At the scene, Zhou Xun and Guan Hongfeng were sitting in the car, and there was a sanitation worker next to them.

After the rain ended, the sanitation worker went out into the street to clean up the stagnant water.

Unexpectedly, at an abandoned construction site near the street, a red BMW was found.

The glass of the left rear window of the BMW shattered, and he looked into the car curiously, and immediately sat on the ground in fright.

He saw two corpses, a man and a woman, in a sitting posture in the back seat of the car, and they were dying miserably!

After making a note of the sanitation worker, Zhou Xun asked the other party to wait in the car for a while.

Wait for the police officers from the technical department to come and collect their fingerprints and DNA before leaving.

Ten minutes later, Ling Fei and his party arrived at the scene.

After Ling Fei took the lead in putting on his raincoat, he took a few sets of raincoats and walked towards their car.

"Xiao Ling, this is a transcript, I'll show you in a while. "

Okay, Team Zhou!"

After speaking, Zhou Xun took the raincoat handed by Ling Fei and distributed it to Guan Hongfeng and Officer Cui.

After the group put on raincoats, Xiao Wang led people to set up a cordon at the scene.

Ling Fei looked at the scene inside the car and found that the area around the back seat and the window glass were full of splattered blood.

[Ding, release task: Capture or kill the real murderer on a rainy night, reward justice value of 20,000 points]

Ling Fei was completely stunned by the system's reward, it was the first time he had encountered such a rich reward.

However, the reward for the mission is directly proportional to the difficulty.

This means that this case must be very tricky!

"Lao Guan, this scene has been ruined like this, you don't have a problem!" Zhou

Xun had a headache when he thought that he couldn't solve the case in time, and Director Gu would put pressure on him.

And this time the rain was so heavy that some of the evidence was washed away, and he could only pin his hopes on Guan Hongfeng.

Guan Hongfeng thought for a while, checked carefully, and replied

, "Not necessarily, although there are no clues found near the vehicle.

"But there will still be some traces left in the car.

Guan Hongfeng carefully checked the situation in the car and found that the jersey on the back seat was neatly folded.

There is a pair of leather shoes on the mat, which is also neatly placed there.

It is clear that the murderer processed the scene.

At this time, Gao Yanan rushed over with the assistant Xiao Wang and the police officers from the technical department.

Xiao Wang looked at the muddy road under his feet, he was a little worried, and shouted at

Gao Yanan: "Director Gao, the rain is so heavy, when the body is moved for a while, the rain will inevitably pour into the body bag!"

Gao Yanan walked in front and suddenly heard someone calling her behind her.

Hurriedly turned to look at Xiao Wang, and saw that the other party's lips were moving.

But because the rain was too loud, Gao Yanan didn't hear what the other party was saying.

In desperation, Gao Yanan could only walk over again and asked, "Xiao Wang, what did you just say?"

After Xiao Wang repeated, Gao Yanan said angrily: "Go to the preliminary autopsy first, and then move the body when the rain stops."

After speaking, Gao Yanan walked straight to the BMW, and Xiao Wang hurriedly followed.

Gao Yanan opened the car door, put on gloves, and looked at the preliminary situation of the two corpses.

The male corpse was naked on the upper half of the body and wore only a pair of shorts, while the female corpse was more neatly dressed and wore a sexy hip-wrapping skirt on the lower body.

Zhou Shutong stood behind Ling Fei and looked curiously into the car.

After Zhou Shutong saw the faces of the male and female corpses, he was a little shocked, pushed Ling Fei's arm, and said in a low voice: "Ling Fei

, that man is Li Dishen, and the woman is Chang Aiai!"


"The rain is too loud to hear."

Zhou Shutong raised his voice and repeated.

Ling Fei turned his head and stared at Zhou Shutong suspiciously, not understanding why the other party knew the two deceased.

Could it be that the deceased was her friend?

As if seeing Ling Fei's suspicions, Zhou Shutong said, "I'll talk about it when I go back to the team later."

Ling Fei nodded and continued to watch Gao Yanan perform the autopsy.

"Both were stabbed to death with the same sharp weapon.

"There was an obvious stab wound to the occipital bone on the left back of the man's head, and the shape of the murder weapon and the cause of death require further autopsy. "

The woman's corpse was punctured with a major artery in her neck, and blood was splattered everywhere.

Gao Yanan said to Guan Hongfeng as he touched the hidden part of the female corpse.

"There is a vacuum under the female corpse!" As

soon as Gao Yanan's words fell, a police officer from the technical department walked over, still holding two evidence bags in his hands.

Guan Hongfeng took one of the evidence bags and looked at it, and inside was an unopened TT.

In the other evidence bag in the hands of the technical officer was a small bottle, without a label, and there was some transparent liquid in it.

"Close, the liquid in it still needs to be tested to know what it is composed of.

Guan Hongfeng nodded and returned the evidence bag to the other party.

Judging from the situation at the scene, these two people came to this sparsely populated place on a rainy day to do this kind of thing. "

I didn't expect to meet the murderer and brutally kill the two.

"None of the money was taken, which means that the murderer most likely killed with passion.

Ling Fei muttered to himself, constantly thinking about the murderer's motive for killing.

Zhou Xun came to the other side of the car, where the windows were shattered.

A technical officer carefully collected shards of glass that had been spilled on the mat of the car.

Wang Yu and another police officer were using a shovel to collect the dirt mixed with glass shards under the car window.

"Can you collect all the broken glass?" Zhou Xun asked, crouching down.

"Team Zhou, the ground has become very soft after being washed away by a lot of rain.

"Some of the pieces will sink deeper, and some of the pieces may even be washed away.

Wang Yu wiped the rain from his face with his elbow.

Zhou Xun nodded, and cursed secretly: "This damn ghost weather!

Soon, Gao Yanan had already completed the preliminary autopsy.

At this time, Xiao Wang found a cart and built a simple canopy on it.

Gao Yanan looked at the simple canopy on the cart, and he didn't know whether it was reliable or not.

However, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and I don't know how long it will take.

And they need to remove the body first, and leave enough space for the officers of the technical department to collect the body.

"Xiao Wang, don't let the rain pour into the body bag!" Gao Yanan said with some unease.

"Director Gao, don't worry, just me and Xiao Li here. "

You go back to the car and rest first!"

Gao Yanan nodded and returned to the car.

Xiao Wang has been her assistant for almost half a year.

This child is down-to-earth and willing to endure hardships, so Gao Yanan also trusts each other more.

With Xiao Li's assistance, the two first put the male corpse into a body bag and moved it to the cart.

It went very smoothly, and in less than ten minutes, the two of them were busy.

Three members of the forensic department also returned to the detachment.

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