is Guan Hongyu's file here?"

"I'll give you one last chance!"

Liu Changyong understood that the other party's patience had reached its limit.

Procrastination is no longer a method.

As long as he doesn't tell where Guan Hongyu's file is

, the other party will feel that he is useless, and then shoot himself.

When Liu Changyong was about to tell Guan Hongyu's dossier to the other party, the lights in the room turned on instantly.

All of a sudden, the house was brightly lit.

Under the strong stimulation of the light, the two were a little uncomfortable, and hurriedly blocked them with their arms.

Immediately afterwards, An Teng reacted and understood that Zhou Xun and the others had returned, and repaired the backup power supply.

An Teng didn't care about Liu Changyong, so he casually found a book and scattered a piece of paper.

After wetting, attach it to the clear glass in the center of the door.

Then dragged Liu Changyong into the inner room and put the muzzle of a gun against Liu Changyong's temple.

"Honestly, don't move, I know they're coming over soon. "

But if you dare to move, I'll shoot you!"

said Antan viciously.

"I fully cooperate, don't be impulsive.

Liu Changyong couldn't care about the pain in his legs, and pleaded bitterly.

An Teng was a little apprehensive in his heart, and this time he sneaked in, not only did he find Guan Hongyu's file, but also took himself in.

It's a big loss!

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